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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #141
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I watched all 11 episodes in a row and I have to say that I am truly amazed. BEST SHOW EVER!!!

    Can't believe I have to wait a month until the next episode airs. God damn anime cliffhangers.

  2. #142
    Same as Dexter, I started watching and could not stop. I should take recommendations of shows more often. I cannot wait for more episodes to come out!

    P.S. Sorry this is kinda bumping from the second page.

  3. #143
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Monday is going to be an awesome day, both Heroes and Prison Break will be back!

    The Godsend episode seems like its going to be good and looking forward to the new hero being introduced.

  4. #144
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Heh, I watched all 11 online as well. And now I'm hooked. And now I'm a Masi Oka fangirl

    Watched ep 12. And if I recall correctly from reading this entire thread a couple of weeks ago, is no one curious about Linderburgh? He's a character everyone mentions, and no one's seen. I'm speculating that maybe he's the cheerleader's dad's boss. Obvious, and probably not true. But heck, gotta keep the brain somewhat occupied until next week =P
    Last edited by Honoko; Mon, 01-22-2007 at 11:59 PM.

  5. #145
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Sort of filler episode. Nothing much happened... not much more to say.

    PS: I want to make sweet love to Hayden Panettiere.

  6. #146
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    Sort of filler episode. Nothing much happened... not much more to say.

    PS: I want to make sweet love to Hayden Panettiere.

    i hope you're under 18, then, cause i think shes like 16 or 17.

  7. #147
    I wonder if the twin sisters had different powers, and which powers belong to who. I think Niki herself has the power that makes her very strong (broke a nightstick), while Jessica has the power to takeover people's bodies or something, and Jessica has been using Niki's powers all this time.

  8. #148
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    i hope you're under 18, then, cause i think shes like 16 or 17.
    Well she'll have to come to sweden then, the age limit is set at 15 here.

    @Bud: They were twins? I've totally missed this piece of fact.

  9. #149
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    Well she'll have to come to sweden then, the age limit is set at 15 here.

    @Bud: They were twins? I've totally missed this piece of fact.
    That was revealed at the graveyard scene, just before Jessica terrorized their weak dad.

    And that cheerleader played Cheryl Yoast in Remember the Titans. I thought that's pretty crazy >_<

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    Well she'll have to come to sweden then, the age limit is set at 15 here.

    @Bud: They were twins? I've totally missed this piece of fact.
    Then you missed the whole point of their father, go watch that episode again.

  11. #151
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Then you missed the whole point of their father, go watch that episode again.
    I did? I thought that he like raped Jessica. Them being twins seems sort of irrelevant.

    Oh well, I'm going rewatch the entire show soon, maybe I'll pick it up this time.

  12. #152
    Well from what I remember the dad was doing something to Niki, probably beating her, and then Jessica got on top of Niki to protect her and got killed as a result. Probably at this point Jessica's consciousness transfered into Niki. At least that's how I remember it and understood it. Niki doesn't seem to have good recollection of what happened, but Jessica does remember very well.

    Which begs the question, why doesn't Niki remember? Did Jessica take over her body, hence why she only remembers? Or is it for some other reason, I think I need to watch the episode again to see if I understood correctly.

    Though I may be infering incorrectly that they are twin sisters, maybe they were simply sisters. My bad.
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 01-24-2007 at 02:16 PM.

  13. #153
    I don't think Niki got any powers. I think its all jessica.

  14. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish-S
    I don't think Niki got any powers. I think its all jessica.
    Then how do you explain Niki breaking the nightstick without Jessica's help? It's still Niki's body, the only thing Niki has of Jessica is her conscience.

    By the way, Eric Roberts joined the cast of Heroes. Will not say which part he'll play as to not spoil, but you can surely find it in or other TV Show news sites.

  15. #155
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    So Peter + radiation guy + spark man = nuke?


    are radiation guy and spark man the same person?

    The only piece missing is Linderman. A mobster who collects art, thats about all we know.
    Last edited by darkmetal505; Wed, 01-24-2007 at 08:45 PM.

  16. #156
    @bud: No i think when niki changes in jessica she goes berserk getting more physical strength and assassination skills and all that. The nightstick was a few secs jessica after that niki getting back in.

  17. #157
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    If we assume that they both have powers, Niki's power might be something like Sylar's. She might be able to absorb other heroes' powers and consciousness. And since she hasn't learnt how to control her power Jessica gets the upper hand in some situations.

    Another more probable theory is that the powers are all Niki's and she/her sunconsious manifested them in the form of Jessica.

    Regarding Linderman:
    If he is a hero he must have some awesome power of hell from doom. Like being able to kill with a stare or giving other people powers or making them stronger.

    We also know that he buys Isaac's paintings. Which probably means that he know that Isaac can predict the future. He possibly bought the painting of dead Peter to keep him alive so that he would destroy NY.

    He collects objects with the "godsend" symbol or whatever Ando called it.

    He wanted Nathan to become mayor of NY.

  18. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    If we assume that they both have powers, Niki's power might be something like Sylar's. She might be able to absorb other heroes' powers and consciousness. And since she hasn't learnt how to control her power Jessica gets the upper hand in some situations.

    Another more probable theory is that the powers are all Niki's and she/her sunconsious manifested them in the form of Jessica.

    Regarding Linderman:
    If he is a hero he must have some awesome power of hell from doom. Like being able to kill with a stare or giving other people powers or making them stronger.

    We also know that he buys Isaac's paintings. Which probably means that he know that Isaac can predict the future. He possibly bought the painting of dead Peter to keep him alive so that he would destroy NY.

    He collects objects with the "godsend" symbol or whatever Ando called it.

    He wanted Nathan to become mayor of NY.
    About Niki and Jessica. So, even if a real Jessica did exist, maybe the Jessica we are seeing inside Niki is simply part of a psychological disorder; she having multiple personalities herself, instead of Jessica actually being inside Niki. And as you say, her powers are simply manifested when she goes Jessica Mode. That's not to say, that she can't learn how to use the powers by herself later on. I just doubt that the dead Jessica, who seems to have good understanding and control of the powers, would allowed to be killed by her father if she actually possessed the super human strength at the time.

    About Linderman, I'm pretty sure that he lent money to Niki and that's why she was in debt in the first episode. The goons she killed were Linderman's goons.

  19. #159
    A pretty good setup episode, but if the next ep isn't really action packed it'll mess up the flow, but they have plenty to run on. Claire's Firestarter mom, Her Dad's likely suspicion of the Hatiian (I think he recognzed the chimes), Peter's training, Hiro's Dad (SU-FUCKING-LU!), Parkman's baby (not all that interesting unless it's the anti-christ child or something) and Michah's grand theft ATM, which is definately a crime and he was probably on camera while doing it.

  20. #160
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Michah's grand theft ATM, which is definately a crime and he was probably on camera while doing it.
    Was he even tall enough to be to caught on camera?

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