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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #321
    OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I loved this episode. I just loved the teamwork (Parkman, Ted and Mr. Bennet ) !!!!!!!!!!!! That was awesome!!!! I was laughing when Mr. Bennet was giving out the instructions and Ted had no idea what he was talking about.

    I was also disappointed with the fight between Sylar and Peter. Could have been much better.

    Where did DL go though? He just disappeared randomly. And, when Nikki/Jessica was in the car and this girl comes with black hair. Was that the mimic girl?

    Cant wait for next episode!!!! 6 more days to go!!!!!!!!

  2. #322
    yes that was the mimic girl....did you somehow miss the part where she transforms like 3 sec before?

  3. #323
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    yes that was the mimic girl....did you somehow miss the part where she transforms like 3 sec before?
    I just got it!!!!!! I didn't get the part she transformed.... I thought it was like a random artistic movie making moment...... Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!! This cleared up a lot of things!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #324
    I am wondering more about the timeline changes. I was happy to see all the timelimes at the end of the ep. I think that they are going to do a Trunks DBZ thing where he goes back in time and then the timeline splits and creates a new one. Will be nice to see how they throw that together. Cool that Claire was able to help Peter, but I thought that Peter could only use powers of others if he thought about them and remembered them, how can he us a powe when he is knocked out? -dg-

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  5. #325
    I don't know, I think there's probably something like "active" and "pasive" powers. I'm sure he doesn't need to be conscious for his body to heal itself. Also, being close to Claire probably helped too.

  6. #326
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    It wasn't Claire that saved him, really. I think if anyone removed the glass, he would have regenerated. Same thing happened with Claire when she first died from the giant piece of wood in the back of her head.

  7. #327
    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    It wasn't Claire that saved him, really. I think if anyone removed the glass, he would have regenerated. Same thing happened with Claire when she first died from the giant piece of wood in the back of her head.
    Well she was in the same situation that he was, so she knew how to help. I just think that the whole thing was kinda lame. Just a plot device to get him back to the house and have Claire help "save the world". -dg-

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  8. #328
    Ok. This must be in my opinion one of the best episodes for the following reasons:

    1. Action
    2. Most of the heroes were in a single episode.

    Now, I really want to know what happened in the future that so many "heroes" died. (is this what Honoko and Yuki were talking about?) And Sylar is so freaky. He has so many powers now.... And, what happened to the company?

    It is interesting that this episode became like X-Men.

  9. #329
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Nope, not what I was talking about. But this is the ep that forces me to concede what an AMAZING villain Sylar is. That whole Nathan thing with Claire was BRILLIANT!

    And how many of you just wanted to see that whole fire/ice battle?! Curse you, Mohinder for keeping the door close! Sacrifice your worthless life for eye candy, dammit!

    And future Hiro's demise T_T Not to my favorite character, no! DAMN you, Parkman!

    (Goes off to recover before contributing to this discussion....)

  10. #330
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    WTF. I was skeptical at first because Issac painted Peter blowing up, so I found the whole Sylar = bomb story to be fruity. Apparently Issac had seen young Hiro go forward in time and then return again to fix things.

    There were some pretty freaky twists in the future. Terroist Hiro with awesome sword action = saweet.

  11. #331
    Amazing beyond all imagination, the Syler thing was perfect, especially since he was acting like Nathan has shown he'd probably act. And all the references...Candice, DL, etc...seems the people that HRG was hiding were being Syler. And that Blue/Red battle must have been epic, I hope we see them go at it again in the season finale, but then Hiro can stop time and stab Syler in the chest or something.

    Or maybe...that future is going to come to pass anyway and next season will be set in it!!!!!! That would be sad, but also awesome.

    Addendum...Peter's Neo coat was Sweeeeeeeet.

  12. #332
    It's wierd that Peter has a scar though... I thought he got the scar because he had never met Claire, but in that timeline he should have... So I wonder what happened to have caused an injury that even Claire's powers can't heal properly.

    Still, I don't think future or present Hiro knows about Peter being the actual cause of the explosion, so what we are seeing in the future (except for the Sylar portion) can still become true, even if Sylar were to be stopped and killed. It also shows that Peter does explode, even with him knowing it would happen... he wasn't able to stop it, so I wonder what new meassures can be taken so that he doesn't.

    There was something called the Linderman Act if not mistaken, I wonder what it was about... I didn't hear well. I liked the Nikki/Peter pairing, I hope it happens... Peter was pretty badass in the future, I always thought he was a mama's boy and looked like a pansy, but with a bit of facial hair and the scar he actually looked worth something.

  13. #333
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Well the explosion is either going to be caused by Sylar killing ted, Peter taking his power, or Ted being injured to the point of his explosion. I think I have an idea on what's going to happen, but as I've noticed with this show, it doesn't do what I want(Expect for Peter getting fire powers).

    So it's going to be really exciting when it actually happens(if at all).

    R.I.P Captain America.

  14. #334
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    It's wierd that Peter has a scar though... I thought he got the scar because he had never met Claire, but in that timeline he should have... So I wonder what happened to have caused an injury that even Claire's powers can't heal properly.
    i think its kinda like trunks/future trunks, I don't think Future peter even met past Claire, cause if he did, future sylar should be dead after future hiro stabbed past sylar.

    Anyway, great freaking ep, felt like a mix between the matrix and x-men.

  15. #335
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    The link provided in this post probably contains spoilers from the comic book, so be really careful with what you read

    If you want to try to twist your heads around all the timelines both Hiros messed around with and try to analyze the subsequent effects and such, read this attempt.
    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 05-01-2007 at 11:29 AM.

  16. #336
    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    i think its kinda like trunks/future trunks, I don't think Future peter even met past Claire, cause if he did, future sylar should be dead after future hiro stabbed past sylar.

    Anyway, great freaking ep, felt like a mix between the matrix and x-men.
    No, they should've met... hence why Claire is alive and Sylar didn't get her powers until 5 years into the future.

    And in this current future, they do think Sylar is dead... So some unforeseen circumstances occured that kept Sylar alive.

    Also, why the heck would Claire still be alive in the future if Sylar supposedly has her powers, he only acquires them in the future we just saw.

    So in conclusion, if future Sylar didn't get Claire's powers in the past... that could only mean that Peter saved her and should've gained her powers in this current timeline.

    The only other possibility has to be that in this current Future, and in all futures Sylar never actually acquires Claire's powers in the past... with or without Peter's help, that it was simply a misconsception by Hiro and he survived Hiro's stab some other way unknown to us.

  17. #337
    I was wondering... Is there like a symbol for the red and blue colour ? I mean that the battle between Sylar and Peter was Red VS Blue. And when Mr. Bennet wanted to know if the kids had power, the colour was either red or blue.... Is this like a hidden secret code or something or am I just going into details?

  18. #338
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    The fire and ice thing symbolism was suppose to be life vs death.

    As you noticed Peter(the person who likes saving things) had fire(life, passion) while Sylar(the guy who just can't seem to get over his special obsession) had ice(cold cold death).

    I was geeking out when I saw that though.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  19. #339
    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    No, they should've met... hence why Claire is alive and Sylar didn't get her powers until 5 years into the future.

    And in this current future, they do think Sylar is dead... So some unforeseen circumstances occured that kept Sylar alive.

    Also, why the heck would Claire still be alive in the future if Sylar supposedly has her powers, he only acquires them in the future we just saw.

    So in conclusion, if future Sylar didn't get Claire's powers in the past... that could only mean that Peter saved her and should've gained her powers in this current timeline.

    The only other possibility has to be that in this current Future, and in all futures Sylar never actually acquires Claire's powers in the past... with or without Peter's help, that it was simply a misconsception by Hiro and he survived Hiro's stab some other way unknown to us.

    now that i've gotten that out of my system....

    i think there are actually 3 seperate timelines (that we've seen/know of). Theres the original timeline where all the shit happens, sending future hiro on his original adventure....thats the timeline that we haven't seen i think.

    Then theres the second timeline, the one we saw in this episode, and the 3rd timeline which is in the past, the one hiro will now try to change. The reason i think theres 3 time lines is cuz frist, when future hiro and past hiro meet, future hiro says something like "why are you here, none of this should be here" and then he goes on to explain that he stabbed sylar, but it must not have worked.

    Heres how i think it happend. Future hiro tries to kill sylar by stabbing him, but sylar heals cuz of his claire powers. Then future hiro decides he has to stop sylar from healing in order to kill him, so he goes to see peter and tells him to save the cheerleader (the results of this are what we saw in this episode). As a result, peter get claires powers instead of sylar, and explodes wihtout dying. Now future hiro is thinking that after his talk with peter everything should be back to normal, but when he comes back to his time line, it hasn't altered the way he wanted it to (hence the "none of this should be here" comment). SO....future hiro has now sent past hiro and ando back so they can change the timeline a third time, this time killing sylar permenantly. I think as a result of them going back, peter will also stop from exploding, or atleast explode somewehre else so this whole chain of events doesn't start over again.
    Last edited by Assassin; Tue, 05-01-2007 at 07:21 PM.

  20. #340
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Great episode. But since there are different time lines being created, even if Hiro changes the current time line, the one that Peter blew up will still be destroyed, and he will still have to fight it out with Sylar. It's just that some where there will be a whole new time line without the explosion, assuming that Hiro does succeed in stopping all 3 guys capable of blowing themselves up.
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