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Theres 2 things wrong with that:
1. Evolution is adaptation. A species changes over time to better adapt to its environment and ensure its survival. While stuff like rapid healing, mind control, telekenisis and even flight can be seen as steps towards survival, powers like stopping time, starting fires, or melting metal dont really serve that purpose. Hell, in the case of ted, emmiting radiation is actually a step in teh opposite direction, since by ensuring his own survival, he ends up kill the rest of the species.
2. Evolution isn't random. That is to say, if a change occurs, it occurs the same way for the entire species. You can argue that the heroes we've seen are just the first batch, and over time other humans will start to develop powers, and thats fine. But that doesn't change the fact that an evolutionary change doesn't give wings to one specimen, and gills to another. So the whole, different people have different powers thing doesn't really follow the proper evolutionary path, so to speak. Unless ofcourse the show is building towards everyone having all the powers....but that seems unlikely.
Anyway, my point isn't that the powers aren't a result of evulution, but that if you're going to start examining the the evolution theory in an attempt to validate science fiction, you should take a few steps back and look at it as a whole, rather then focusing on specific powers. That way you'll see that its all a buch of bullshit anyway, so theres no point in examining the minor details.