Looks like Heroes has managed to add another show to this one: DBZ
We now have Future Hiro who just happens to look like this almost:
Yes, he even has the sword.
Looks like Heroes has managed to add another show to this one: DBZ
We now have Future Hiro who just happens to look like this almost:
Yes, he even has the sword.
R.I.P Captain America.
hah nice Knives youre right =P
This episode was good, though somewhat uneventful. The biggest thing i got from it is that the mom with an alternate personality thing is a lot like the Hulk, just without changing form into something like a big monster.
I'm official.
Man knives thats exatly what I thought. this show is great the only tv I actually watch the hall day that is not anime or wrestlnig, than again it got my attention because its so anime like.
I wonder why in the last scene with Nathan, that dude referred to him as "The One". Also, do you guys think that all these Heroes possess the same powers as the others, and are just manifesting different powers in their beginning developing stages? It just makes me wonder what's the deal with Peter having dreams of the future and that drawing he did in the hospital. If not having the same powers, maybe they possess the potential to develop all of them?
Originally Posted by Budweineken
I think peter's power is that he can mimic the powers of others around him, like because he could only fly near his brother, and he could use Issac's power's after being around him (which is strange, because issac needs heroin to activate his). But yea, future Hiro looked like a badass and all, but i wonder how he learned perfect english??
Yeah, mimic may be a plausible explanation... they are even hinting at it with the show saying "he needs to be around other special people..." Still, it doesn't really explain his dreams about the future, he didn't meet the artist till afterwards. Unless it had something to do with his dad, who might have been a "Hero" also... Or maybe the mother.
Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 10-17-2006 at 12:33 PM.
At the end when the guy refers to him as "The One" i think he just meant "take the one, and not the other". Not "the one" in a matrix sense or anything. But that makes me wonder, why only one. They both have powers, and different powers. In addition. he the glases guy just says "take the one" but doesn't specify which one.
Anyway, this ep was really good. each episode is better then the last with this show. Clair turns into a killer, Niki turns into psycho hooker, and hiro goes samurai. I wonder how far into the future the new hiro is from. and whats his message.
Btw, when did peter use isaac's power? i dont remember that happening. The little sketch he drew in the hospital was of him flying after his accident, so thats not really seeing the future.
His drawing was exactly how he flew later with his brother... it wasn't portraying his earlier effort.
Huh, I just went to wikipedia and what do you know: Peter's power is [Spoilers Removed]
People, spoiling rules still apply to this forum, and revealing information that hasn't been shown on the show because you read it in an information site like wikipedia it's considered spoiling.
Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 10-17-2006 at 09:29 PM.
R.I.P Captain America.
That was some bull! If I hadn't spoiled myself by reading this thread before heand Hiro's massive cliff hanger would have probably sent me into convulsions. However now I think I'll officially pick this show up and watch it faithfully, since people are actually doing something instead of tooling around like idiots.
One thing I'm noticing about this show however is that several of the charachters elicit intense hatred from me, namely Simone, the evil guy. and the evil guy's minion. Obviously evil people are supposed to be hated, but these two are just chock full of evil to the point it makes me sick. Simone is just a basic shitty femae archetype, and I hope she never gets developed into a person with powers or anyhing so she can be written out of the show promptly.
He visited the artist first didn't he?Originally Posted by Budweineken
He visited the artist, and saw a picture of him flying. Then he attempted to fly and fell. Only while he was at the hospital he drew pictures of the future.
Maybe there would be a time limit as to how long he would inherit the powers of others. 24 hours probably?
Btw, I wonder whats Cyler's power. I think he has the power of telekinesis. He can fly, and he could make the FBI nearly shoot herself. Controlling other people's actions. As to how he froze the guy, and ate out his brains, was using molecular deceleration. If you slow down atoms and particles, it gets colder.
In theory, he would be able to speed up molecules till atoms split, and cause the New York explosion. Unless the New York case was some terrorist attack.
Interesting theory no?
And finally, I'm quite dissapointed about the Mom's powers though. She's just a psychochick. I thought it was the mirror image killing powers. Where her mirror image murders the opponents mirror image, and it manifests into reality. Or the mirror image steps out, and she takes a step into the mirror and let her alter ego take over. :P
Last edited by Stoopider; Sun, 10-22-2006 at 09:51 PM.
Well we learned a lot in this ep. didnt we.. Everyone is starting to get together and others are learning about their powers and whatnot.. Peter's power is cool and I think he'll play a big role in the future.. Anyways.. Hiro is still hilarious as always.. and whats with that weird sign.. ya know the squiggly line thing, its been popping up everywhere.. I dont know its just been bothering me since I just cant contemplate any significance it may have -_-
Excellent episode with great character development. Heroes are getting closer together and Hiro talking with the picture guy, Peter finding Hiro and giving him the message. Get to see Peter flying and his powers.
Wow was Micahs (Niki's son) dad the same guy thats with Mr. Bennet. you the one who has been erasing peoples memmories
No... they are different people, they look different. By the looks of it D.L. has the power to go through walls or some shit according to the previews.
Damn. I'm waiting for the bloody torrent!
Waiting for it to download, or waiting for the torrent itself?
It's been out for quite a while if you're still waiting for it:
Thank Bud! Strange.. Don't know why I couldn't find it on mininova.
That symbol is a pattern that shows up in the code mohinders dad wrote. trying to find patient zero and others with special powers. Go back a few eps, when mohinder and the girl are using his dads laptop. Its rite before he finds goes to sylar's place i think.Originally Posted by iLoveHotCoCo
Anyway, another great ep. alot of character development in this one. though we still have no idea how the glasses guy fits into all this. Is he working for the government, some corporation, for sylar?
I think the glasses guy (the cheerleaders step-dad) is working with Sylar, for what Sylar and him feel are right. They feel that the people with powers are a threat to humanity. So in the sacrifince of the people of New York, since it seems that that is going to be the place they will all gather, glasses guy and Sylar will detonate that bomb to get rid of the "threat". That is just a guess though.
I'm official.