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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #561
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Well, Sylar might be able to use stolen powers at an advanced level, due to the nature of his original power; 'intuitive aptitude'. His power allows him to understand how things work almost immediately. For instance, he has a very high mastery over telekinesis, way more than Brian Davis (the guy he stole it from). So I think Sylar would be able to used the so called 'advanced levels' of a power, because he would understand how it works.

    Peter, on the other hand would probably have to practice extensively, and maybe then it wouldn't make a difference, unless he comes to understand the nature of the powers. The thing about Peter is, that his ability is built on emotion, which can be unpredictable, and thusly could affect his control. Sylar's is built on logic, and therefore is more stable, which would allow him to build on what he knows more easily than Peter.

    P.S. And its "Parkman"

  2. #562
    ANBU Captain
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    its a secret
    oops i knew that.

  3. #563
    Quote Originally Posted by joker-kun
    I thought Noah being healed was stupid. I didn't want him to die, but basically what that episode showed was that anyone can be brought back to life using whoever's blood it was (Probably Claire's, but I guess there's the chance it's Adam's). Their regeneration power should not have the ability to bring someone back from the dead (except for maybe themselves). If so what's there from stopping something stupid like a zmobie army? I hope it can be explained like if you use it in a certain amount of time after their death and they don't die of natural causes you're okay. Anything more is retarded.
    Hiro almost brought his father back from death. In a show where time travel is possible it seems that using their blood to bring people back should be a non-issue.

    The blood transfusion thing is a decent point but it really doesn't matter. Bob has endless money, if he wanted to he could have contracted some sort of device to pump blood to move it through the body and thus bring him back to life. Assuming something like that doesn't exist already. In a show where people throw lightning bolts from their hands I give them a bit of leeway with oddities like this. =P

    I'm pretty psyched about the Adam Monroe deal, I think he will be a very interesting character and probably the only decent one that was added this season.

  4. #564
    Blood transfusions have been common for quite some time (at least before WWII). As to the blood healing, it would make sense that a body that's not completely dead (every single cell has died) could be revived with hyper regeneration powers (I'm guessing Clare and Adam's blood is filled with hyperactive Stem Cells or something along those lines). Thus you take a body that's been 'dead' for a few hours toss in some super stem cells and they match to the cells that make up the dead body, fix it up and 'revive' it. Good times.


    Hiro vs Peter awesomeness. Though Hiro shouldn't really stand a chance I would think.

    And oh my God I haven't been so excited to see a character die for as long as I can remember. I hope we get to watch Syler munch on Maya's brain while she's still conscious enough to know how retarded she is. Turning her back on her own twin for some shmuck she found in the desert...

    But misleading good people seems to be the theme of this season. Peter and Mohinder are also idiots, with Mohinder being the worst because the evidence stares him in the face and he just ignores it. Peter is convinced that b/c he was unjustly locked up Adam must have been unjustly locked up too. I guess it never occurred to him that even evil people can make good decisions or there might be people even more evil than others, his rude awakening and the knowledge that it's all his fault will be enough recompense.

    My predictions for the finalé , Peter gets his hands on the virus but finally wises up once it's too late and Adam makes him drop the vial, Hiro stops time just in time to stop it from spreading but after it's already broken open, then he collect the virus (thus exposing himself) and takes it somewhere safe. Somehow Nathan goes public (this seems like a shoehorning) with the Heroness pissing Bob off. Mohinder foolishly tells Syler about the cure instead of saying i have no idea what's wrong with you, Syler and he fight, Maya dies in the process, Syler limps away with the blood, injects himself, does a Magneto in X-Men 3 and fade to black. Oh and somewhere in there Nicki hulks up and kicks some thug ass to get Micha's cousin back.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 11-26-2007 at 11:22 PM.

  5. #565
    That last scene of Hiro charging at Peter with the sword was ridiculous, as in ridiculously bad.

  6. #566
    Thank god Alejandro is dead. He annoyed the shit out of me.

    I liked how Sylar went to extremes to get the trust of Maya and makes her see the brother differently, smart. Such a good character.

    Hiro should've teleported that shit and slit Peter's throat, Peter doesn't have control, otherwise he would've been able to go get his girl.

    I'm wondering how they are going to play Bennett now?

  7. #567
    worst episode ever.

  8. #568
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    worst episode ever.
    Wrong. That title belongs to the episode where West first flew Claire in the clouds and onto the Hollywood sign. Or pretty much any other episode where Claire was secretly dating West.

    Sylar alone made this episode great. The rest...maybe you're right (Hiro certainly is stupidly charging at Peter, even when he knows he's lost the advantage of stopping time). The way Sylar seduced and twisted Maya was fantastic writing and acting though.

  9. #569
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    The only good things about this episode was Sylar and Monroe.

  10. #570
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    I didn't find anything good about this episode it was overall bad. So bad that I walked up and left the room when the Niki parts were going on. It was just a incoherent episode.

    Also, too bad Peter doesn't have mind reading powers, he could've really used those when he couldn't decide who was lying between Victoria and Adam.......

    R.I.P Captain America.

  11. #571
    Meowr, cat fight.

  12. #572
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122

    Also, too bad Peter doesn't have mind reading powers, he could've really used those when he couldn't decide who was lying between Victoria and Adam.......

    What are you talking about? He read Victoria's mind at one point in the episode. I guess he just trusts everything Adam says...

  13. #573
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    What are you talking about? He read Victoria's mind at one point in the episode. I guess he just trusts everything Adam says...
    He has the power to read minds and he just uses them to find out where the virus wass. He doesn't bother to look for more information nor does he check to see if what the people around him are actually telling the truth.

    He's being completely closed minded on this entire topic(he is clearly not thinking).

    He could've done a lot more with his power to prevent what happened in that house. (note the sarcastic comment I wrote.)

    R.I.P Captain America.

  14. #574
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    He has the power to read minds and he just uses them to find out where the virus wass. He doesn't bother to look for more information nor does he check to see if what the people around him are actually telling the truth.

    He's being completely closed minded on this entire topic(he is clearly not thinking).

    He could've done a lot more with his power to prevent what happened in that house. (note the sarcastic comment I wrote.)
    Well hopefully the fight he is about to have with Hiro will open his eyes a little, or a lot since im will Knives on this one. He completely fails to realize that Adam is using him at this point, as did the rest of the company at one point or another.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    Also, too bad Peter doesn't have mind reading powers, he could've really used those when he couldn't decide who was lying between Victoria and Adam.......
    God damn it stop digging those plot holes bigger than they already are! lol

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  15. #575
    What's the extent of Peter's mind reading power?
    Can't he only read what the person is thinking?

    Adam might be really good with hiding what he's thinking, he's had plenty of time.

  16. #576
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Yea, I think Peter's powers are pretty basic, since he doesn't really practice all that often.

  17. #577
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    I can give peter a pass on trusting adam so much, miya is a diffretn story. peter was imprisoned witht the guy and he pretty much got him out for one, plus peter has this chick lost in the future so all thats on his mind really is destroying the virus, also his mind reading seemed weak since it took him awhile and when u hear it it kinda sounded broken up,

    miya on the other hand pretty much left her brother for some guy she doesn't know, believed sylars story on why he killed hios mother without even questioning it at all, but not listening to her brother when he said he didnt hate her lol.

  18. #578
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    The way Sylar seduced and twisted Maya was fantastic writing and acting though. That was one of, if not the worst part of the episode. Hell, the entire series. It was nothing if not crappy writing. We all agree what a dumb move it was for maya to trust sylar over her twin, but who is maya? just an actor who reads what the writers hand her.

    It was incredibly horrible writing, and a cheap way of getting rid of alehandro while getting sylar close to maya. They spent lik 7 episodes showing the 3 of them in the car, and then in 4 mins, they kill off her twin and maya/sylar are all buddy buddy.

  19. #579
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I hate parts in the show where a character is just downright stupid:

    Like Hiro saying

    "Oh, you are on Adam's side? Then you are in my way"

    instead of

    "I went back in time and I found out Adam is going to release a deadly virus!"

    I think Peter is more prone to believe Hiro because he has regained his memory and therefore trusts him.

    What the hell Hiro? Charging at Peter? Can't you just teleport behind Adam and chop of his head? Oh yea, that would be too easy.

  20. #580
    I was surprised they killed off Alejandro. I thought he'd be a central character, but I guess not now. Did he ever have any special powers or was he just the one Maya trusted enough to end her Epidemic-kill Everyone Bloody Eye state? Cause I was thinking he might've had regenerative powers too and was expecting him to pop up any minute alive and kicking.

    And yeah, the Maya -> Sylar was the shittiest writing imaginable. "YES, YES I UNDERSTAND YOU I WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING." No questions asked, it's still your mother.

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