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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #21
    Yeah, I have to agree that the second episode was much better. And from what we can see, the Serial Killer is probably hunting them all down, all the way up to the disaster that the artist is predicting.

    So, it seems like the disaster will take place in 5 weeks.

  2. #22
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    When/where do you watch the show? I see it on Sci-Fi on fridays at 7, but I'm assuming theres an earlier time?

  3. #23
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    NBC Monday nights at nine Eastern Standard Time.
    Here's the official site by the way.
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  4. #24
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Second episode was definately much better than the first. Especially the ending.
    I watch it on NBC at 9 Pacifc.

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  5. #25
    ya, ep 2 was awesome. the ending definately ruled. i wanna know what the deal is with this serial killer. it seems like hes a psychotic version of iceman. like iceman + hannibal lector. Also, the circumstances surrounding the stripper mom are pretty intresting. she blacks out and suddenly has a new car, and knows about some buried skeletons in the desert.

    Btw, when hiro goes to see the artist, is that the artists body on the floor or someone random person?

  6. #26
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    it's the artist.

  7. #27
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Yes, I am pretty sure that it is the artist.

    I was curious about the cop. Was he 5 weeks in advance like Hiro or not? I thought he was because I didn't see any "present day" or something like that before it showed his scene. And also the fact that the serial killer had apparently struck there too.

    I'm official.

  8. #28
    ya he probably was shown in the future, though maybe not the full 5 weeks.

    I wonder how the serial killer is able to find all these peoples, since he seems to be hunting the ones with powers.

  9. #29
    The 2nd ep was far better than the first. But the question of whether the cop was from the 'present' or not really bugs me. I deleted the ep already but I vaguely remember that the cop wasn't in New York, if this is the case then how could the serial killer have struck both where the cop was and in NY at around the same time. My theory is that only the scenes with Hiro were in the future and everything else was happening concurrently.

    @Assassin: If the killer is the guy that called Mohinder's dad he might know the genetic tracking method that the father created. Or even easier, he might just have Mohinder's dad's notes.

  10. #30
    I agree with Yukimura. The cop was surely in the present and not in the future.

  11. #31
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    The story around Mohinder was progressing too quickly, but now time moves back. The stripper mom's power is demension bending with a second identity? There are still too many variables to draw conclusions.

  12. #32
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    @Yukimura I think that the cop is in NJ. But if the cutting off the tops of heads starts in the present then the last guy to be killed is the Artist right?

    I'm official.

  13. #33
    well not necessarily i guess. he doesn't have to have killed them all in 5 weeks, although that's probably gonna be the case (or was the case rather).

  14. #34
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Ok the third episode does define that the cop is in present time and that he now knows who the killer is. I for one think that the killer is some sort of demon, not literally, but a very demonic person. The stories of everyone and their powers seem to be progressing and their powers are growing. This ending was another great one and the preview afterwards was great.

    I'm official.

  15. #35
    definately another great episode. We finally get to see who sylar is. Apparently he has psychic/telekenitic powers. We also get some more info about the stripper mom and her husband. Im still no sure what her power is exactly. But thinking about what her husband did (the murders and all), its possible that it was infact ger alter ego that killed the guys and the husband was blamed.

    The flying guys story isn't all that intresting thus far, but hiro and the cheerleader are going pretty good. Also the last scene was awesome.

    Btw, what did the preview show? It wasn't included in the torrent.

  16. #36
    FYI you can watch the last episode that aired online at

  17. #37
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    definately another great episode. We finally get to see who sylar is. Apparently he has psychic/telekenitic powers. We also get some more info about the stripper mom and her husband. Im still no sure what her power is exactly. But thinking about what her husband did (the murders and all), its possible that it was infact ger alter ego that killed the guys and the husband was blamed.

    The flying guys story isn't all that intresting thus far, but hiro and the cheerleader are going pretty good. Also the last scene was awesome.

    Btw, what did the preview show? It wasn't included in the torrent.
    Yeah now that you mentioned it she probably did kill the guys that were a part of her husbands gang. The thing is how long did she have those powers? From what I understand the murders happened a few months ago, why is she just finding out about her alter ego now?

  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    The only complaint I had about the episode was the forced acting during the "im mad, so I'm going to chuck the laptop to the ground. Wow how convenient, a book leading to Syler"

    The ending was exactly what the girl was going to say, "Holy Shit!"

  19. #39
    ya that part was kinda off. I've noticed that when hes acting with that neighbour girl, hes not as good as he usually is.

    Ok, after rewatching the episode, i have a question.

    If this is sylar

    Then who's this guy?

    At first i thought they were the same person since the first image was only flashed on screen in the dark. But they're obviously 2 different people. Does sylar maybe have an accomplice? The black guy also seems to by psychic cuz he was able to block off his thoughts from the cop....or maybe he nulified the cops power or something. In any case, we now have 2 mysterious figures with (what seem to be) psychic powers.
    Last edited by Assassin; Tue, 10-10-2006 at 10:02 PM.

  20. #40
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I'm thinking the 2nd guy may be the Chick with the alter ego's husband. I think he probably has powers too, since his son was saying that there is no way the police can catch him. Maybe he knows that his dad has abilities.

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