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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #581
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    I hate parts in the show where a character is just downright stupid:

    Like Hiro saying

    "Oh, you are on Adam's side? Then you are in my way"

    instead of

    "I went back in time and I found out Adam is going to release a deadly virus!"

    What the hell Hiro? Charging at Peter? Can't you just teleport behind Adam and chop of his head? Oh yea, that would be too easy.
    Ok, first, remember that Hiro isnt thinking rationally. His father was just killed by Adam. Second, in Hiro's mind, Peter is now his enemy for reasons I already said. If he is with Adam now, Peter will therefore protect him from Hiro. Therefore Hiro has to take out Peter first.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  2. #582
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Meowr, cat fight.
    Sooooooooo sexy.

    I haven't seen the last 3 episodes and just caught up today on Kristin Bell.... Just wow...

    I'm still trying to figure out, did Adam turn out the way he did because of what Hiro did in the past or was he just like that. I'm not sure if they have mentioned that.

    How many episodes are left? 2? 1?

  3. #583
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Only one. the finale is tomorrow (December 3rd)

  4. #584
    Good shit tonight.

  5. #585
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Just saw the finale.

    Agree with Bud. Good shit.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  6. #586
    it was good up until sylar fucking escaped....AGAIN. seriously, who announces thier enterance in a hostage situation? once again, thats just bad writing and a cheesy way to keep sylar alive for next season.

    Hiro's revenge was pretty bad ass....morbid and ironic. And it sucks that nathan is dead. im pretty sure if peter had just bled on him, he mite have lived. on the one hand its lame, not on the other hand its also logical.

    Gotta admit, micha has one of the best powers he gets older, he can like do anything he wants as long as he has a smart phone in his hand. im not sad to see nikki go, but im still confused about the monica doesn't really tie in to the over all story. or maybe thats cuz of the strike and possible re-writes

  7. #587
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    it was good up until sylar fucking escaped....AGAIN. seriously, who announces thier enterance in a hostage situation?
    Clearly Elle does. I think thats just part of her personality though. She seems like to type to shout random shit out at people, causing her to lose the element of surprise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    im not sad to see nikki go
    How could you say that? Nikki has one of the most developed personalities and bg stories in the series. I will miss Nikki when the writers strike is over.

    After that, I found it clever how they hid who dies. They advertise that 2 heroes die, then they "killed" Maya. And in the last 5 min, they kill Nathan and Nikki.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  8. #588
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix20578
    After that, I found it clever how they hid who dies. They advertise that 2 heroes die, then they "killed" Maya. And in the last 5 min, they kill Nathan and Nikki.
    I completely forgot about that right after they advertised it. From Peter surviving the explosion to Bennet being brought back by Mohinder via Claire's blood, I just didn't take it seriously.

    Nikki was pretty much going to die anyway though. Mohinder got to New Orleans (or at least was on his way to the airport) and then immediately ignored her when he got Sylar's call. To top it all off he lost the blood anyway.

    Nice that Issue 3 is entitled "Villains." Hopefully we'll get to learn more about the generation previous. If Mrs. Petrelli is one of the only ones left (with Bob) who else could be pulling strings from the shadows?

    Hiro's revenge was the best, despite being a little inaccurate (Japan doesn't use coffins, 99.82% of all deceased Japanese are cremated). I'm more than happy to let that go for the poetic justice of it.

  9. #589
    They actually use coffins... that they are cremated or buried with the coffin is another matter entirely.

    Still... the fact that he was buried alive pretty much makes the "inaccuracy" meaningless because I'm sure it's not customary in Japan to bury people alive.

  10. #590
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Why is the company so stupid? instead of just killing sylar they injected him with the virus so he wouldn't have powers, with the chance of getting a cure someday. Then they hire mohinder to make a cure in the end lol which sylar gets. Anyone else thinks it was noah who killed nathan. Wtf is up with there mom, seemed like she didn't care about nathan getting killed, im Guessing peter getting more serious and taking people out, hopefully.

  11. #591
    Other than Elle, the second coming of Naruto and having to deal with more of Peter being a total retard I thought it was pretty good. Peter: He used his blood to save my brother, that means there's no way that all the other people who told you he was bad news could possibly be right.... I think they purposefully make him stupid just because he'd be too powerful and badass if he actually used his brain.

    I'd love to know how Hiro managed to teleport into and out of a coffin but I'm not too worried about it since the result is what counts. Still that's a hell of a way to kill someone. I mean, would he suffocat or die of carbon dioxide poisoning or just die of thirst? My money's on suffocation but i'm not really sure at all, dirt seems porous so maybe enough oxygen would get down to the coffin for him to survive until the CO2 built up. But then maybe enough would leak out of the coffin for him to breath normally, in which case he'd just die from lack of water.

    Sylar getting his powers back is annoying, but at least he's a somewhat entertaining villian with his off the top craziness. I have a feeling one of the two dead Heroes will not stay dead, I just hope it's Nathan and not Nicki. Without Jessica and her strength Nicki would just be a generic struggling single mom character, and I think that would be fairly boring compared to the lives lead by the other cast members.

    And if what Parkman said is true the only people left from the original Company are Bob and Mrs. Petrelli, so will they go back to Sylar as the primary antagonist or will we get an even bigger evil antagonist...U.S. Government perhaps!?

  12. #592
    Why can't Peter use his own blood to save his brother? I always thought since he had the regeneration ability himself, his own blood would work just as well as anyone else who had that ability...

  13. #593
    That he acquired the ability, it doesn't mean that his blood will behave the same way. As for why Sylar was not killed, the company wanted to study him, etc. He escaped from them, it's not like they let him roam around because they thought he was harmless.

    As for Noah killing Nathan, it's surely possible... though I don't think he was in the same state as them, so I guess it'll depend if they made him travel or not. Also, the person walking away from the scene doesn't have the same physical body as he would have, so the way it looks right now, he isn't.

    Hiro or Peter should get Nikki's kid, and make him grow up in another time line and then bring him back to the present when he's older. I hate little kids.

  14. #594
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Other than Elle, the second coming of Naruto and having to deal with more of Peter being a total retard I thought it was pretty good. Peter: He used his blood to save my brother, that means there's no way that all the other people who told you he was bad news could possibly be right.... I think they purposefully make him stupid just because he'd be too powerful and badass if he actually used his brain.

    so you wouldn't trust the guy who saved a family members life that u loved? the guy who preety much got u out of that jail. I would trust that person a hell of alot more then then parkman or hiro, since all hiro said is adam killed his father so he was going to kill him. I would trust the guy more then the people who created the virus and didn't destroy it (ie: hiro's father and that red head chick i forgot her name). Plus he is thinking about what has happened in the future and what his mother said, and not to mention his woman being stuck in 2008. the human mind is pretty weak when someone u love is in danger or was in danger, not to mention the fate of the world.

  15. #595
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't buy that. Peter listened to the greaser-future version of Hiro without any doubt last season. That was pretty much an crazy prophesy at the time. The whole "save the cheerleader" line. He should have trusted Hiro over someone he didn't know until recently.

  16. #596
    I think that Elle is going to be a cooler character now. Seems to me like she has gotten a taste of doing the right thing and having people thank her. She really smiled when Mohinder showed apprieciation for saving them. I think that she is going to turn a new leave and help people for a while, and then get all mad and start fucking people up again. And I think that Claire might step in to save Nathan. I mean if her blood saved her adopted Dad, why couldnt it save her real dad. Maybe she wont know soon enough, but then again anything is possible on this show.

    Hiro putting Adam 6 feet under wasnt the best. I mean he would get out of there after a while. I thought that it would have been better to drown his ass in the middle of the ocean. Maybe put some chains all up on him and shit.

    Sylar...come on dude. DIE! I want to see Maya develop her ability in a way that she can focus it onto one person and totally kill Sylar.

    West....he was selfish, yet smart.

    Peter....Fucking moron. He has known this girl for 5 minutes and he is already blinded by her? And in love with her? Come on? Why cant he absorb someones brain so he isnt soo damn dumb.

    Nikki....Gonna miss here. Kinda sucks that Micah is an orphan now. Kinda see him and Monica going around and fighting crime. His power is awesome. In a world where everything is computers he could own!

    Mrs Petrelli....Pandora's Box? Was she talking about Peter wanting revenge and taking everyone out?

    Flashbacks in the ep...Love the part where Nathan is carring the exploding Peter. AWESOME. Matt Parkman taking the detective exam.

    LOL @ Matt and Nathan flying together.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  17. #597
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Maya isn't going to be able to kill Sylar. I wouldn't say it's definite (since his powers weren't working at the time) but I believe he took out the parts he needed when he killed Alejandro. Of all the powers he had "lost," he still retained the ticking in his head when he carved up whatsherface in the first episodes.

    What was with Elle's empty file? Did Bob take them knowing she'd look for them? Were there ever any in there in the first place?

  18. #598
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    God... Why couldn't Maya just stay dead. Why was her script even written. She is THE CORNIEST!!! character ever developed... Holy shit.... I laughed when Sylar shut her up with a bullet to the throat... LOL... "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!!" *POW!*... LOL!!!

    For some reason, when I was watching Nikki trapped inside the building, all that swooshing around reminded me of when she sees Jessica in the mirrors. Maybe she got out alive with her super strength. Who knows... a new personality with ironskin might have shown up... hah.

    One thing I'm confused about, who the hell is still with the company? I thought it was just Bob? Noah makes it sound like there is a lot more to the company than we have seen so far. I wonder why Noah is so scared of Bob... what it could be.

    I agree with IMTD.... Peter meets a girl for 5 minutes and then falls in love with her. wtf... Anyways... I just want to see more Elle.. hehehehehehehe....

    When's volume 3 come out? Probably next year?
    Last edited by Idealistic; Wed, 12-05-2007 at 07:25 AM.

  19. #599
    Quote Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    Hiro putting Adam 6 feet under wasnt the best. I mean he would get out of there after a while. I thought that it would have been better to drown his ass in the middle of the ocean. Maybe put some chains all up on him and shit.
    What? When would he get out? After the thousand years it takes to chip away the concrete with his hands? Plus there is no way that he could just drown and die for good. On top of all that, if he wanted to kill Adam he would have cut his head off after teleporting him, he clearly couldn't do that and instead put him in a private hell.

  20. #600
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Isn't Parkmans dad still alive? and theres still the Hatian with the company. The thing that really bothers me about this season is that we never really got to see powers from the old generation except for a few. Supposedly they were all "heroes" but Bob, mom petrelli, the lady that made the virus, Hero's dad ect no show of any powers,kida disapointing. Also I'm thinking that the black guy that Peter cared for is still alive somehow. Also I'm still confused as to how the hell Syler made his way from New York to mexico...was it supposed to be the shape shifter chick dragging him into the sewer....seemed to me that she was hinting at working for someone. Also another thing....the makers keep showing the kensei symbol after things, such as Peter geting a tatoo then it turns into the symbol then disapears....well they did that when Peter destroyed the virus the symbol turned up in the remains then disapeared as well. I thought there was going to be some significants but it seems like there is not. Also I thought the heroes were branded with either the Kensei symbol or the double line symbol, no revelations about that either. Lots of things hanging out there with no real explanations. I hope we dont have to wait till next fall for season 3.

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