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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #421
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Peter was using fire while Sylar was using ice.

    No spoilers.
    I warned you once before in this thread. Do it again, and you'll have a vacation from this site.
    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 09-25-2007 at 03:18 PM.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  2. #422
    No no, you're probably correct. I don't have the episodes from first season either, going to buy them on dvd, so I deleted them.

    @Ryllharu Maybe this is were Peters memory is, trapped in Nathan? Don't you like Nikki?

  3. #423
    are the comics available for download somewhere? i dont like using the site cuz it was all laggy and shit.

    about the ep, it was decent. kensie being a gaijin = awesome. Never saw that coming. I wonder if he has any powers though...probably does since he seems to be the origins of that symbol. maybe he's like the Hero's version of Apocalypse...the first mutant. I wonder though, how would the general population react to kensie being a white guy.....most of us are anime watchers so know the occasional white devil showing up in medieval japan isn't that strange...but for those who aren't aware of that, it mite seem odd that the Japaneses hero is actually a brit.

    The scene with bennett nearly breaking that guys finger was also awesome. guess its hard for him to keep a low profile as well. About the eclipse, i figured spok was alluding to an earlier eclipse from his own days. Theres obviously some connection between the heroes and the solar eclipse, so its that that far fetched to assume that there was an eclipse that led to some major events when the 12 (or was it 13) Company leaders were together.

  4. #424

  5. #425
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    are the comics available for download somewhere? i dont like using the site cuz it was all laggy and shit.

    about the ep, it was decent. kensie being a gaijin = awesome. Never saw that coming. I wonder if he has any powers though...probably does since he seems to be the origins of that symbol. maybe he's like the Hero's version of Apocalypse...the first mutant.
    Maybe the child that comes from him and the swordsmith's daughter is the first mutant? She was pretty hot... i'd bone her.

    Don't reveal information from future episodes.
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 09-26-2007 at 12:31 AM.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  6. #426
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    If I remember correctly, Peter was fighting with radiation (red color), while Sylar was using something of blue color (maybe an electric charge or freezing power or something), kinda like what Peter used now. I may be mistaken though, but I don't have the first season episodes to check.
    "Don't burn hot, burn bright" (Bennett to Ted, instructing him how to make an EMP instead of just irradiating everything around him).

    IIRC, Ted's emp power was blue, while his irradiation power was red. As you might recall, Syler also got Ted's powers. My belief is that both Syler and Peter were using ted-powers there, but I also haven't gone back to rewatch it or anything.

  7. #427
    Why would they fight with an EMP type of power though? How much harm can an EMP cause, besides affecting electronics?

  8. #428
    If properly focused and intense enough EM radiation above the microwave range would be more than sufficient for devastating a living body. Microwaves boil water (even if it's inside you), Infrared, Visible and UV light can cause burns, and X-rays and Gamma rays can break molecular bonds and generally just fuck up the chemicals that hold a body together.

    However whatever Peter did to that guy imparted quite a bit of momentum, something EM is not exactly good at. I suspect he's either picked up a new power from somewhere or the writers decided to broaden the definition of radiation to include concussive force.

    EDIT: Issac -> Peter
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 09-26-2007 at 02:34 PM.

  9. #429
    Another thing I've been thinking about Peter. Maybe someone from the Company kidnapped him and trained him? Also he could be compressing energy, and make energy balls?

  10. #430
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    I'd rather think he met up with some human taser and absorbed his power. 4 months is a long time-- anything could've happened since he blew up in the sky.

  11. #431
    Quote Originally Posted by Koyuki
    Another thing I've been thinking about Peter. Maybe someone from the Company kidnapped him and trained him? Also he could be compressing energy, and make energy balls?
    I dunno about the training, but its definitely possible that someone took him. He didn't just handcuff himself inside an empty crate. But i doubt its the company...they wouldn't have let him go like that....seems like theres a third party involved. Also, note the necklace he's wearing.....he got that from somewhere since he didn't have that last season.

  12. #432
    Even if he had had it last season, I would say it's safe to assume that it would've been destroyed when he exploded.

  13. #433
    Was I missing something, how is Peter's brother still alive after taking off with Peter in the sky and exploding? I did miss the first 10 minutes, but was the explanation in there?

  14. #434
    No, there wasn't. But, there's no reason why he wouldn't have flown away when Peter was about to explode.

    What I do wonder though, is that scene in the bar when he sees himself in the mirror with all his face burned up, wondering if that's a sign of guilt or if it has another meaning.

  15. #435
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joker-kun
    Maybe the child that comes from him and the swordsmith's daughter is the first mutant? She was pretty hot... i'd bone her.
    Eww... No way. She looked so weird. All the talk about a beautiful swordsmith's daughter and then that's all we get? They could have found a way hotter japanese girl.

    It was a nice episode though. Nice introductory back into the series. What I want to know most is what Molly sees in her nightmares. Looks like Sylar is back. I really don't know how though. Maybe it ties into Hiro and his time traveling.

    Claire and West? Don't tell me we are going to see a magic carpet ride in the future.

    We have never seen that skill that Peter used. It was like a blue blast or something. And no it wasn't ice.

    As of right now, there's just not enough info to really speculate on what is going on and how Peter and Sylar are alive.

    @Munsu, I'm wondering the same thing too. Was that his face or was that Peter's? Maybe Nathan found his body all burnt up? I didn't think the explosion was like a bomb, but was more of like just radiation/flames just erupting from his body. And uhh.... He might have regenerated himself with Claires ability, but the radiation and stuff fried his brain cells so he lost his memories or something.

  16. #436
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    The thing I don't get is that future Peter (one with the scar) also blew up yet had all his memories. I think the whole losing memory thing is kind of stupid. It's inconsistent. It adds to the story though so it's obvious why it's done.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  17. #437
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    When the gaijin punched Hiro, I thought he would leave his gear behind so that Hiro can become the real Keisei, and also the creator of that symbol. Anyway, I loved how Hiro took out his glasses again when he first realised that Keisei wasn't Japanese.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  18. #438
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    No, there wasn't. But, there's no reason why he wouldn't have flown away when Peter was about to explode.

    What I do wonder though, is that scene in the bar when he sees himself in the mirror with all his face burned up, wondering if that's a sign of guilt or if it has another meaning.
    Maybe he has healing powers too, but not as awesome as his daughter's?
    perhaps he was burned to a crisp in that explosion.

    Or peter did the cliche "save yourself!", and nathan saw peter slowly burning up before being pushed back by a telekenetic blast by peter or some stuff..

  19. #439
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    Why would they fight with an EMP type of power though? How much harm can an EMP cause, besides affecting electronics?
    Something that a lot of people don't realize is that solid matter's not actually solid. It's full of empty space, and the thing that actually acts as a surface is the electromagnetic force.

    (for other entertaining examples, I'd like to point at experiments in high-density magnets. I direct your attention to Diamagnetism, and to the applications thereof.

    Of course, given that the Heroes universe involves people radiating gamma's, conjuring fire, flying and slicing people's heads open with their minds, I don't think anyone should take the physics that seriously. Just saying, the electromagnetic force is what makes solids solid... so anything a solid object can do, the right type of emf can also do.

    - next topic -

    I think that Nathan definitely tossed Peter, probably outwards over the ocean, realizing that there's not a lot of wide open spaces several miles square within 30 or 40 blocks of downtown NYC. And probably, after he blew himself up, he probably plummeted to the ocean, where Nathan couldn't find him, having flown far enough away to not get blown up. And, more likely than not, either the new shadowy villain who can see molly, the company, or just some crazy opportunistic fisherman fished Peter out of the drink, half-drowned and unaware of what the hell was going on.

    (Which makes me think ... I wonder if Clare's also immune to drowning... )

    Seeing himself as a charred corpse instead of an unshaven bum is definitely a reflection of his survivor-guilt. He feels that he should have died, that that singed appearance should have been him. Deep in his heart, I'm sure he feels responsible for the events going that way, because until the very end he didn't actively try to stop them. He was caught up in his mother's and Linderman's game, which involved killing half the population of New York in a nuclear blast. If he had listened to his brother, had trusted the guy who had always been a moral beacon for him instead of the mother he always knew as manipulative, he'd have maybe been able to stop things.

    At least, that, I think, is what his mindset is. It's reasonable, too, given that he's been on a bit of a megalomania kick for his whole adult life...

  20. #440
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Claire is immortal, she is immune to death, at most she would go into a deep sleep.
    Yes yes future sylar cut out her brain, but if you would put it back she would just heal up again.
    She doesn't die, she just.... sleeps or something.

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