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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #741
    Well, I enjoyed the episode a bit... Sylar was awesome. Though this was a setup episode more than anything. I would've been better served as a double episode to start the next chapter off.

  2. #742
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    True.. i saw some new faces in the bunch of 'mutants' (thats basically what they are) that was on the plane and we're probably going to see more in the following eps.

    Waiting to see if theres any interesting ones or just another heap of random filler people (like that spanish chick that kills people with her emo powers and her brother, god that was awful)

    Granted she's not really a filler char but still....suckfest.

    Also, that planeload of mutants should give Peter a good batch of new abilities, hopefully some awesome ones ^^

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  3. #743
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    season3 ep15 out, and sweet breakdancing guineapigs this was awesome, i cannot stress enough how much i like Sylar, if they ever kill him off i'll be pissed.

    But since i believe he is one of the most popular ones on the show along with Hiro and probably Peter, he probably won't get killed in the near future.

    And big *sadface* on Peters ability being nerfed to one at a time, as he was like the only one who posed any form of threat to Sylar, except perhaps the Haitian's power-blocking ability, but as we saw when he was fighting with Peters dad, he can't block powers for extended periods of time when the opponent is as strong as Peters dad, wich i assume Sylar is by now..

    Shorter version: Fuck yeah, shit is about to get sweet!

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  4. #744
    It seems like there is a plot that is actually moving forward in contrast to last season, which was a clusterfluck of time travel and ill logic. They really need to stop mentioning what happens in the "future" just forget about it ...pleasee??

    Last episode had terrible camara work - Hand held camaras should only be used for emotional or suspenseful moments. Not for half of the show. It looked like crap. And was annoying. Thank God they stopped in this one.

    Them 'nerfing' Peter's powers was horrible. There should not be a balance between weak and strong. If they touch Sylar's ability I may stop watching this show all together. Sylar is being badass as usual, using his empathy to... find people like him? I dunno, <3 Sylar 4evar. Microwave kid saves Sylar? Really? Nice try writers.

    Other than that I have no idea what the eff Sylar is doing, why the microwave kid knows all about Sylar's pops, or how Peter found Mohinder and the troop so easy. Bleh.

    The speedster and the cop have terrible chemistry. I hate speedster but I didn't want her to get killed off because her power has potential. Parkman was stupid and slow for not scrambling to gtfo her out of the crash site before she got SHOT.

    Special agents wife and son are better actors than half the Heroes cast. That's sad.


    Nate is a prick but he looks hot in a suit meow.

    Clair continues to be a whiny, spoiled nuisance, except now she is a whiny nuisance who actually did something useful for a change. Now we're getting somewhere. At least her dad is a 'bad' guy right now. One thing they didn't mess up is almost no one is completely evil. Everyone has a reason for what they do.. even if it is a dumb reason.

    I have to admit there is a new air of elegance, however. There is a fast paced mode full of epic just... plot movement. Yum!!! I'm loving the military and character interaction. The complex plot and great dialogue shows they've improved the script a bit.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  5. #745
    I don't know, I didn't like the second episode much... hopefully next ones will be better with the group retaliating.

  6. #746
    I wouldn't expect the 'group' to retaliate. Most of them are just victims after all. They've been victimized by their powers since the moment they discovered them, for the most part. And if Parkmen seeks vengeance I am sure he will end up doing something stupid and I 'aint lookin' forward to seeing that.

    Considering Nate showed Mercy towards Peter and Claire, I assume mercy will be showed upon him for all of the borderline unacceptable stuffed he's deluded himself into pulling. In that case, I'm sure we will see that messed up family get away with loads of BS for seasons to come or until the show finally gets pulled.

    Oh and I don't like the fact that the writers are letting something 'mystical' carry the plot yet again. Twice it was people from the 'future' and the 'affects of the future' that influenced and carried every decision of the main cast, and we see what sort of train wreck that was. Now Parkman is getting mysterious visions that not only DON'T HELP HIM AT ALL but create deus ex machina upon deus ex machina. His visions are the sole reason for convenient plot development but they have no rhyme or reason... I am beginning to hate this show.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Wed, 02-11-2009 at 10:25 AM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  7. #747
    They need to seriously introduce some new worthy actors. With the loss of Kristin Bell, and Milo they need some more stuff. Right now it's a bit stale, and following the usual X-Men mutant hate or what not.

    edit: I just finally realized. That Sergeant that got injected and got super strength, who got his neck snapped has been bothering me, since he looked familiar but I couldn't get who he was. Well, I found out and apparently it turns out to be Kyle from the 4400. Similiar shows indeed, too bad his roles over =/
    Last edited by animus; Mon, 02-16-2009 at 01:32 PM.

  8. #748
    I realized that the second I saw him that he was Kyle from 4400, wierd that I've only seen him in superpower types of shows.

    As for the last episode, a lot better than last week. Sylar was pretty good in this one. Hiro sucks ass and I really dislike his storyline, he really is annoying little bitch. The Clare storyline was decent in this one, though that Aquaman like character looks like he sucks ass. Hopefully he gets killed soon. HRG's scene as he said goodbye was a good one, and I really liked the final scene.

    Any ideas for Rebel's identity? Is it a person? A group of people?

  9. #749
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    I just assumed it was the Peter/Parkman/Suresh-trio that was the new "Rebel gang" and that is was Peter sending those messages to Claire.

    But it can just as well be someone else who's also started a new rebel gang.. i might have missed som detail but meh, i'm just happy with all the screentime Sylar is getting

    And as usual i find myself not really caring much for the new Aquaman and Microwave boys...

    Also, i can't help but think about how insanely powerful Sylar would get if he sliced Ando open and got the ability to "power-boost" the mayhem he could cause :P

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  10. #750
    Daphne's such a terrible acttress. Her scream sounded like a goat in heat.

  11. #751
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    I'm just waiting for the anti-mutant party to discover that Nathan is one and he having to join the other side... and how well that side-switch will go by the other 'mutants', considering he's the one who started hunting them :P

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  12. #752
    I feel like this show is falling apart for me, pretty much all the plot lines, characters, and relationships that I liked have either been dropped completely or nudged off into territory I'm not really interested by. Peter's been neutered and has probably permanently lost the potential to be the badass I always hoped he would become. Hiro has lost his powers, and while he may get them back I'm starting to think he'll never be allowed to mature out of his bumbling moron personality. Sylar has been reduced to a creepy big brother with daddy issues. Parkman seems to have forgotten that he can make people see anything he wants and thus should be able to walk out of a room filled with mooks without being seen.

    As of this episode the only things I still find interesting about the show are what will Sylar do next on the way to his dad and what are Mama P and HRG cooking up. The whole 'mutant hunt' thing might become more interesting if they stop focusing so much on hunting people who we've already seen a million times.

  13. #753
    Yeah, they really really really need to introduce new mutants. The only one we get this season is what, Arthur P. and Aquakid?

  14. #754
    Ugh, this show is utter crap, now Clair is not only a total whiner but she's a hypocrite too (even more than usual) and her mom is suddenly a super spy with just the right skills to move the plot in an even more horrible direction. The only good part of this episode was the deus ex machina's were less rampant than usual and instead of disgustingly convenient plot twists the plot is merely driven by the idiodic actions of each character. However, the difference is subtle.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  15. #755
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Rebel is Micah. Explains the computer hacking and access to all the secret info.

  16. #756
    Micah and Molly (so she can detect where everybody is), maybe?

  17. #757
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Yeah micah and molley sounds just about right.

  18. #758
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    pff i had like completely forgot about Micah and Molly...perhaps because they are as boring as watching ice melt? :P

    Still, it does makes sense if they are 'rebel' since he seemingly knows where everyone is at all times and can hack into government stuff and shut of the power and whatnot..

    Theyre probably not the ones leading "rebel" tho, i find it hard to believe either of those kids would be callling the shots and thinking up the idea of contacting and gathering everyone up..

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  19. #759
    If it is NOT Micah and Molly then I'm quitting this show.

    Thinking about it, that would be the only good, layered 'twist'/reveal in the last five seasons.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  20. #760
    I don't even think I can list all of the numerous reasons why this episode was shit.

    The tasteless alluding to war on terror, the terrible acting of Claire and the puppeteer. Even Sylars plot line is boring and the relevance of his father's storyline is taking too long to be revealed. He spent 14 episodes looking for his dad to reveal that Sylar would be unsatisfied later in life? Really? THAT'S IT??? And what was the point of stabbing the bunny. I mean, we've already established that his pray are like innocent bunnies, easily hunted and killed. If he really wanted a challenge, he could go the empathy route. Seeking to understand people, obtaining their powers the hard way, -then- killing them.

    Parkman still hasn't learned how to use his powers and that bomb scene was convenient and pointless... there were no consequences.

    I have to say I love it when the heroes comingle with comic book nerds though. If they can bring the element of 'secrecy' into those scenes the show would be a lot more interesting. Chances are the show will fan service it up though. "snarf!! superheroes areee real! this is awesome!!" Wait what? Now that there's a hit on her, that scene was ENTIRELY POINTLESS wasn't it?

    good revisions--

    -puppeteer makes bitch-agent kill herself
    -mrs. patrelli seduces asshole-paranoid-agent with her body
    -parkmen doesn't get caught in the first place, but straps bombs to the bodies of his captors
    -the father made sylar fall asleep, took his powers, and is now running amok, leaving sylar in dejected despair
    Last edited by Sapphire; Tue, 03-10-2009 at 09:45 AM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

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