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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #81
    So how about that radioactive guy that can burn stuff? That's such a cool power. Me thinks that he might have something to do with NYC going BOOM!! since they kinda hinted at it when he was talking/yelling at the cop guy..
    Anyways Micah's power is interesting, a lot different than his parents powers. I wonder what role he will play in the whole saving of the world and all because as of lately I don't really see what Niki/Micah/DL story has anything to do with everything else that's going on..
    Next week's episode looks exciting can't wait =]

  2. #82
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Yeah, Micah confirms that powers are, just like in X-Men, non-hereditary. He just gets power, what powers he gets is randomly decided by, uh, genetic, I guess.

    I'm more interested in the little marks they are all getting on the back. Maybe they're somehow connected to their powers, or was a left-over from being captured by Mr. Bennet (whatever his name was).

    Even if Nikki's story doesn't really have to do anything with the rest of the plot, I like it. You have to have a soft spot for a mother who strips on the internet. Besides, it'll be interesting to see how she evolves through the series - right now she's depending too much on Jessica (hahahahah, Jessica), she will have to reach an agreement with her or else she will be forever lost in her dark side.

    It was also pretty neat how Micah realized it wasn't her mother speaking... smart kid.

    @Jadugar - Yeah, powers over time and space along with a black trenchcoat and a katana. Oh, and a beard! And the amazing ability to speak correct English!

    Anyone else has visited the official site? You can read a weekly blog-post by none other than Hiro himself. He basically rambles about what happened in the show, but he's such a geek about it... he even wrote down his future self's Dungeons & Dragons Character Sheet.
    And he's so Japanese \@o@/ Yay Hiro! >^o^<

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  3. #83
    Niki/Jessica seems like a wild card and/or eye candy. She's pretty much the token hot girl so I doubt she'll be adding much to the story other than her link to DL and Micah, both of whom have powers that might prove useful in an organized group of mutants.

  4. #84
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Kinda cool episode. Liked the radioactive dude. Yeah, I think it would be the death of him that cause him to go nuclear in New York. Probably either killed by Syler or just went into depression and wanted to end it all. Just appealed to me, that the radioactive guy, his wife died of cancer. Probably due to him himself, radiation causes cancer. He killed her slowly.

    The mark on the policeman is the same as on the radioactive guy. I think what Bennet and his black friend does, is that they unlock people's powers. Probably to study them. We still don't know his motives, most likely he's part of the government to study them. Probably in later seasons to keep them in check.

    Where I am interested in what Micah's powers really is over technology? Kinda like Forge from X-Men where if he starts thinking of things, he can really invent them, I wonder what Nathan Petrelli's kids will do as well. So Peter is heading to Vegas as well it seems now. I wonder who this LInderman is and why he wants the picture. Might be a picture of how Nathan dies.
    Last edited by Stoopider; Tue, 11-07-2006 at 09:45 PM.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  5. #85
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Niki/Jessica seems like a wild card and/or eye candy. She's pretty much the token hot girl so I doubt she'll be adding much to the story other than her link to DL and Micah, both of whom have powers that might prove useful in an organized group of mutants. really mean it about Niki being hot? Really really?
    ...I'll never understand men. I would've thought Claire way prettier.

    Buuuut anyway, yeah, both DL and Micah have much more useful powers, or at least it seems like that so far. Niki's "power" (I'd like to call it schizophrenia) consists on being super-strong and super-vicious, but gives her no other advantage, really.

    ...unless it also gives her some sort of super-resistance, too. She resisted DL's attack and was probably shot at when she killed the pokar-cowboys, so maybe there's a little extra there.

    Oh, BTW
    Hiro's blog! \(^o^)/

    Also, am I the only one that really wants to see the future version of everyone else?

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  6. #86
    Hiro's blog is so cute.. I love how he wrote down his "stats", he's so funny "I'd choose a
    katana. I wonder if it's magical. +4 to dexterity?" lol
    And yea I always wondered what they all looked like in the future.. I mean look at Hiro.. He looks soo cool, so I figure everyone must have some awesome matrix-looking attire.. But it would kinda look weird if they all had similar clothing.. Well they already hinted what Peter might look like.. kinda.. They said he had a scar [probably on his face] so I bet he'll look more ruff and rugged..

  7. #87
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iLoveHotCoCo
    Hiro's blog is so cute..

    Hiro hits Ando-kun for 53 damage. 19 blocked.


    Hiro (Future)

    STR: 14 (I'm going to have to work out more to get this)
    DEX: 18 (with +4 modifier) (ditto as above)
    CON: 12
    INT: 18 (I can use magic)
    WIS: 17 (I survive till the future so I have to be wise (^o^))
    CHA: 15
    Race: Human (Japanese)
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    AC: -1 (I would think that I would be wearing lighter gear, but get AC
    dexterity bonus)
    Class: Kensei

  8. #88 really mean it about Niki being hot? Really really?
    ...I'll never understand men. I would've thought Claire way prettier.
    Personally, I think Nikki is ugly. Claire is cute, though she is kind of young.

  9. #89
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narasho
    Quote Originally Posted by Winged Dancer really mean it about Niki being hot? Really really?
    ...I'll never understand men. I would've thought Claire way prettier.
    Personally, I think Nikki is ugly. Claire is cute, though she is kind of young.

    Us men would like Niki to be our Girlfriend and Claire (is she old enough) to be our faithful wife, not at the same time of course. It is that simple.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Winged Dancer really mean it about Niki being hot? Really really?
    ...I'll never understand men. I would've thought Claire way prettier.
    No, I don't think you ever will understand men, It's not in the cards for women to ever do something like that. Anyway, IMO much of Niki's hotness and Claires lack of hotness (to me) come from attitude. Claire is a whiny little brat and I wouldn't want to spend more than 5 minutes in her presence (the feeling would be mutual if her relationship to Zach, the intellectual whore, is any indication). Niki on the other hand is determined and driven to take care of herself and her kid. She takes action instead of just crying about her shitty situation, and of course there's Jessica who uses Niki's own determination just without morality or inhibitions.

  11. #91
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Nikki's Hot. Claire's Hot. Both are hot. Nikki's MILF hot. Claire's young and innocent hot. I like both.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  12. #92
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Wow, my comment on Nikki's hotness awarded me reputation! Good and bad, too. Funniest bad reputation I've ever received!

    Anyway, I guess I understand what Yukimura said. Nikki is much stronger than Claire, at least so far - she's come to terms with her power and asked Jesssica for help when she could've stayed crying alone. Now she has to conquer her dark personality, though - if she doesn't tame Jessica then she'll just take over.

    Anyway, so how about this monday's episode? I have to say I wasn't really liking the waitress, whatshername? But when she was killed it was... rather gruesome, even if the only thing you see is blood trickling down her forehead.

    And now Hiro is gone! Noooo Hiro you have to live and get a sword! I was really expecting him to be back when Ando finished counting, and the world around them to be changed... now I can't wait for Monday again.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  13. #93
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Am I the only one that liked the country waitress? Everyone else seems to hate her.

  14. #94
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Quite sad she's dead instantly though. Created the character just to kill her off to get Hiro's attention that their fighting a bad guy, and that the battle is real.

    Don't think Hiro's dead or anything. Maybe tied down. Or we'll learn something more about his powers.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  15. #95
    I liked the waitress.. I wish I had the power to remember EVERYTHING..
    Soo... How about Bennet? He seems like a good guy, but with his own agenda of course.. With random 'Heroes' at his every becking call, I wonder what he's really up to.
    I think Hiro made a boo boo when he went back in time.. Maybe he got all excited and went back too far because he was seen in the photo of the waitress's party, and well didn't she say that her birthday was like a month ago or something?

  16. #96
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    I was under the impression that he went back and started dating her.

  17. #97
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    He didn't look too happy in that picture if he was dating her; unless they had gotten into a fight or something. Although, it was hard to see the expression on his face from that photo. Guess we'll have to wait and see!
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  18. #98
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    I think the expression in his photo is just random confused Japanese.

    But I agree that he went back in time to date her and will end up changing things in the future - he'll probably be back trough the front door and scare poor Ando. He'll probably be able to talk perfect english! Which on one hand is cool because his Japanese pronunciation isn't the best while on the other hand his Japanese is too much of a trademark.

    Something funny.... visit Hiro's blog. There's a link in the page before this one... it's gone! So that goes to show that yeah, whatever Hiro is doing he's really changing the future.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  19. #99
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Too much new development and no concrete answers. So that killer guy wasn't really Sylar?

    Claire looked hotter than usual.

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    Too much new development and no concrete answers. So that killer guy wasn't really Sylar?

    Claire looked hotter than usual.
    Killer guy wasn't really Sylar? What are you talking about and who are you reffering to?

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