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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #401
    A couple of days ago Kristen Bell (lead of Veronica Mars) was added to the show. Apparently she'll be a guest star for a couple of episodes... I hope she stays long enough to be promoted to a full cast member, she's great and hot.

  2. #402
    Agree. I wasn't that big fan of Veronica Mars, but I watched some episodes. Kristen is a pretty good actor and she is hot

  3. #403
    You have to see her episodes on Deadwood, she was awesome.

  4. #404
    I'll try that. Anyways I heard that Sylar (Zachary Quinto) isn't going to appear that much next season, cause he is shooting the next Star Trek movie. He's playing Spock.

  5. #405
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Hooray, my season 1 dvd came in this afternoon =] Now if only I had time to watch it...

  6. #406
    Quote Originally Posted by Koyuki
    Agree. I wasn't that big fan of Veronica Mars, but I watched some episodes. Kristen is a pretty good actor and she is hot
    She always reminded me of a cheap knock of of Chloe on Smallville, that she is a great actress. I love her!

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  7. #407
    When's the second season start?

  8. #408
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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  9. #409
    Has Heroes been airing reruns through the summer? Just wondering why Heroes is going to air something tonight, if the season premiere is the 24th as it has been announced everywhere.

  10. #410
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    Downloaded the batch a couple of days ago, cool series, I personally like future Hiro with the fluent English, just shows how good of an actor he is... Syler's geetin old and the moment I thought he did, Dolly came with the info that there's another person much worse then Syler is...

    *And he can see her...*

    @ Munsu: They'd have to be reruns, I get them here to. Like Foomanchew24 says, season 2 airs on the 24th this month.

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  11. #411
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Next Season of Heroes starts tonight at 9 on NBC. Don't miss it.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  12. #412
    I bet you Hiro becomes Kensei.

    Edit: Looking at the previews, it seems I may be mistaken.
    Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 09-24-2007 at 09:00 PM.

  13. #413
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    WooT! End o the ep. Guess whos back?
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  14. #414
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I could really go off on all the thoughts and speculations I had watching this episode (most blown away by the end of the episode), but I'll wait a little while longer so everyone gets a chance to see it.

  15. #415
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Mage, stop doing stupid should know better then to make useless spam posts. Im not going to bother with warnings anymore, you'll just be perma banned.
    Last edited by Assassin; Tue, 09-25-2007 at 09:27 AM.

  16. #416
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    A good ep, although nothing amazing. I'm a little upset about Hiro's dad, though, and I thought the unknown villain with a bag over his head was really lame. At least use some clever shadowing or something =P

    But I hope that most of the basic pieces were set in this ep so this season does look a bit promising.

  17. #417
    Looks like Peter has some new powers right? Also, I really like that new latin Hero, I wonder what her power is.

    By the way, was there an eclipse in the first season? I don't remember it, so I'm wondering why Hiro said "Not again!" when the eclipse showed up. Claire's new friend has powers, and he'll probably become her boyfriend. You think he was sent by someone, or is he simply just some random kid with super powers?

    Anyways, I thought that Kensei being an Englishman who doesn't care for shit was nice. For a moment there I thought that Hiro might actually become Kensei, but it seems like he has some powers himself, so now I doubt it.

  18. #418
    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    Looks like Peter has some new powers right? Also, I really like that new latin Hero, I wonder what her power is.

    By the way, was there an eclipse in the first season? I don't remember it, so I'm wondering why Hiro said "Not again!" when the eclipse showed up. Claire's new friend has powers, and he'll probably become her boyfriend. You think he was sent by someone, or is he simply just some random kid with super powers?

    Anyways, I thought that Kensei being an Englishman who doesn't care for shit was nice. For a moment there I thought that Hiro might actually become Kensei, but it seems like he has some powers himself, so now I doubt it.
    Peters new powers was the same he used in Peter vs Sylar, I think. But I wonder how he got them and it also seems like Peter has lost his memory. From the looks of it, I think the new latin Hero can make peoples brains explode or something.

    The eclipse is first shown in the first episode if I remember correct. Seems like Claire and West (the new guy) are going to be close friends.

    I also thought Hiro might become Kensei. I'd like to see how Kensei/Hiro progresses. A really good season premiere. I can't wait till next week.

  19. #419
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I wasn't sure what Hiro would do, but since he's become a little more proactive, I wouldn't be surprised if he kept taking Kensei back in time until he does things "right." We'll see. I won't put it past Hiro doing everything and claiming he was Kensei, it could happen yet.

    Until they showed Peter, I wasn't sure if Peter was impersonating Nathan or not, the scar tissue made it unclear to me who it really was. Peter hadn't absorbed any powers like Candice's, but you never know with him anymore.

    I also briefly entertained the idea that Clare's new friend West actually was Nathan (somehow...), keeping an eye on her. The powers were the only thing that gave me that hint, but it all flew out the window (intentional pun) when Peter showed up.

    I always liked Molly after her introduction. She seems strangely mature. Perhaps it's because everything she's been through. It seems she'll be much more prominent from now on, and Saresh is finally taking an active role, against the Company. That reminds me of the dinner scene at the "Butler's" that was a nice bit of humor injected in.

    The best part about the premier? No Nikki and Micah.

  20. #420
    Quote Originally Posted by Koyuki
    Peters new powers was the same he used in Peter vs Sylar, I think. But I wonder how he got them and it also seems like Peter has lost his memory. From the looks of it, I think the new latin Hero can make peoples brains explode or something.

    The eclipse is first shown in the first episode if I remember correct. Seems like Claire and West (the new guy) are going to be close friends.

    I also thought Hiro might become Kensei. I'd like to see how Kensei/Hiro progresses. A really good season premiere. I can't wait till next week.
    If I remember correctly, Peter was fighting with radiation (red color), while Sylar was using something of blue color (maybe an electric charge or freezing power or something), kinda like what Peter used now. I may be mistaken though, but I don't have the first season episodes to check.

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