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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #541
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    I have to wonder ...

    if Peter's got the power to obtain other people's abilities by mere presence, and the Haitian has the power to suppress other people's abilities, does that mean Peter can now also, if he figures out how to, suppress other people's abilities by virtue of having been in close quarters with the Haitian? Or did the Haitian's suppression powers take precedence and keep Peter from absorbing them?

    In other words, which one of them is more absurdly overpowered: the guy who absorbs everything or the guy who can dampen everything?

  2. #542
    I guess the question would also be, was the Haitian always surpressing his powers while around him. But seeing how he's basically using his powers to remember things, as far as I understand, then he did absorb it.

  3. #543
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I'm guessing that since the Hatian's power suppression chiefly works on powers that involvle concentration, that Peter does have his power, as Peter's "empathy" power is passive. In theory, he should be able to recall the Hatian's power..but then again, it's all according to the whims of the writers.

  4. #544
    empathy power?

  5. #545
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    That is the technical term for his power: Empathic Mimicry
    Last edited by rockmanj; Wed, 11-14-2007 at 02:26 AM.

  6. #546
    I really would like them to clear that up, since it would go a long way to concretely clearing up whether the Haitians dampening is actually targeted.

    Elle's lightning bolt seems enough proof to me that he can choose to exclude people from the effect, and since Bud is always right it must be the case that Peter's powers were suppressed the whole time he was running away from the Haitian. Since Peter was so much further from the Haitian than Elle was when the chase began and he didn't turn invisible or fly away I am inclined to believe the Haitian has learned to target his suppression in the same way he learned to target specific memories. If this is the case then Peter should naturally absorb the ability if he ever got close to the Haitian at a time when the Haitian wasn't focused on suppressing his powers. Does anyone remember Peter and the Haitian ever meeting/being near one another without the Haitian knowing?

  7. #547
    I don't recall them ever been together, but who knows if in any of those secret meetings the Haitian and the mom have had throughout the years if Peter was ever near him at any point. Maybe they've met a ton of times, and he has simply erased Peter's memory. But Peter with that power, he really becomes overpowered... he'd be unstoppable. But the twist is, that he's now under Adam's command, so him being overpowered is not really a good thing at the moment.

  8. #548
    Well, there was that time, when he was learning how to control his powers with claude....bennett and the haitian tried to tazer him, and he stopped time. The hatian wasn't close enough to use his powers obviously, so if peter's range is bigger then the haitians, he would've absorbed his powers during that scuffle.

  9. #549
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    Well, there was that time, when he was learning how to control his powers with claude....bennett and the haitian tried to tazer him, and he stopped time. The hatian wasn't close enough to use his powers obviously, so if peter's range is bigger then the haitians, he would've absorbed his powers during that scuffle.
    Unless he wanted him to escape... remember he was helping his mom.

  10. #550
    Quote Originally Posted by complich8

    In other words, which one of them is more absurdly overpowered: the guy who absorbs everything or the guy who can dampen everything?

    Haitian+gun>all - gunX
    random guy with no powers + 2gun>haitian

  11. #551
    Great episode tonight, these last couple of episodes should be quite good full of action and revelations. Fucking strike better end soon, they are meeting again on Nov. 26.

  12. #552
    Heroes is so awesome again, I've almost completely forgotten the garbage of the early part of the season now. So much of what I've wanted to see happen happened in this ep. Elle got humiliated (and shot), Mohinder got cracked in the face again (though it made him even more stupid), Clare suffered thanks to her stupid "I'm so fucking smart because I'm 16" attitude, and HRG lives! The only thing missing was Wes and Mohinder dying. I can't imagine how they're going to cram an ending into two more episodes but I suspect a cliffhanger and the tag line for next season being "Who is Victoria Platt (or whatever her name is)?"

  13. #553
    awesome ep indeed. In the next 2 episodes, heores should probably track down kensie, and then him and peter mite have a small show down. like yuki said, the next season will probably combine the plague/victoria pratt/kensie storylines.

    I still dont know how the sylar and monica storylines fit into all this....i just hope they drop teh sylar story line, its completely horrible.

  14. #554
    I was under the impression that this wasnt the SEASON Finale coming up, but rather a midwinter break of sorts. And I did think that it was predictable that Noah was healed with the blood. Sweet storyline about Hiro though, glad that they didnt try to say that seeing himself would "throw off the whole space time continuim." And as much as I dont like West's storyline about him just happening to be talking to Claire on the first day and them finding out about one another. I still like him. I still want to know what Mamma Petrelli's power is, Kaito's for that matter too.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  15. #555
    The writers strike has forced the production to shut down early so while this was supposed to be a midseason break episode they're calling it the season finale. Hopefully, if the strike ends soon, they'll be able to bring it back before summer but I'm not getting my hopes up.

  16. #556
    Quote Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    And I did think that it was predictable that Noah was healed with the blood. .
    I don't think that's clair's blood but adams. with adam, HRG and peter the anti company alliance is unstopable..

  17. #557
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    I thought Noah being healed was stupid. I didn't want him to die, but basically what that episode showed was that anyone can be brought back to life using whoever's blood it was (Probably Claire's, but I guess there's the chance it's Adam's). Their regeneration power should not have the ability to bring someone back from the dead (except for maybe themselves). If so what's there from stopping something stupid like a zmobie army? I hope it can be explained like if you use it in a certain amount of time after their death and they don't die of natural causes you're okay. Anything more is retarded.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  18. #558
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    I think that even the blood cant save everyone from the Shanti Virus. The virus neutralizes abilities in the blood, so therefore, the healing blood would be useless.

    And yes, Noah coming back like that made his death to save Claire a worthless

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  19. #559
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Mohinder goes into reflective mode, asked Elle how many people she's killed, wanted to negotiate with Noah, and then after a bashing by him shoots him in the head? Can't he aim for a less lethal spot, considering he was just steps away? It seemed like a forced way to ensure that Issac's paintings became true.

    On another note.... I'm still wondering how you do blood transfusion on a dead person.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  20. #560
    ANBU Captain
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    Ive been noticing that everybody has been getting "lv2's" to thier initial powers. Do you think the advances in their powers can be copied by sylar or absorbed by peter? If so that would be gay. They sould make a limit as to how much power can be absorbed so hartman can keep his power up. He is better than hiro at this point. He can put people in a nightmare, tell them what to do(to an extent seemingly), and read thier minds!! All of which can be done from a distance. Matt and his dad sont even have to see their target which is even crazier.

    btw wasnt sure if i shouldve made another thread for this but sorry for going so far off topic.

    btw .........uh WORST WEDDING EVER.

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