i dont think peter stopped time, i think he just suspended the stingers with telekinesis
i dont think peter stopped time, i think he just suspended the stingers with telekinesis
Oooh, I know what you mean! I have horribly sensitive hearing, too. I can't sleep if there's a mosquito in the room, if anything creaks it usually wakes me, not to say a dog barking... hell, I can hear cellphones vibrating three tables away.Originally Posted by Yukimura
And I liked that lady. I hope she/her spirit/her power takes her revenge on Sylar, she would've been a good character...
And also, she would've proved that the awakening of the powers has nothing to do with age.
And I agree with the above post - I think Peter was using Telekinesis, not stopping time. I forget, has he ever met with Hiro? Not future Hiro, who may have been able to stop Peter from absorbing his powers (there has to be a way, I guess), but actual-timeline Hiro?
the way the barbs stopped was practically identical to the way the bullet reversed. Telekinesis would have been harder to do that with.
But whichever approach he used, I don't think he was consciously selecting the power to use either. It was just a reaction. Whether the reaction was to stop time watching for impending dangers, or to stop the impending dangers themselves, I don't think it matters.
I doubt there's any way to stop him from absorbing powers, other than perhaps not using them around him so he doesn't know about them. Don't know they're there, can't use them. That's my theory, anyway.
I think they were more "suprised" then stuck in time, or can you explain to me why the needles lost all kinetic energy?, they didnt go back, or move on afterwards, they just dropped down.
...or he could use 2 powers at once. He does have both of them and its up to him or his subconscious to choose whatever combinations it wants to do. Stopping time would not explain the loss of Kinetic Energy like "darkshadow" said. On the other hand, telekinesis would not explain the lack of motion of HRG and the Nigerian. Combination of both, however, solves both problems. He's healed while being invisible so there is not a lack of precedent.
i saved a unicorn
This was a great show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We got to know more about Mr. Bennet and the company he was working for. Also, we got to see Hiro when he was young with his gameboy. But, what was he and his father doing there? Is his father part of the Company or did he own the buildings there? Plus, we got to know the relationship with invisible man and HRG.
When the action was starting (after about the half of the show), it was so sad. Ted got shot by this random guy (is he Linderman?). Then, Mr. Bennet gets injured and loses his memory to save his daughter.
Hurrah for 'special time slot' of this week's Heroes episode!
I think it was pretty obvious that Hiro's dad was in charge of this mysterious 'company'. If not the top guy, at least someone very high ranking. This begs the question: Does he have powers too, or is Hiro adopted? From what we've seen so far, it seems that abilities are passed down from the parents, so there's a chance he could have some powers too. But Little Hiro was so cute! From recent developments, I think perhaps his dad is having him watched, and not letting him run around freely as he supposed.Originally Posted by gr3atfull
On a side note, the thinking in Japanese to confuse Matt was hilarious.
The backstory on Claire's dad was really nicely done. Having it in black and white was a neat effect. We're finally starting to have some things explained. As for the new person, he just seems like HRG's boss. I don't think he's Linderman. And sheesh, no wonder invisible guy is so bitter and angry.
That was awesome!! Even the part where Jean Grey went berserk and Wolverine had to take her down, that was some fine writing there, these guys are top shelf. ...
But seriously the back story was really well done, a new bad guy was introduced, HRG's people are ten times worse than I ever thought, not just tagging but dissecting people like lab animals, thats pretty uncool (though why they didn't immediately do that to Syler I have no idea). I really missed seeing all the other characters, but it was worth it to get all the back story and to see Sulu again. And all in all I like Claire's dad a lot more now, he took a bullet and memory wipe to save her, so though he's a dick, at least he's not so much a monster that he doesn't care about his own family.
I definitely like that they didn't make Bennett into a one-dimensional evil person, just a not-so-good person in a particularly bad situation. Now if only they'd give Syler some sort of actual depth instead of just making him an evil caricature...
Also, if Haitian Guy isn't responsible for the power-suppression thing that Matt and Syler both encountered dealing with Bennett, then ... who or what was? And if he was, then why didn't he do that with Mr. Nuclear? Yet another mystery?
It's good to have some new pieces. Shame that we didn't get the pieces we could have, though.
After that, I really don't see how I could hate Bennett anymore. He's been double-crossing his company this whole time not to keep his family safe, but to keep his family together. As everyone else has said, a nice touch to a villain.
Total lack of Mohinder is a nice touch too. For someone so smart, he sure is incredibly stupid.
yea, it was pretty good, and the backstory was done real well too, but i kind of wonder why the hatian played mute for so long, and where he and claire will gallavant off to? And how many episodes are left, like 5? I hope they're as good as this one was...
Yeah, I can't hate on HRG anymore either.... questions were answered, but raised more questions at the same time. Hiro's dad one of the company's higher ups?? Yet another new thing to drive me nuts with. And just who exactly is the Haitian working for?
I want to re-listen to that exchange with Parkman, HRG, and the Haitian one more time. I think I was still processing the shock of listening to the silent one spill out so many words all at once.
And are we allowed to speculate/comment on the previews in this thread? I can't remember offhand anyone doing so yet. Only because I had a major complaint to lodge based on what I saw haha![]()
good ep. However, i don't understand how Syler's and Matt's powers were repressed if all the Haitian can do is remove memories. Maybe (speculation) he can keep people's memories protected as well as remove them. If this is the case then Matt wouldn't be able to delve into anyone's thoughts, which stem from memories, and Syler wouldnt' be able to acess anyone elses powers (which stems from the memories of the dead people). Either that or there is someone who can nullify certain powers that is lurking around unseen.
I like HRG much better than i did previously due to this new CD. A memory wipe and a bullet for your child...that's the love of a devoted parent.
One thing irked me though. If that dude who came in and shot Nuclear dude has been dealing with this "people" for so long, doesn't he know that shooting someone who is unstable would be a bad idea? (hahaha i just got a good idea/bad idea idea from animaniacs)
i saved a unicorn
nuclear ted + zombie clair = <3
fucking best episode since the show started. i loved the atomic explosion scene and how everyone was thrown back from teh surge of energy. So much new information this episode, i dont even know where to begin. its great to see how invisible guy got to where he is, and how everyone is connected. sulu and young hiro were awesome.
oh and before i forget, one thing that was kinda wierd. wtf was wireless girl?? at the end of the last episode, didn't she block the door as soon as matt and ted show themselves?
anyway, back to the current ep discusison. seems we have 2 major players at work here. the company, which has been tagging the super powered people, and someone else who the hatian seems to be working for. Dunno if this is another corporation or a single person, but someone is trying to look out for claire. when the 3 of them are walking, the haitian says "you can't be trusted to put her safety before company interests" followed by some back and forth about how to keep her safe.
NOT SO CRAZY THEORY: makes me think though, this is all too familiar. "save the cheerleader, save the world".....i used to think that was just some line to get peoples attention during the first half, when sylar was after her. but it seems claire has a bigger part to play. Could it be that the ones trying to protect clair are the ones who sent Future-Hiro back in time to warn peter? we know that all the 'good guys' (peter, hiro, clair etc) are sort of a team in the future.....maybe that team was started by someone else, before these guys were even aware of thier powers, and that person (people?) are the ones trying to keep clair safe.
Another thing im really curious about....who was invisible guy hiding? he was willing to take a bullet rather then reveal some hero. could it be that this person is the one pulling the strings behind the scenes.....could he/she be the original team starter? SO MANY QUESTIONS!
Another thing...shoundn't everyone but claire and ted have severe radiation poisoning?? I mean everyone was like within 15 feet of an exploding nuke, basically...oh well, i guess that is the definition of plot hole.
Can't agree more. I totally hated the scenes with him, especially when he went back to india. I just wish Sylar would blow his brains out or something, but then he would just steal his stupidity.Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I thought that this episode was one of the better ones recently, with the focus on Matt and Claire. I loved the part when Bennet thought in Japanese to confuse Matt, and how he communicated with him by thinking "Shoot Claire, now!".
And yeah, more Ando and Hiro please. I'm not going to be surprised if anyone suddenly becomes fluent in Japanese anymore.
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
The graphic novel shorts on NBC explain this. And wireless girl was not with them last week so there's no major plothole yet =P If you're too lazy to go thru the actual comic (like me), you can always read a quick summary of it here.Originally Posted by Assassin
It seemed odd to me too that wireless girl was so gung-ho about recruiting the other guys and then just leaves. And as someone who has studied nuclear physics in depth, I just shook my head and sighed at the 'Ted nearly explodes and emits tons of radiation and yet Claire is the only one who suffers many radiation burns' scene. I'm not sure what type of radiation Ted emits, but cupboards and chairs aren't going to keep anyone safe that's hiding behind them.....unless all the cupboards and chairs in Claire's house are made out of lead.
WD or Psyke, just out of curiosity, did either of you catch what HRG was thinking when he started thinking in Japanese?