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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #381
    I don't like how Sylar died so easily...and was really killed by Hiro after all.


  2. #382
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    We don't know if he's dead-dead yet. There was one shot towards the end where you see the bloody ground where Sylar was supposed to be trailing to an open manhole. Not to mention the cockroach crawling around just before it cut to Volume 2. Recall the appearance of a cockroach back when Sylar was caught by the Company and how he fooled people into thinking he passed away in order to escape.

  3. #383
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Oh yea...i remember that...maybe the next super-villan is some sort of bug guy (cockroaches have been around for a looong time, and are really adaptable. it makes sense).

  4. #384
    I was suprised, I thought Sylar was dead there for a second. He might've been dragged to the man hole, but it's funny that no one picked up on it at first or even the ambulance didn't take him, as he was pretty far away from it. I would've liked to have seen Sylar get Clare's power at the end or Parkman's. I thought he was going to get Parkman's when he went off after him.

    I see Hiro doesn't have full control of his powers, or is it the only place he thought of before he got launched into the building.

  5. #385
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    It's funny how many of you think peter is dead when he lived in the future after blowing up new york lol. Hiro ending up in japan like that must have just been him panicking that he would end up as a pancake on the building so he warped anywhere without thinking. I actually thought he would end up in the pre historic era fighting a t-rex like that early picture in the show lol, would have been awesome . Sylar has to be alive since we saw the bloody trail into the sewer. hey maybe peters mom is the evil person that girl can't see lol.

  6. #386
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I'm having a hard time accepting that Linderman is dead. Such a lame way to go for such a great man.

    Maybe there is an hero ([sic] lol) that can bring people back from the dead.

  7. #387
    if there ever is, then death will have no meaning in the series, i think that would ruin it all

  8. #388
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
    It's funny how many of you think peter is dead when he lived in the future after blowing up new york lol.
    I think its because people take the whole "exploding" in the way of, exploding into little bits, INSTEAD of an explosion of energy, that is how i always saw it.
    I mean c'mon, look at this:
    It always seemed like a massive release of energy to me, instead of blowing himself to bits.

    There is no way peter is dead, sylar was 100% dead at the end of the show, he was just dragged of by some new person.
    Nathan, i dunno, all cases i come up with nathan dies, cause there is no way he outran that explosion, even if peter, stopped time or flew by himself, the explosion was way too big.

    But yeah, ppl take explosion way to literal.

  9. #389
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
    hey maybe peters mom is the evil person that girl can't see lol.
    i really really believe that the haitain is the evil person that the girl cant see. i believe this for a few reasons.

    1) the haitain can negate peoples powers. So if there is only one person that can negate the tracking, it pretty much has to be the haitain.

    2) Im not SURE but i think that somewhere in the series, the haitain could tell when a power was trying to be used on him, like mind reading i think he may have realized his mind was trying to be read. And the girl says that he can tell when hes being watched.

    3) This was a real small part and i dont remember it too well and it may just be something else, but like, when bennet and the haitain were walking down the hall to go somewhere, and bennet confronted the haitain about that he knows that the haitain told claire whats really going on or that someone found out he could talk or something, and then he yelled at him for doing something, and then the haitain said it was an order from someone with a higher voice than him, so its obvious that hes working for someone else, maybe as a part of a organization of villains like hiro's dad's old friends who have "turned to the dark side". Kind of like Itachi from naruto being part of akatsuki. Pretending to be good for a while, then turning on everyone and joining a large organization.

  10. #390
    Benevolent Dictator
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    But he's also got an apparently limited range for this. We don't know how Molly's power works (or anyone else's for that matter), but presumably she wouldn't get within the limits of his powers when he's, say, in texas and she's in new york, or something like that.

    Further, while he's played along with "bad" guys (Bennet's company), he's also played along with Bennet to the detriment of the company. Bennet trusts him so far as to let him poke around in his memories...

    I don't know what the Haitian's goals are, but they seem to be generally in line with the goals of the good guy squad.

    I think, given the current cast of characters if Syler really is dead (which I'm not convinced of), season 2 needs a villain who hasn't been introduced yet.

    Also, Itachi was legitimately good, he wasn't just pretending. I expect that he probably turned on the Uchiha clan after realizing the brutal, even fratricidal history and inner workings of the clan that would let them even discover Mangekyo -- it's not like he invented it or anything. He likely felt that the clan as a whole deserved extinction, and that it would only happen if he made it happen. And he likely left Sasuke alive because he felt that as both part of the clan and the murderer of his entire extended family, he too deserved extinction. Even now, we don't really know Itachi's motives or goals, past or present.
    Last edited by complich8; Fri, 06-01-2007 at 05:08 PM.

  11. #391
    I think the "bad" guy Molly is reffering to is the guy Peter was a nurse of in the beginning of the series, the one that talked with Peter after he fell unconscious. He's a well known actor, and I don't think they would bring him back towards the end of the season for nothing. I think he still has a big part to play.

  12. #392
    This series will soon start running in the Netherlands (or just has ), is it worth following ( assuming that a 40 page threadhistory is enough to guarantee that ) or does the storyline drop, as it did with Lost (imho) ?

  13. #393
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Peter was alive and scarred only in the future where the bomb went off at street level and Sylar stole Candice's powers to become Nathan (who he obviously also killed). We're now pushed into a different future. DL and Mica are both alive, Parkman is probably dead. I think it's safe to say that Peter and Nathan are both dead for good. Peter could never really control Ted's powers, and he'd be threatening to lose it all the time unless he spent a lot of time controlling it. (Like the month or so Ted took.)
    How the future timeline gets affected still hasn't been explained. In the future we saw, Claire was alive so that means that Peter did save her (hinting that the future we saw was already affected by some changes in the past) as we saw in the "Save the Cheerleader" portion of the series, so that means that he got her powers and still got a scar. Was it already explained how he got the scar?

    As I said in a post a couple of weeks ago, the only other way is that Claire never dies in any timeline and Skylar never acquires her powers, in any storyline. Mr. Bennett simply staged her death to get her away from the company. But "Nathan" and Claire knowing each other in the future, strongly hints that she probably also met Peter at some point, which I'm guessing is from the current storyline we've been experiencing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    Out of curiousity, has anyone been following the comics that come out online weekly? There was this one major revelation that came out the past couple of weeks which I was surprised that it hasn't made a reference to in the actual TV series yet.
    Has this been revealed yet? A yes or no answer will suffice.
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 06-21-2007 at 07:59 AM.

  14. #394
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    I wish it was a simple yes. Basically, the implications were planted in the show itself towards the end, with that particular comic confirming it. I don't want to spoil you by accident since it's so murky and we both may have a different opinion of what a spoiler is.

  15. #395
    It's not really a spoiler to answer his question, I don't see how one could derive exactly what was revealed in the comic from the show alone. Much like Lindermans "little problem" for which he needed Micah, the comic explaination of that would be a little bit of a stretch to make blindly, though I guess it's possible. But I would say no, what Honoka mentioned was not revealed in the main show with any level of explicitness.

  16. #396
    So, I just finshed watching all the episodes in a span of like 3 days and I was hooked. I really liked the show, it was gorey, and it had Hiro. Anyways, anybody know when a possible second season would air, if at all?

  17. #397
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Well, seeing as how it was the most popular show in america, its been picked up; it'll probably start sometime in the fall.

  18. #398
    Comic-Con '07: Heroes' Panel

    The story contains some minor spoilers from next season, so don't discuss it here and read at your own risk:;title;0

  19. #399
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Only one part of that is really surprising (and not in a good way).

    My prediction for season 2: Sylar dies very early on, probably in his first appearence getting killed by the new Big Bad. Sylar is too ridiculously powerful to stay alive for another confrontation with the heroes and it's unlikely season 2's Big Bad is going to be teaming up with him.

  20. #400
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y
    Only one part of that is really surprising (and not in a good way).

    My prediction for season 2: Sylar dies very early on, probably in his first appearence getting killed by the new Big Bad. Sylar is too ridiculously powerful to stay alive for another confrontation with the heroes and it's unlikely season 2's Big Bad is going to be teaming up with him.
    I root for that prediction as well, but in press conferences Tim Kring made it very clear that he really loved Sylar's character (I don't know why =P) so I think it's more likely that the S2 Big Bad will use Sylar as some kind of lackey.

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