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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #201
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    1 ep for me.

  2. #202
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I watched the first ep in two sittings. Then ep 2 the next day. The day after that I watched 3 through 11.

  3. #203
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    I had a dream about this show last night....

    I don't want to think I'm [i}that[/i] obsessed, so, eh, I'm just blaming the unconscious part of my being.

    Anyway, in this dream Hiro already had his sword and he was fighting dinosaurs with it in the middle of the jungle. Only there was this open-air restaurant at the jungle, and though it wasn't completely full there were some people sitting around.

    So anyway, Hiro fought two T-Rexes and, wel, it was more like Jurassic Park, but with Hiro in it. At some point he took a baby cradle out of some guy's table and threw it at the dinosaur to confuse it, I just don't know if it still had the baby in it. I'm guessing not, because Hiro wouldn't go around throwing babies.

    Er, just wanted to share that, I guess. If tomorrow's episode has Hiro against two T-Rex in the middle of the jungle, I'm opening my own psychic hotline.

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  4. #204
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Why do some people on the thread call mr. bennet HRG?

  5. #205
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    HRG = horn-rimmed glasses, which Mr. bennet wears. Which reminds me, we still don't know his first name. Mr. Muggles took the ill-opportune time to go after Sylar's shoelaces during that moment =P

  6. #206
    which begs the question, whats so important about his first name that its being kept secret?

  7. #207
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    HRG = horn-rimmed glasses, which Mr. bennet wears. Which reminds me, we still don't know his first name. Mr. Muggles took the ill-opportune time to go after Sylar's shoelaces during that moment =P
    ... isn't his name Lisle?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Bennett, ep 14, 20:21 or so
    Who left those doors open, Mr. Muggles? Claire or Lisle? You tell me so I can tan their ass

  8. #208
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Isn't Lyle Claire's brother's name?

    @assassin: I have no idea. I think it's just one of those non-important gag secrets that a viewer (like me) can temporarily obsess over. I'd be surprised if it did have some huge significance in the show.

  9. #209
    Yeah, she said Lyle, and he's indeed the brother.

    And about the first name, I'm pretty sure it's non-important, but the show sure is making it look like it. For one, they didn't even show it in the license or that ID card he had.

  10. #210
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Unless he himself is Linderman (which we know he isn't) then it shouldn't be very important. It's just that they've had no reason to call him by his first name - Claire and Lyle call him "dad", his wife calls him "dear" or whatever, and all of his employees call him Mr. Bennet because you wouldn't call your boss by his first name, right?

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
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  11. #211
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Yeah, she said Lyle, and he's indeed the brother.

    And about the first name, I'm pretty sure it's non-important, but the show sure is making it look like it. For one, they didn't even show it in the license or that ID card he had.
    I totally forgot about the brother!

    Damn you unimportant characters with names!

    Also, damn you city of Lisle, Illinois, for existing and having a water tower with your name on it right near a highway I used to travel on all the time, and ruining my ability to spell "Lyle".

  12. #212
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    Bah, now you made me think of the Sound of Music and I have the song "16 going on 17" stuck in my head.

    In other news, I'm counting down the hours to tonight's episode! We need some sword-stealing heists soon! And LOL at WD's dream. I bet those were your T-Rexes. I know you've got a couple hidden away that you've been training as part of the secret Mexican miltary

  13. #213
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Well, that's a sucky song to have in your head. So... fluffy, and happy, and nice, and UGH.

    And yes, we're raising dinosaur of course. But we're only feeding them with chile, in hopes they'll turn into dragons, or at least become able to vomit such an scalding liquid it'll be the death of our enemies.

    Now we just need enemies. Perhaps North Korea will do, everybody hates North Korea. Or Venezuela, it has grown too cocky.

    Back on topic, I still don't think Mr. Bennet's name is all too important.
    Also, have we ever met Linderman? I can't remember. He's everywhere, and everyone is connected to him one way or another, but I just can't remember if we've seen him at all.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
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  14. #214
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winged Dancer
    Also, have we ever met Linderman? I can't remember. He's everywhere, and everyone is connected to him one way or another, but I just can't remember if we've seen him at all.
    Nope, we haven't seen him yet. Which was why I was rooting for Claire's dad to be Linderman, just to finally get a cameo from him. Alas, such was not the case. Linderman's like Godot right now. Except one can only hope to finally see him in the near future. I'll throw a fit if we don't get to see him by the end of this season =P

    PS: I'll help feed your dragons if you do train them to bite Kim Jong Il's head off and piss acid on his corpse.

  15. #215
    Sylar is so sneaky and scary and Mohinder is really stupid. Didnt he recognize Sylar's voice when his dad and him were talking in the answering machine? During the whole Sylar and Mohinder moment, I really thought that Mohinder would know and there would be some action between those two. But nothing really happened. Instead it got worst, they are now working together.

    Now, it seems that Nathan is really Claire's dad. While I was watching the show, I suddenly started thinking about X-Men. In X-Men, there is this flying dude, Cannonball aka Samuel Guthrie. He has the power to fly like Nathan. They both "jump" into the air. Cannonball also has a little sister who is a mutant. She is called Husk aka Paige Guthrie. She has the power to kind of "heal" herself and tear her skin off to heal herself and etc.. Kinda funny to see those two family links between X-Men and Heroes.....

  16. #216
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    I thought Zane Taylor's power was kinda useless. I was trying to think of some applications for it. So far, I can think of melting vaults and robbing banks, or become a human soldering tool.

  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    I thought Zane Taylor's power was kinda useless. I was trying to think of some applications for it. So far, I can think of melting vaults and robbing banks, or become a human soldering tool.
    Well whatever the case/power maybe, it just means that Sylar has another damn power in his arsenal. He could easily just telekinetically lift some metal door on someone and then use that power to weld it onto them, killing them. Or just sealing people into a room or a car. Whatever he uses it for, it just means that he has become more powerful, which just annoys the hella outta me. And for all of Mohinder's academical acheivements, you would seriously think that he would have some sort of suspiscion about Sylar. How can he not realize the vast difference in "zane" from when he heard him on the phone till "sylar" as him now. Besides with Sylar telling him about "purpose" and "destiny" he should have figured out something. I feel tho that Mohinder would still be hesistant about working with him.

    I was also mentioning this to my friend. Whereas Sylar "cuts and pastes" others power onto himself and thereby killing them, Peter on the other hand just "copies and pastes" his. And therefore not needing to kill to gain power. But then when he came in contact with Sylar in Texas, does that mean that he also has managed to "copy" all of Sylar's powers at that time. Only he would need to concentrate on Sylar at the time when he needs any of his powers? Liek he did when he fell (by thinking of Claire) Or is it that he and Sylar are like opposites, negative and positive, effectively neutralizing each other therefore not gaining each others powers?
    I just wanna watch it all unfold at once

  18. #218
    This episode was for all you doubters that keep saying week after week that Nikki/Jessica has no place in the series, that she should be written off. You people have no faith. I think she's a very important character and in the center of everything that is going on in Heroes, and this episode just about proves it.

  19. #219
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Once again, Heroes hasn't disappointed me. We didn't see any of Peter in this episode, but I think they're saving up his storyline for a really awesome episode to come, so I'm content to wait.

    Jessica seems to be doing very well at her new job as Linderman's personal hitman (hitwoman?). It's only a matter of time though before Micah gets suspicious. Maybe he already knows. He's the only one who'll be able to stop Jessica, I think, or at least enable Nikki to overcome Jessica.

    And Matt is turning into a rebel! He's so tired of being the 'good guy' and doing the right thing and then getting burned for it that he now has a nice little fortune in diamonds. This is going to get him all tangled up with Linderman though.

    I think my favourite part of this episode though, was when Ando kept arguing with Hiro by quoting him, and Hiro was like, "Stop saying all the things I say to you!" Those two are so hilarious. And when Ando closed the door behind Hiro to keep looking for the bag, and Hiro is trying to whisper loudly at him from the hallway, ah too funny.

  20. #220
    Yea i really like how Matt is developping as a charracter.

    But i don't really know what is going to happen next. Will the bomb (peter) still go off or will they prevent it from happening. And what then? In the beginning the voice (i think it was mohender ) said that they will change the the world forever. I don't really see that comming in the near future.

    oh and sylar is a gay villain . i hope Linderman is better..
    Last edited by Turkish-S; Wed, 02-14-2007 at 03:09 AM.

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