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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #281
    Benevolent Dictator
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    I predict that the Syler-slicing is what Hiro referred to as "the scar" back when they first met. And that he turns the powers around and neutralizes Syler's powers (or turns them around) before the old skullcap is removed.

    Either way ... dynamite.

  2. #282
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Great ep, and jessica was playin Heavenly Sword for ps3 lmao (it isn't even out yet).

  3. #283
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Yuki, don't be disappointed yet. The Sylar vs Peter battle hasn't even started. At the moment, I think Peter is just frozen in shock. I have high expectations for this battle.

    This was a great episode for building a lot more depth into characters. Mohinder engaged in some Jack Bauer-style torture and attempted to kill Sylar. Too bad he left him alive so long. He should have killed him the moment he was unconscious and then extracted the spinal fluid after.

    Ando came and rescued Hiro, which made me very happy. Those two work best as a team. They balance each others' extremes.

    Claire's mom showed a much less superficial side. I think she has a part to play still as this story unfolds. HRG is in trouble though. I think Claire may end up having to save him.

    I loved Mama Petrelli revealing herself as Claire's secret guardian, I loved Jessica playing ps3 (good call recognizing the game, DS!), Simone staying dead, Peter getting Hiro through Linderman's security. Shapeshifter girl is so evil. She does a better villain than Sylar.

    Lastly, we finally got to meet Linderman! gr3atfull, haven't you watched any Disney movies? The bad guys are always British I'm not sure what to think of him yet. He knows more than HRG's company. Curiouser and curiouser.

  4. #284
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Holy Mother of Cliffhangers, this episode was SO awesome, but all too short. Too short. Hiro looking at NewYork and knowing he failed? Isaac painting his own death? Nathan and Mr. Linderman? Peter vs. Sylar?!? A week wait??

    Wow, I have to say I liked Mr. Linderman. Given he was being talked of so much, I was hyped to finally meet him - and he lived up to my expectations, really. Calm and collected, with an artistic hobby... gotta love a gangater with a liking for veggetables. And he seems to want to build a new future with mutants/people with abilities in the positions of power... I like him.

    And Hiro is great as always. I hope we'll get more of him next week, anyone else notice that the "Previously on Heroes" turned out as "Zenkai made no arasuji"? I get the feeling that the show's producers are just as otaku as we are...

    But oh, Peter vs. Sylar. Mohinder, why didn't you kill him when you had the chance? Bleh. Still don't like Sylar, Mr. Linderman FTW. Now, if Peter is the bomb that destroys New York and if Isaac is to be killed by Sylar, we know that neither of them will die, but it's still going to be one hell of a battle...

    Which brings me to the question, do we know whether Isaac's paintings are absolute? Or is he just painting possible futures? So far, everything his painted has turned out to be the truth, but... well, I'm still hoping Peter won't explode.

    Also, I still don't know 'bout the new reality-alteration woman... too much of a bitch for me. But time will tell.

    And Jessica is awesome. She got a copy of Heavenly Sword, and the game is not even out! Yay for Nikki for becoming more self-reliable, too!

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  5. #285
    good episode and sylar FINALLY did something nice.. him saying
    "i gave you a chance to live" was really good for a change!.

  6. #286
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    pffff, killing off Saresh is like saying: "here you go sylar, have all the cards, I don't care anymore. Just go kill everyone." We need at least one non-powered human element that isn't an asshole to help the heroes out(Simone is already dead and Bennet is got taken away).

    Anyway, Peter is fucked unless he manages to get both himself and Suresh away, and it also looks like he got that scar Future hiro was talking about.

    edit: and oh my god....a five week wait, I think I may commit future suicide waiting that long.
    Last edited by Knives122; Mon, 03-05-2007 at 10:08 PM.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  7. #287
    this ep rocked!!
    I was jumping up and down screaming like a girl, when i was watching this ep
    like some people already said think this fight will give peter the scar
    it was the first time in.... well the first time i thought that mohinder ruled.
    and it makes me wonder because her sons got powers do you think that Mama Petrelli has powers too ?

  8. #288
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    That's just what I was thinking....

    Not only abilities (or at least the gene that produces them) are inherited, and if both her sons (and grandaughter) have them...

    Also, how did she know of Claire's existance? She was thought to be dead since she was a baby, and yet momma Petrelli knew about her and was always protecting her? Maybe her power, if she has one, has something to do with the way she has protected Claire.

    Also, maybe the Petrelli father had an ability, too. He died of a heart attack, if I remember correctly? Or had he killed himself? Anyway, maybe those are a cover of sorts and he died because of his ability, or something like that...

    Ah yeah, the plot thickens, or seems to thicken.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  9. #289
    The real question is, since when has she been protecting Claire especially knowing that she is her granddaughter. Maybe she didn't know who she was and was simply protecting some random person, but after her son told her about the daughter being alive, she might've put two and two together.

  10. #290
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Mohinder was looking cool... for a while. I like Linderman, the awesome laid-back, "I know everything" villan (if he is one). My friend brought this to light: is radioactive man the caveman from the Geico commercials?

  11. #291
    Quote Originally Posted by Winged Dancer
    That's just what I was thinking....

    Not only abilities (or at least the gene that produces them) are inherited, and if both her sons (and grandaughter) have them...
    i dont think she has any ability. All the heroes we've seen so far have been middle aged adults or younger. Im pretty sure that the peter/nathan/nikki generation is the first to exhibit the "hero" gene.

  12. #292
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    What about claude? He's about the same age as HRG, which im technically middle aged. But im not counting out hiro's dad having powers yert.

  13. #293

  14. #294
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    OMG Linderman is Alex de Large

    That was the highlight of the ep for me

  15. #295
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Yeah, as Rockmanj said, Claude isn't that young... while I guess that the first generation to exhibit powers as a whole (well, nearly) is the one we're seeing, there is always the odd one out - like Claude, for instance, who had abilities at least15 years before the rest of the cast started to manifest.

    Also, I think of it this way.... if Hiro's dad was active and gathering information on the powered-people that early in the game, then that means he has to have known of this from before Claire was even born.

    I mean, 16/17 years ago he already had a whole net of agents searching for these people, and he seems to have a plan beyond just investigating these abilities, so surely he had known of them way before, right?

    While this may or may not apply to momma Petrelli, I think it makes sense....

    And I wonder if Hiro's dad knows about his sons abilities. I'm guessing no, since Hiro hasn't been taken for research and he doesn't have the two marks... boy I'm liking this show.

    Edit: 1000 posts! After years and years in the forums, 1000. lol, I guess I should post more often.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  16. #296
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    My friend brought this to light: is radioactive man the caveman from the Geico commercials?
    I thought that too, and a Google search yielded a "no." The actor who plays the Geico caveman is John Lehr. But it's still pretty funny though. Matthew Johnson does have some startling resemblance to the neanderthal

  17. #297
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Hmm, that would really be something if hiro's dad didnt know that his own son had powers...but im pretty sure he knows, but hasnt reinged him in for some other reason.

    side note to Wd: apparently ive been on the forums as long as u have, and im not really all that close to 1000 :-\

  18. #298
    I don't think he would do that. If he knew Hiro had powers and was letting it slide at the moment, it would only be to see how he manifests. Now, it would be phenominal if Ando worked for the mysterious organization.
    And reguarding Mrs. Petrelli, its possible she has powers, to be fair that organizations been around at least 15 years, assuming people manifest about the same time, and we really haven't seen many elderly people at all on the show.

    side note to rockmanj: post count pew pew pew

  19. #299
    2 weeks 2 days and counting. I cant wait to see the result of the Sylar V Peter. I bet Peter uses the invisible mode to help himself get out. Then grab Mohinder and fly outta there
    And since Sylar can only gain powers by being all hannibal lecter, he cannot get Peters own unique powers because PETER IS NOT GOING TO DIE THERE. But Peter on the other hand could absorb any powers that Sylar manifests in their awesome to be titanic rumble. :-)

  20. #300
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Whens the next release? 16th April? Tomorrow? Hahahahahaha. Yay. Unless it's next week then Boo.

    Peter isn't going to die. Remember Hiro says he doesn't recognize him because this was before he had the scar. I wonder who's going to cause the scar. Sylar?
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

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