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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #261
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I went and re-watched that part where he thought in Japanese. I couldn't really make out the first and last parts clearly, maybe because he didn't pronounce the words properly. I could however make out the words "kazoku o mamoru", which means "protect my family". The other parts sound like "need help", and "what if", but I can't be sure.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  2. #262
    I could be wrong but another "plot-hole" was when matt and the fbi stormed the paper factory... After(or before can't remember) that matt sat in the car with the blond fbi gal and didn't we see haitian a HRG talk??

    Btw assassin you are forgetting linderman....

  3. #263
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Another possible plothole.... or just unexplained logistics. When Claire and Zach were looking up old newspaper articles, they found an article where a mother and baby daughter died in a fire in Kermit, TX. Did this recent episode imply that the fire happened in NYC in that apt with the Roof of All Drama or was the baby brought to NYC for the handoff to Bennet?

  4. #264
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Where will HRG go now that his memory is gone? He was supposed to be killed, and if they want to erase all memories of Claire/"the Company," the Haitian would have to take away 15 years.

    A guy, shot, and 15 year memory loss in the middle of the street. Makes me think the Haitian has other plans.

  5. #265
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    Another possible plothole.... or just unexplained logistics. When Claire and Zach were looking up old newspaper articles, they found an article where a mother and baby daughter died in a fire in Kermit, TX. Did this recent episode imply that the fire happened in NYC in that apt with the Roof of All Drama or was the baby brought to NYC for the handoff to Bennet?
    I'm not sure if those guys said that the fire occurred in texas, but that doesent really contradict what previously happened. Even if they didnt explictly say that, I don't see why they couldn's bring the baby to NY. If you check out the graphice novel, they show claude (the invisible man) and Bennet rescuing claire from the kermit texas.

  6. #266
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    I'm not sure if those guys said that the fire occurred in texas, but that doesent really contradict what previously happened. Even if they didnt explictly say that, I don't see why they couldn's bring the baby to NY. If you check out the graphice novel, they show claude (the invisible man) and Bennet rescuing claire from the kermit texas.
    Well, that would be unexplained logistics then. Considering how Bennet was already in Texas with his unsuspecting wife. If fire did occur in Texas, baby went to NYC, Bennet gets called from Texas to NYC to bring the baby back to Texas? That's not exactly what I'd thought a cool, mysterious, sneaky organization would do. It looks more like typical corporate inefficiency if the facts are right.

  7. #267
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Im sure there was a lot of paperwork that needed to be processed...

  8. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    Where will HRG go now that his memory is gone? He was supposed to be killed, and if they want to erase all memories of Claire/"the Company," the Haitian would have to take away 15 years.

    A guy, shot, and 15 year memory loss in the middle of the street. Makes me think the Haitian has other plans.
    I don't think Haitian guy would be that indiscriminate. He's going to take the memories that implicate him and HRG, and the memories that point to their conspiracy to protect Claire. He's going to have a couple blank spots, but I don't think he'd take away the whole corpus of Bennet's memories about Claire's life. I don't think he has to, and I think it'd be counterproductive. I don't believe this is the last we're going to see of Bennet.

  9. #269
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Ah. I forgot that the Haitian guy can remove select memories. It makes the HRG situation a lot more plausible.

    I'm wondering about Hiro's dad and his earlier encounter with Hiro. Is he still working with "the Company" or has he left? Hiro taking over his company may have had something to do with the paper manufacturers.

    One thing bothers me about the show in general. We know that people gain these abilities due to genetic mutation. However, the idea that one can bend the time/space plane or communicate electronically because of nucleotide shifts is just silly. Some powers make sense, like Claire's, while others are just off the hook. It just bothers me, especially with this "genetic" explaination.

  10. #270
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    I'm a bit of a cerebrate, and these two comments kind of underscored a good point in general.

    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    And as someone who has studied nuclear physics in depth, I just shook my head and sighed at the 'Ted nearly explodes and emits tons of radiation and yet Claire is the only one who suffers many radiation burns' scene. I'm not sure what type of radiation Ted emits, but cupboards and chairs aren't going to keep anyone safe that's hiding behind them.....unless all the cupboards and chairs in Claire's house are made out of lead.
    Betas? They stop pretty quickly (would mostly not make it through wood), and they carry a charge, which would explain all the fast light flashes. But the point is a bit different than that .

    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    Ah. I forgot that the Haitian guy can remove select memories. It makes the HRG situation a lot more plausible.
    One thing bothers me about the show in general. We know that people gain these abilities due to genetic mutation. However, the idea that one can bend the time/space plane or communicate electronically because of nucleotide shifts is just silly. Some powers make sense, like Claire's, while others are just off the hook. It just bothers me, especially with this "genetic" explaination.
    Something that always bothers me about this type of show is that people who don't know anything about the things these shows depict take those depictions as having any sort of validity.

    Every time not just this series, but this type of series abuts science, it gets the science wrong. In case you were in doubt, no power depicted in this show has had the remotest modicum of scientific plausibility. Not Claire's regeneration, not Nathan's flight, not telekinesis, not time manipulation, none of it.

    Heroes is properly classified as "fantasy" in the same sense that about 95% of the stuff that people call science fiction is fantasy. Sometimes they'll try to get the basic idea right, but when it's down to a choice between a convenient plot device and a scientific reality that prevents the convenient plot device from working, science loses every time.

    In watching this type of show, you are agreeing to check your science at the door. You can have it back in an hour. Well, actually you'll probably still be watching tv, so you're better off without it anyway. >_>

    Anyone else realize that every time Hiro interacts with an object in freeze-time or slow-time mode, the object should generally shatter from the mind-boggling impulses it experiences being moved from place to place and stopped again in zero-time? >_<
    Last edited by complich8; Wed, 02-28-2007 at 06:33 AM.

  11. #271
    I agree with comp, heck most if not all of the super heroes stories are explained by some sort of genetic mutation. So you really don't have a problem with the show, but with the genre in general. Even with that, I wonder how can you even enjoy anime with the outrageous explanations that sometimes occur. Don't think too much about it, consider it an alternate reality where such things are possible. Even if the location is Earth, it's still a world created by the author and that's the sole truth you should believe in. Heck he can recreate all the laws of physics and you'd still have to go along with it, if you can't do that much you're better of not watching any creative work, emphasizing on the word creative.

  12. #272
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Nuclear forces and radiation as a plot device is just a pet peeve of mine. You're right, I have no right to complain about it in this context. I shall not let it influence my discussion here in future. Heroes is still my favourite show on television now, and not even the wildest unrealistic events can change how much I love it.

  13. #273
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I realize that shows like this require a certain level of understanding and acceptance. It's just the genetic evolution factor that annoys me. It would be fine if the powers just suddenly dawned on the "Heroes." Heck, even an alien explaination would have been better.

    Biology is getting to my head...

  14. #274
    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    I realize that shows like this require a certain level of understanding and acceptance. It's just the genetic evolution factor that annoys me. It would be fine if the powers just suddenly dawned on the "Heroes." Heck, even an alien explaination would have been better.

    Biology is getting to my head...
    Although I can understand your frustrations, but you're basing your frustrations on unproven facts. We know these Heroes have some sort of genetic mutation, but we still don't know why this has occurred, hence the need for Mohinder and Bennett's organization for studying this individuals to better understand what's going on. Sure, it could be some genetic evolution, but what caused these genetic anormalities to occur in the first place hasn't been explained.

    About the nuclear thing, yeah it bothers me that some of them didn't get radiation burns. Aside from Clare, I noticed that the mother was exhibiting some symtoms of the burns. And as said before, it does dwell a bit on my mind, but I'm not going to let these minor factors prevent me from enjoying the story. My goal in watching the show is to enjoy the story, my goal is not to go into detail on every little aspect of the show that is flawed. That's what I'm really getting it, what's your reason for watching a show and what are you willing to accept and tolerate in order to make your goal happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    You're right, I have no right to complain about it in this context. I shall not let it influence my discussion here in future.
    No, you do have a right to complain and should continue using it in the future. My reason for posting all of this is to make you guys realize that it's not in your best interest to get bothered by these details as long as your goal is to enjoy the show, but it's still something worth discussing, so keep bringing them up.

    And with that, I've giving you guys my secrets on why I like so many animes and TV Series, and why I rarely don't enjoy something I watch.
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 02-28-2007 at 09:12 PM.

  15. #275
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    There powers come frome evolution. Like in x-men, The human race is evolveing and what they are becomeing are beings with super powers (the humans that are afraid and don't want to believe this is evolution call them mutants of course). Same thing in heroes the genes they have are evolved. Humans are what they are today becoause of evolution, who can say what humans will become in a million years, the show is about humans who evolved to gain special abilites.

  16. #276
    Theres 2 things wrong with that:

    1. Evolution is adaptation. A species changes over time to better adapt to its environment and ensure its survival. While stuff like rapid healing, mind control, telekenisis and even flight can be seen as steps towards survival, powers like stopping time, starting fires, or melting metal dont really serve that purpose. Hell, in the case of ted, emmiting radiation is actually a step in teh opposite direction, since by ensuring his own survival, he ends up kill the rest of the species.

    2. Evolution isn't random. That is to say, if a change occurs, it occurs the same way for the entire species. You can argue that the heroes we've seen are just the first batch, and over time other humans will start to develop powers, and thats fine. But that doesn't change the fact that an evolutionary change doesn't give wings to one specimen, and gills to another. So the whole, different people have different powers thing doesn't really follow the proper evolutionary path, so to speak. Unless ofcourse the show is building towards everyone having all the powers....but that seems unlikely.

    Anyway, my point isn't that the powers aren't a result of evulution, but that if you're going to start examining the the evolution theory in an attempt to validate science fiction, you should take a few steps back and look at it as a whole, rather then focusing on specific powers. That way you'll see that its all a buch of bullshit anyway, so theres no point in examining the minor details.

  17. #277
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    Theres 2 things wrong with that:

    1. Evolution is adaptation. A species changes over time to better adapt to its environment and ensure its survival. While stuff like rapid healing, mind control, telekenisis and even flight can be seen as steps towards survival, powers like stopping time, starting fires, or melting metal dont really serve that purpose. Hell, in the case of ted, emmiting radiation is actually a step in teh opposite direction, since by ensuring his own survival, he ends up kill the rest of the species.

    2. Evolution isn't random. That is to say, if a change occurs, it occurs the same way for the entire species. You can argue that the heroes we've seen are just the first batch, and over time other humans will start to develop powers, and thats fine. But that doesn't change the fact that an evolutionary change doesn't give wings to one specimen, and gills to another. So the whole, different people have different powers thing doesn't really follow the proper evolutionary path, so to speak. Unless ofcourse the show is building towards everyone having all the powers....but that seems unlikely.

    Anyway, my point isn't that the powers aren't a result of evulution, but that if you're going to start examining the the evolution theory in an attempt to validate science fiction, you should take a few steps back and look at it as a whole, rather then focusing on specific powers. That way you'll see that its all a buch of bullshit anyway, so theres no point in examining the minor details.
    and you are going into it to deeply. it is suppose to be like a comic book story. They have said multiple times that it's in the genes, and they know who these people are because they gave a sample years ago for a study. Then they found people with specific genes. Again this story isn't real so you can't go with "oh evolustion only accurs to adapt" X-men didnt work that way. They even had stan lee on the show the guy who rites for x-men/spider-man and many other characters for the whole marvel universe.

  18. #278
    Thats exactly my point.

    I dont think you understood what i was getting at. I was saying that if you really wanted to look into it with the theory of evolution and all, you'd have to consider the 2 points i mentioned. So its best to just take it at face value and enjoy it rather then trying to disect it and explain it.

  19. #279
    This episode was great.

    Ando is back! Hiro got his sword. I think that DL nows the truth about Jessica being back. The haitian and Claire's grand mother speak french!

    Also, I was actually disappointed to see who Mr. Linderman finally is. I expected to be a evil looking foreign man and not an nice old grandpa.

    Plus, I am worried what the company might do to Mr. Bennet. I have come up with a theory that Mr. Linderman has no connection with the company. That shape shifter lady is really scary.

    One question though, at the end of the show, what was holding Mohinder on the ceiling?

  20. #280
    Damn, That was one awesome episode!
    I don't think Mohinder was holding the ceiling, I think Syler was holding Mohinder. The shapeshifter lady is a b/witch, but she's pulling that evil school girl look off well enough for me to not care. I guess this show will need another badass chick if NIkki is coming back.

    Claire, as usual, was stupid and helped fuel the flames against blondes, but Mama Petrelli was very cool so it's okay.

    Hiro looked great with the sword, too bad he still can't teleport properly, maybe he can't move in location without also moving in time. He can stop time and still move, and he can travel backwards in time in the same location (I think), but maybe traveling to a different location in the same time is dfferent b/c it doesn't actually require any direct time traveling.

    And poor Peter...I was hoping the Syler v Peter battle would be more awesome, maybe next week though.

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