Nathan is a bitch! I know that wasnt him, but it is something that he would do. I think that it is great that he thinks that is him in the painting in the white house, but really it was Sylar.
Nathan is a bitch! I know that wasnt him, but it is something that he would do. I think that it is great that he thinks that is him in the painting in the white house, but really it was Sylar.
assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense
Nope, it's him in the White House... he should've gotten that far and that's why it's Sylar behind the courtains in the painting.
I love this show.
However, there were a few things that had me disappointed lately.
- Parkman [in the most recent episode]. It's been five years and you mean to tell me that he is unable to read minds yet without that completely horrific face of his? The look of half-concentration, half-constipation has got to go. After five years, and given it is his profession, I would imagine you would work on that.
I may also be applying Marvel physics here, but I would also think that if you can read thoughts, you would also be able to project them. Again, that is more than likely just me associating telepathy with the great characters of Marvel.- Peter v. Sylar. Their fight was bologna. It was crap. Why was Peter facing away from Sylar? He does not become blind when invisible. It was a terrible plot device to bring Peter and Claire together again, and allow her a moment of use within the family. Additionally, Peter goes invisible and everyone loses sight of him. It's a good thing Sylar has enheightened hearing. Yet, they seemed to forget about that.
- Peter [in the most recent episode]. It is five years farther into the future from where we left Peter. I wanted to see a display of more powers. He doesn't have to know the person. He didn't know Claude before becoming invisible. He is like Synch. He just needs to be in proximity once, and that's it. I was hoping for more development and advancement there, since his potential is limitless.
- Time Traveling. I am confused and I need it dumbed down for me, a la Back to the Future. Just show me a flux capicitor and break it down.
Other than that, this show is fantastic. I am hoping Sylar is killed. He seems like a very weak character. I mean that in terms of his personality. His goal is petty. He is "eating" brains, and watching him eliminate super powered people every episode is irritating. I want the story to advance, but if a new power is introduced it is disheartening to me as a viewer to watch it be snuffed out in the same episode. The company Eric Roberts works for seems appropriate to be the focal point of the show, in regards to the main evil. I like the idea of government corporations, who also employ and utilize super powered people to do their dirty work. Weapon X ftw.
Again though, this is an exceptional show. Apologies if I repeated other peoples' thoughts and comments, as I did not go through all of the pages, only the most recent three. Hopefully, repetition is not a bannable offense now.
WTF why is nobody discussing the new episode? bit weird everybody walking around in new york without anyone intervening? So mr bennet wants to kill the little girl.. (but doubt that will happen) and wtf happened to hiro? It was nice though seeing that sylar has his ice attack and Peter obtained his fire hands(or something else hot) like we've seen in the future.
I did not like this episode. Almost nothing happened... We just get to know that there this girl who can find people with abilities. Also, Sylar thinks he is going to explode and he doesn't want to kill innocent people. Weird of him....
Ya, this ep was definitely lackluster in a lot of ways. We find out that Sylar, despite his potential badass-ness, is basically a mama's boy. Boohoo. I think the writers were trying to make me sympathize with his character but I lack that kind of empathy, sorry.
Mama Petrelli in the leagues of Linderman I'm not surprised with, but just totally disappointed. The man's completely insane. Getting what you want at the expense of others is not cool.
Plus the Niki/DL scene was dumb. I read that even Tim Kring admitted that the storyline/writing with this family was not the best and were hoping to make up for it by the season finale. By the way it's going, I doubt that the season finale can even deliver =P
So yeah, I'm still waiting to see how shit goes down in the next two weeks but I'd give last night's episode a "C".
I have too agree with the rest of you guys, this ep pretty much sucked.
Especially after the previous episode, I thought this ep would rock oh well.
Its seems though that the Company is under Mister Linderman and Sylar is starting to think of being president interesting.
And hooray for Hiro to be able to teleport with out going to the future ! I doubt that Peter obtained that power yet,
the power we saw in the future was fire not nuclear power.
I cant wait for the next week though, shit WILL hit the fan.
I didn't feel that this ep was that terrible. I did feel what we were supposed to feel about Syler. Yes, he chose to be an evil psycho and take his mommas boy nonsense to an obscene level, but I still felt that if she had been content with him as just a watchmaker he could have stopped. And the irony of the standard mom message of 'You can be the best b/c you're so special' being so twisted in Syler made her saying it over and over all the more effective.
Also the stuff with Candace (aka Mysterio) was pretty cool, a) the fact that her power isn't limited to her own form, and b) the ice cold slap in the face she gave Micah. Her bitch factor continues to grow and grow, I hope she manages to somehow have a part in the finale or maybe next season.
However, the stuff with DL and Nikki is getting pretty dumb and boring, too bad, since I thought Nikki/Jessica had decent potenial.
Most scenes with DL are just plain annoying, I wish Sylar would hurry up and take his power it would be much better.
I liked the future where Sylar was president because I like his character, hopefully now he isn't so much of a mama's boy, it was weird to see that he isn't that psychotic in the way that he doesn't want to sacrifice innocent (meaning people without powers) people and didn't want the bomb to go off.
Am i the only one who thinks its wierd that sylar managed to negate hiros time stoppage? We know he doesn't have hiro's power, so what other power could let him, for all intents and purposes, defy the laws of space/time? It better not be somethign lame like his telekenitic power or some shit.
I liked the stuff with sylars mom. To me, he's finally become a real character, instead of a one dimenstional cartoon villan. Now we know why he is the way he is, obbsessed with being special. And we see a human side to him, twisted though it was, when he starts to panic about blowing up new york.
Wtf is with nathan....hes working with linderman AND the company? And they both want him to let the explosion happen? wtf. somenoe explain this to me, cuz im lost in regards to his motives and intentions.
I find it stupid that mohinder believes the whole "Molly is the only one that can stop sylar" shit...all she can do is find him. Big deal....finding isn't the same as stopping. He should know that better then anyone. I just hope he realizes the company is using him, and doesn't actually know how to stop sylar.
For Syler, I'm thinking Hero lost focus as he swung the sword and that's why time unfroze
For Nathan, it looks like now Linderman is the head/a head of the company, like Hiro's dad, and possibly momma Petrelli. Nathan was most likely introduced to that Company guy as a contact, after he came back from LV. Something that is slightly off about this is that if Momma Petrelli is part of the company why does the Hatiian work for her and why is she hiding Claire. An easy answer would be that she's on board with the Company policy, but not when it involves her family hence she got Claire away from them before they could start experimenting. Another possibility is that she used to be involved but then left because she disagreed with Linderman or something, and now is going her own way.
Good episode even though not a lot of action happened.
I wonder how mimic girl looks like... It seems that she must be really ugly that she wants to get "cured" badly......
And, I want to know why is Mr. President so bad? Why doesnt he want to help Hiro? And I hope Ando doesnt get himself killed....
A lot of sad stuff happened. I cried when Ted and DL died. So sad.... They didnt deserve to die.
I want to see what happens with Parkman and Co. Mohinder is really starting to get on my nerves...
It's because of the whole "let the bomb go off, save the world" ordeal that Linderman was negotiating with Nathan.Originally Posted by gr3atfull
Another awesome ep. Syler is badassly evil, Hiro's dad was so cool I can almost believe Hiro became a sword master in the space of a few hours. Maybe Hiro's dad made that room a hyperbolic time chamber.
I was just thinking that, watching that scene ... "Hiro should be training both his swordsmanship and his ability, by making that into an isolated bubble of time" ...
Going from creampuff to even a decent swordsman in a few short hours seems ... err ... implausible. And Syler telekinetically flipping a SWAT van doesn't...
Also ...
DL was finally useful in the show. That's the first thing I thought after we see him grab a fistful of Linderman's brain. What a way to die. But the Niki/Jessica thing was... eh. I know it's kind of necessary to keep the storyline around because of Micah. But wasn't it interesting how Linderman implied that by having two specific people meet he can create greater chances of breeding specific abilities into people? At least, that's how I read that statement.
Mr. Bennet was totally awesome. No-nonsense shootdown of his former boss. That was great but uh, shouldn't some of the consequential blood splatter get on Parkman or something? Add that to Hiro's ability to wield a sword within the space of a few hours, I guess.
And I thought showing Illusion Girl's (Candace?) insecurities about her body weight or appearance was a nice touch. Makes you wonder what she really looks like.
There were some parts where I thought the writing seemed forced but maybe that's just me with a fine-tooth comb. Can't wait for next week. Does anyone know if it starts at the same time or an hour earlier? I heard it's gonna be a 2-hr season finale.
Man i loved this ep, my heroes of this ep were defenitely Hiro and Mr. Bennet
Hiro training was awesome, it felt like watching a anime or something. The way Bennet killed his former boss was to cool for words seriously.
I didn't expect Linderman and DL to die, especially DL because in the future Syler had his powers.
All in all a good ep and i can't wait to next week!
hmm...maybe DL isnt quite dead yet...from what i saw in the last scene, he was still moving; but barely. Hopefully he somehow makes it out alive (i dont see how, though, with linderman both dead...and if not dead, not wanting him to live). Maybe he can pull a Sylar and eat the brains he pulled out and heal himself :P
I agree that this show is one of the best so far. I like the ability of Hiro, and I wouldn't mind having that.
Vauxhall New Zafira Specifications 2006
A nice episode, I wonder if DL is dead because that takes away some of the future from the one we saw with Sylar having his power, although it's a possibility that there is someone else who can do it.
Sylar is awesome yet again! I hope he is around for a long time to come.
Linderman could've helped alot of people with his power, I loved the way he died though.
That's also how I took it, it's interesting as it also may be why that girl molly has the ability to find anyone she's looking for.Originally Posted by Honoko
Last edited by kAi; Wed, 05-16-2007 at 02:29 PM.