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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #701
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    I hope Sylar doesn't go totally good, but remains sort of an anti-hero. I'm not sure I like the warm, flowery Sylar as much. He should still be kinda creepy; since that's what made him such a good character.
    I agree. Sylar was a cool villain. But then it's pretty cool seeing him and Peter team up.

    Man this show is so confusing at times, but I still like it. I have no idea who is really a good guy or a bad guy with all these twists.

    Elle and Claire together = win.

    Nathan's 2 bitches, 1 fire, 1 ice = win. I hope they fight. We'll get another version of X-3 iceman vs pyro. The fight for Nathan!

    Parkman and Daphne's random relationship = fail. Not to mention Parkman looks 30+, and Daphne looks 20ish. I was so rooting for Ando! It looked like it was gonna go somewhere when they talked at the theater a few eps back!

  2. #702
    I'm still not sure about this season.

    Is it just me, or have the special effects been lacking? I mean, Heroes wasn't always known for its effects, but they just seem... off this time. It started when Nathan saved Tracy from jumping. It didn't look as crisp as before, and since then I've noticed a lot of sloppy effects...

    I was wrong about Hiro, but that's a good thing. I did see the potential "he stopped time and replaced it" thing coming, but I honestly thought they were going to force his character down a different path for the sake of "OMG TWIST!" Glad they didn't. Even though this season has been... eh, so far, I'm still enjoying Hiro.

    My main belief is this though: Primatech are the "bad guys" Pinehearst are the "good guys." I use quotes because each do questionable acts that push the line, but in the end, it's going to be Pinehearst is the one with the real sense what needs to be done.

    I also thing Parkman's dad isn't dead. The whole "messing with your mind" thing. I believe that was done to intimidate Daphne. Trust me, you'll see Linderman appear to Nathan again.

    And am I the only one here that hates both Claire and Elle? First of all, Claire needs to shut up. "My powers are broken ;_; I can't feel pain!" How the hell does that mean they're broken? You've clearly demonstrated several times how powerful the combination of super healing and inability to feel pain can be, so why are you making such a fuss about it? Oh, and btw, ridiculing Elle on the plane was extremely stupid. You brought that little "lightning fit." And then Elle says "All you've been is sweet..." What? Seriously? Have you been listening to her? And why the hell do you want your powers taken away anyways? I can understand wanting them under control, but having them gone all together? o.O

    Meh. This show needs more Hiro.

  3. #703
    I'm saddened by what happened to Peter, the only thing that made me willing to tolerate the lameness of his personality was the fact that he had the potential to be one of the most badass heroes in the show. Now that he's got no powers all I see is is the suck that permeates his every action and word. Sylar, on the other hand, is still quite entertaining for me though. He's just excellently creepy, even when trying to be 'good' plus he's somewhat amorphous in his allegiance which I think adds spice. Sylar's power should come in handy with Pinehurst's formula research and maybe he'll even be able to figure out a way to reverse the process as well.

    Hiro's story as usual seem very separate from the story lines the others get wrapped up in and as usual I'm not really drawn in by it. I see him more as a plot device to reveal past or future events than an actual participant in anything at this stage and considering how incompetent and idiotic he is I can't see any other use for him.

    Clare has been getting on my nerves more and more since last season but in trying to help Peter instead of blindly rushing into Pinehurst like Elle actually seemed like a good move and I have to give her some positive credit for once.

  4. #704
    Not sure what to think about this season. The quality of acting has hit an all-time low, the script is absolutely mediocre, and these branching plotlines are so random. They'll all eventually meet up at those 4 villains, but the plot getting there is so awkward.

  5. #705
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    @animus - your actually right, it seems kinda like the script is going downhill. Somehow its like how I got into Smallville and now im not watching it anymore because the plot got really lame. But im still gonna see through the series end.
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    -Mazer Rackham

  6. #706
    I recognized that the top left guy in the "here are the villains" painting is Papa Petrelli, but who are the other 2 that people have recognized?
    The bottom left black guy isnt the "fear = power" guy is it?

  7. #707
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I think its the fire guy, and Mohinder.

  8. #708
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I'm going to puke if Claire's real mum uses her flames for self introduction purposes again.

    I agree with animus's points as well. And I'm kinda sick of the angry Peter look.
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  9. #709
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    From superherohype:

    Big Shakeup Behind the Heroes Scenes
    Source:Variety November 2, 2008

    Variety says there was a big shakeup behind the scenes of NBC's "Heroes" on Sunday as writers/co-executive producers Jesse Alexander and Jeph Loeb were fired.

    The duo had been with the show since its first season and were known to have led the day-to-day production operation under the direction of creator/executive producer Tim Kring.

    "Heroes," produced by Universal Media Studios, has struggled in the ratings its third season. It's understood that Alexander and Loeb were let go because of NBC executives' frustration with the creative direction of the show.

    The trade added that the show is also said to have been dealing with hefty budget overruns this season that are going well beyond its already sizable $4 million per-episode pricetag.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  10. #710
    Hm? No Heroes yesterday?

    Edit: Some SNL Presidential Bash thing took its spot.
    Last edited by animus; Tue, 11-04-2008 at 03:25 PM.

  11. #711
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    Well done. I would've fired whoever took the show this direction as well. I'm quite tired of hearing there are millions of other people in the world with powers as well, but for some reason the show revolves around the same cast, and is all about the Petrelli family.

    Half the cast is related. I'm sure it would've been a matter of time till we found out Hiro is Peter/Sylar/Nathan's step-brother, Claire's step-uncle, and Meredith's step-brother-in-law because we know Mrs.Petrelli and Mr.Nakamura had something going on.

    Looks like it won't happen now.

  12. #712
    Oh look, as predicted another family tie. Wtfshittywriting.

    Still, it's sad to say though, but this was the best episode in awhile.
    Last edited by animus; Tue, 11-11-2008 at 03:13 PM.

  13. #713
    I wouldn't say it sucks only because it revolves around the petrelli family, but it sucks because of how slow everything is progressing. And that's what's killing the show, people are watching and after an hour, they're what really happened? What they need to do is release 2 episodes per week.

  14. #714
    I thought the rewind was terrible. I don't know what I like less, the massive amounts of 'WTF' that have been going on lately, or just having the entire show be a flashback with absolutely no progress. The only cool part was Clair running into the train wreck, because we all pretty much remember that. Pretty much everything else just seems like it was pulled out of someone's ass. (except papa patrelli, but that was only introduced 7 eps ago)

    Before I was annoyed because there are so many alternate futures and using the future as an idea to drive the plot was getting redundant. Now I would rather watch that rather than some mundane made up past with 'twists' and 'connections', yet no progress.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Tue, 11-11-2008 at 09:52 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  15. #715
    One wonders with all the problems the show is having, and all the negative hype it is getting because of the plot lines that go nowhere whether this will be the last season or not.

  16. #716
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    I guess no one can say for sure. Networks have done stupid things in the past and canceled shows with a good audience just because it wasn't as big as they wanted, on the day they wanted.

    But if they are smart they would pick another timeslot that doesn't have as much competition. If they where ever thinking of canceling i mean.

  17. #717
    I bet it's the pressure from higher up management that is forcing the directors and producers to stray away from their original plot.

    Every time I see Claire, I just think to myself: This is going nowhere and she's only going to whine and complain about how she has no real powers.
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 11-13-2008 at 12:26 PM.

  18. #718
    GJ double posting within a minute of eachother, you could've edited.

    Actually, the higher up management is not too happy with the direction the staff is taking the show, thus the low ratings.

  19. #719
    It could be both, and thank you for the complement.

  20. #720
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Oh look, as predicted another family tie. Wtfshittywriting.

    Still, it's sad to say though, but this was the best episode in awhile.
    Indeed. The flashbacks filled all the loopholes going around lately, but seems like the show will now resume it's current storyline. Which sucks.

    Who wouldn't known though, Sylar became who he was because of the man that wants to kill him, Mr Bennett. How ironic!
    Last edited by Idealistic; Mon, 11-17-2008 at 09:49 PM.

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