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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #161
    That ATM looked pretty old-school to me.

    And Hiro needs a pair of balls, he's acting all girly.

  2. #162
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    What can they really say to the kid anyway? The atm magically gave him money (at least what they wil;l see thru a camera) They wouldn't think a kid can hack a atm or anything like that lol. I hope patreli ( how ever you spell it) controls his power so that he can keep the powers he absorbs from others instead of them haveing to be close. That would be awesome, but i guess he will since he is gonna explode which would mean he kept someones power that was unstable.

  3. #163
    I wonder if Hiro's dad has any powers... And Claire's mom power is really sick. She just snapped her fingers and there was fire..... Awesome.

    There is one part I did not get. How did Sylar fake his death?

  4. #164
    The same way he can get other people's super powers. His power is pretty much having an understanding of all mechanisms, he knows when things are broken, how to fix them, and how to manipulate them. So, he probably rearranged something in his body make it appear as if he was dead and then fixed his body.

  5. #165
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Awesome i predicted that one perfectly, i knew he was gonna be able to use everyones powers once he meets them. Hopefully he gets control of it so he doesn't become the next A-bomb lol. I wasn't expecting the other brother being claires pops though, that one was a huge surprise. The show just got me exited for next week .

  6. #166
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Dammit, I was hoping Linderman was Claire's dad. GR.

    Wait, so does this mean that Nathan knew about his powers for a really long time and never did a thing about it? Now's he's mixed up with pyro-chick and nikki/jessica. He's totally screwed.

  7. #167
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    This was a sweet episode.

    How creepy is Sylar! He just passed all known limits of creepiness, although him and Mr. Muggles together was hilariously funny to me for some reason. But the as he kept talking more and more to Claire's mom, you could tell she was thinking, "Oh crap....pedophile!"

    And Peter is really starting to get awesome. He's like, the anti-Sylar. I hope they have an epic superhero showdown with all their accumulated powers.

    And Sulu, man he's just too cool, even when he's playing a gruff Japanese businessman. I wonder if that was just a cameo appearance, or if we'll see more of him later on. At any rate, his having been there didn't really accomplish much storyline-wise except to delay Hiro. I'm interested to see how this whole sword-stealing business will go down.

  8. #168
    The license plate of Hiro's dad's car was NCC 1701!!! I can't be the only trekkie on these forums, come on people you've got to catch these things. And while Claire's mom's fire power was awesome my favorite part was definitely Peter's Rogue moment where he goes crazy and starts exhibiting the powers of everyone she'd ever touched, stolen right out of X-Men Evolution and probably the comics as well. Not that I'm complaining of course, but it was still funny how fast the memory came back. And the invisible guy having a connection to Mr. Bennett was slightly surprising, though not a major shocker, I'm starting to wonder if he's going to end up being a bad guy though.

    KitKat that Syler v Peter fight would be pretty sweet indeed, especially since Peter could probably use most of Sylers accumulated powers as well.

  9. #169
    Sylar vs. Clare's mom was awesome.
    Peter being thrown off the roof was great.
    Hiro's story sucked.
    Nikki is fucked.
    Clare's mom is pretty cool, thought she would be working for Linderman or something, but apparently her only connection is with Nathan.

    And that's all I care to mention about the episode.

    Also, my current favorite character has to be the invisible man, "People suck" is the best line of the series so far.

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Also, my current favorite character has to be the invisible man, "People suck" is the best line of the series so far.
    Indeed it is. And how he just randomly threw Peter of the building. Either he would learn to control his power to save his life or he would die, stopping the explotion. Win - win situation. Awesome.

    And as you said, the Hiro story sucked ass. Stop fooling around and get that sword, dammit.

    Also i wanna see Linderman soon. I wonder if he has any powers of his own and if he knows about everyones powers already. I mean he almost has some connection to every power user in the show.

  11. #171
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Good shit.

    It totally sucked that Syler let mr Bennet live. That almost ruined the entire episode for me. I mean come on, he's a cold blooded mass murderer and he leats a man that actually is a threat to him live.

    Peter is sort of wussy.

    Syler: "I really like Claire's big... umm talents? Yeah talents! I'm not weird I promise."

    Nathan + Claire's mom was very unexpected. I don't really get it, seems unnecessary.

    I thought it was obvious that Peter vs Syler would be like the last boss battle.

  12. #172
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    he's a cold blooded mass murderer and he leats a man that actually is a threat to him live.
    Ehhh, in Sylar's view, maybe he doesn't see HRG as a threat at all. If I somehow got into the same room with a dude I can easily knock aside with a flick of my finger, I'd probably develop a little ego over that and not give a shit.

  13. #173
    Awesome episode!!!!

    I agree with the fact that loved the Peter and invisible man moments. Now, invisible man is known by Claire's dad.... I am not astonished.

    I was quite surprised and not surprised that Claire is the daughter of Nathan. I can accept this fact because he just goes out with any women, but Claire is about 16 years old now. How can Nathan be her father. He is already about in his early thirties. How is this possible.....

    I hope the next episode there will be more action involved with the Haitian man.

  14. #174
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gr3atfull
    but Claire is about 16 years old now. How can Nathan be her father. He is already about in his early thirties. How is this possible.....
    Teenagers can make babies It's biologically possible. Really.

  15. #175
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    And the invisible guy having a connection to Mr. Bennett was slightly surprising, though not a major shocker, I'm starting to wonder if he's going to end up being a bad guy though.

    KitKat that Syler v Peter fight would be pretty sweet indeed, especially since Peter could probably use most of Sylers accumulated powers as well.

    Maybe the invisible guy was a plant by bennet (even though he apparently doesent wan thim alive) in order to create the anti-sylar...although i may be pulling that out of my ass, seeing as there is no basis for it. But on the other hand, i think peter may be between 35-40 years old, so im guessing he may have been about 20 or so when he had claire.

  16. #176
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    Ehhh, in Sylar's view, maybe he doesn't see HRG as a threat at all. If I somehow got into the same room with a dude I can easily knock aside with a flick of my finger, I'd probably develop a little ego over that and not give a shit.
    Who was it that caught and almost killed Sylar?

  17. #177
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    Who was it that caught and almost killed Sylar?
    1. Haitian dude and Eden caught Sylar.
    2. Sylar was never meant to be killed. Just "researched." Sure, HRG wanted to kill him but the fact that he still obeyed orders "from above" automatically makes him some kind of gopher. That decreases the cool factor for HRG as a potential villain. I now find him shady and annoying.
    3. And like I said before, once Sylar and HRG were in the same room, who owned who? I'm not saying that I liked how this whole thing panned out but was trying to offer an explanation on why Sylar let HRG live. Massive ego is usually the reason any villain walks away without checking for a dead body first =P And writers' fondness for certain characters.

    edit: @Bud-- did Sylar imply that as he was walking away? I don't remember.
    Last edited by Honoko; Wed, 02-07-2007 at 09:48 AM.

  18. #178
    Or maybe he simply wanted to kill Claire and see his reaction and let him agonize about it for the rest of his life.

  19. #179
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Yeah, Bud has the most plausible explanation. Sylar kills people indiscriminately, but he hates Claire's dad more than probably anyone else. Killing him isn't enough. He wants to make him suffer, by killing Claire, and rubbing it in his face. Remember as he was walking out, he looked at Claire's dad and said something to the effect of, "I'm going to go pay a visit to little Claire." So I'd attribute it not to ego or sloppiness, but to revenge.

  20. #180
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    The discussion we are having is the result of a plot device (or is it called plot hole?) and you all know it. Unless they reveal some big thing like them being brothers or lovers it will remain as such.

    He could have at least crippled him in some way. Just leaving him (kind of) unharmed is stupid. Sylar isn't really a bushido kind of guy anyway.

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