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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #221
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    This episode was for all you doubters that keep saying week after week that Nikki/Jessica has no place in the series, that she should be written off. You people have no faith. I think she's a very important character and in the center of everything that is going on in Heroes, and this episode just about proves it.
    Not sure if I actually said that but I must insist that the N/J character was definitely the weakest part of the series writing-wise, until this ep, maybe. As a result, N/J to me was the least engaging character (personal pref, I guess). But based on where this storyline is going, I just might change my opinion about schizo-chick within the next couple of weeks.

  2. #222
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Agree with Honoko. So far, Nikki/Jessice has been my least favorite character - Matt, too, I wasn't too fond of, but I liked how he acted during this episode. It seems he's not going to just accept orders all the time.

    Something needs to happen soon with Nikki and Jessica. I mean, they can't kill Nathan - not only is he a very good character, he appears in every one of Peter's visions, always holding him while he explodes.

    So wither Nikki will regain control over herself or someone will kill Jessica... unless next episode convinces me she's good, I wouldn't mind that.

    Overall, it was a rather drab episode for me... while Jessica and Matt's scenes were pretty good, everything else was just blah.
    Claire's mom somewhow disappointed me, too. Your long-lost daughter walks into your life and you only thing of getting money? She even lied to Claire - "50, 000 dollars, and you're entitled to half of it". Poor Claire, things have been sucky for her lately.

    And as Turkish-S said, Sylar is kinda idiotic for a villian. He just hasn't convinced me yet. Gods, Nikki/Jesside would be a much better villain! Sylar, so far, is creepy but boring... what will he do with his powers? Conquer the world? Destroy it? Meh, it's all been done.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  3. #223
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I think that indianscientistguy knows that it's Sylar. He's just playing along so that he can deliver teh pwn later on.

    I'm starting to like Sylar more and moar. He was a real dork before but now he's kinda cool. (he should have killed bennet though)

    And btw, isn't being able to melt people pretty good? I would say yes, yes it is.

  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    I think that indianscientistguy knows that it's Sylar. He's just playing along so that he can deliver teh pwn later on.

    I'm starting to like Sylar more and moar. He was a real dork before but now he's kinda cool. (he should have killed bennet though)

    And btw, isn't being able to melt people pretty good? I would say yes, yes it is.
    It would be if that was what the power was, but I don't think that Zane's power is the ability to melt everything. I think its the ability to just melt metal, i.e manipulate the molecular structure of metal and detaching its bonds thereby reducing it to molten metal.

  5. #225
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    It may not be just metal. There was half of a phone on the floor and I'm assuming it was part plastic. He can reduce the molecular structure of any compound into its molten state.

  6. #226
    Hmmm, In that case maybe he can only manipulate the molecular structure of certain compounds. Compunds that melt such as Plastic or Metal and therefore other compounds such as Wood or Cloth he might not be able to "melt" since they do not melt but rather burn. But in that same token as el_boss mentioned it means that since we as humans do "melt" he could manipulate our molecules.....dang it, I just dont want him to have that much power. So maybe he can only manipulate inorganic compounds that do melt, otherwise he would be to powerful. And since they say power does corrupt and he is powerful as it is, he is already corrupted enough.

  7. #227
    Missing Nin
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    seems like a bit of a useless power if it's only metals and plastics. still, i think sylar has the 'gotta catch em all' ideology, so any powers a good power to him

  8. #228
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Maybe when he gains more control over the power he will be able to reshape things. Like changing a car into a huge spear or something. Will come in handy with the tekekinesis.

  9. #229
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Gah, this was an awesome ep. I don't even know where to begin. Loved Claire losing it, loved Peter losing it, loved Invisible Man losing it.... everyone on the show just went nuts. And then right at the end.... dammit, I wanna teleport to next Monday 9pm stat =P

  10. #230
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    KitKat's Avatar
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    That episode kicked ASS!!!!!!!!
    *explodes in awesomeness*

    When Peter flew away, I squealed like a fangirl. And we've seen conclusively now that he did indeed absorb all of Sylar's powers. Everyone stepped it up a notch in bad-ass-ness, except for poor little Hiro. His storyline has gone from being the most engaging to being the weakest at this point.

    Anyways, we have a new player in the arena. Wireless girl has a really neat power. She seems pretty hardcore. Sounds like she has a score to settle, and knows exactly how she wants to settle it.

    And finally Sylar is starting to get what he deserves. A little 'negative feedback' from his killing spree. Mohinder is so clueless, but hopefully he should start to put some puzzle pieces together soon.

    Ok, this is a tangent, but watching this episode reminded me of a conversation I had with some friends after watching X-Men. We theorized that for every person with a really awesome power, there has got to be 50 people with really dumb powers like constantly emitting a droning noise, or making the block around them smell like soggy gym socks. Not all the mutations will be improvements, right? So where are all those people that have the non-useful and potentially extremely annoying mutations?

  11. #231
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    OMG i can't believe you two didn't mention stan lee lol (spider-man creater) He was the bus driver who picked up hiro lol.

    Awesome episode peter keeps becomeing my favor character by the moment. His ability to absorb powers is just awesome. I wouldn't say he absorbed sylars powers but more like he can absorn the powers he sees someone do. Remember he has to remember the person and there ability. If he doesn't see an ability sylar does then how will he know he has it? you gotta think about it to that extent.

    Hiro inability to use his powers must be a mental block in his head, and a confidence problem after he couldnt save that chick in the diner. So until he gets past that mental block and realize he is able to use his power I;E gets in danger and uses it on mistake/notice that he used it, we wont see anything special on his side of the story. Again peter is just awesome. Useing the powers like he did when he was angry was just cool. He is really egtting use to them at a fast rate.

  12. #232

    This is one the greates episode yet. And next week, it will be even better since we will get to know everything we were dying to know!!!!

    Poor Nathan. In one night he lost two things, his "teacher" and his girlfriend....

  13. #233
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    This ep was really great, peter has become like freaking superman, and also omgzors stan lee, that truly made my day

  14. #234
    internet girl has the best power yet. shes like 1337 uber haxxor extreme.

    the show is definately boiling down to a final battle between sylar and peter, seeing as they're both collecting powers. peter even has that voice thing he did against isaac, which we havent seen yet i think. should be pretty cool.

  15. #235
    I've been a fan of Stana Katic for a while now, since I saw her as a terrorist in 24 and in the pilot of Faceless, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw her here. She's a cool character indeed. I think Peter will use time travel to save his girlfriend, I don't think she'll die yet (sadly). I liked how Claire confronted her dad finally, and I wonder what new info we'll learn from Bennet's current situation.

    Peter flying was done really well, I thought it was a cool scene.

  16. #236
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Wow, what an awesome chapter. It has a little bit of everything - character building, battle scenes, a new character and OMFG STAN LEE!!!!

    No, really. Stan Lee! I knew he loves to make cameos, but this was all the sweeter because it was unexpected.

    And I just loved the growth exhibited by some characters - Hiro, for instance. Not only has he realized that he might have to go lone for a bit, but also, it seems that he can alter time within a definite zone... if you ask me, he reversed time only around that ugly woman, but didn't affect his surroudings.

    Poor Ando. But Stan Lee!

    Also, isn't it just great how different factions are coming to life? Internet Girl, Radioactive Guy (what's his name?) and Matt are now kinda like a group, while Hiro, Peter and Nathan will probably end up together - after all, when future!Hiro appeared in the subway, he acted like he got along pretty well with future-timeline Peter. Nikki/Jessica fights solo, of course...

    Peter's "awakening" was just fantastic. Just like KitKat, I squealed out loud - I'm a fangirl now. And his fight with Isaac was AWESOME. I dunno how he managed to control everything so fast, but man oh man.

    And they need to kill Simone. Please, don't let anyone travel back in time and save her. I don't mind her character - I don't care if she dies or not.

    But, right now, her death will create a rift between Peter and Isaac that could do wonders in seasons to come. Those two characters would become rivals of sorts, join different factions and, well, it'd be great.

    Great, great episode. Last week's was kind of sucky, so I'm triple glad this one was so good.

    Also, Stan Lee.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  17. #237
    Quote Originally Posted by Winged Dancer
    Radioactive Guy (what's his name?)
    Ted something

  18. #238
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gr3atfull
    Ted something
    Ted Sprague

  19. #239
    Wow that kicked ass, Syler is a douche though, that lady had the mutant version of my 'power' (my hearing is pretty ridiculous unless distracted by something I can't sleep without perfect silence or a massive distraction that's non-periodic). I think the trigger for all of Peter's powers is fear/anger aka adrenaline he was scared when he stopped time and flew and he was pissed when he amped up his voice, turned invisible, and used telekinesis.

    The situation with Bomberman, Internet Girl (she needs a sexier nickname), and Matt might be really interesting but the black guy might show up and ruin things. As for Nikki, DL, and Micah, I just realized the only they'll probably fit into the main story is if they end up befriending Hiro once he gets to Vegas (or Linderman sends Nikki after Hiro for the insult of talking to him).

  20. #240
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Wow that kicked ass, Syler is a douche though, that lady had the mutant version of my 'power' (my hearing is pretty ridiculous unless distracted by something I can't sleep without perfect silence or a massive distraction that's non-periodic). I think the trigger for all of Peter's powers is fear/anger aka adrenaline he was scared when he stopped time and flew and he was pissed when he amped up his voice, turned invisible, and used telekinesis.

    The situation with Bomberman, Internet Girl (she needs a sexier nickname), and Matt might be really interesting but the black guy might show up and ruin things. As for Nikki, DL, and Micah, I just realized the only they'll probably fit into the main story is if they end up befriending Hiro once he gets to Vegas (or Linderman sends Nikki after Hiro for the insult of talking to him).
    1. Sylar's a weak villain. He was great at the beginning because of his creepiness but once they did a backstory on him, I was like, "eh."
    2. Internet Girl aka "Wireless"-- that's pretty sexy, if you ask me
    3. Niki is about to fit into the main storyline again, no? Linderman has asked Jessica to take out Nathan. I'm sure once those two get together again she'll be back in the running. It's only less than two weeks before the elections. Maybe the hit will somehow contribute to Nathan's landslide victory Hiro foresaw just before NYC blew up.

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