Good enough ep. You guys think that HRG has some kind of power?
I think he has because he gets too many screen time to be just human.
Good enough ep. You guys think that HRG has some kind of power?
I think he has because he gets too many screen time to be just human.
"I like hotcakes, father. I think you would like them too."
That moment owned the entire episode.
And I like Claire's real mom. She's been in Cuernavaca! The fact that Cuernavaca is mentioned somewhere outside of Mexico is, for me, nothing short of amazing.
I do agree that pairing her with Nathan seems a little... unnecessary, as someone else said already. But hey, if it'll bring the cast together...
In between Hiro facing off with his father and Peter learning to control his powers, this was a pretty swell episode. Now we just need that damn sword, just so Hiro can fight a dinosaur already....!
I dont think he got any powers. I mean if he did Sylar would know and he wouldn't be so dependent of the Haitian dude. I think he is doing experiments and he is trying to get himself some awesome powers.Originally Posted by Turkish-S
Given that ha was "friends" with Mr. Invisible Man with Funny Accent, I'd say that he has been involved with super-powered people for a long while now... in fact, he probably picked Claire becaus he knew that she had an ability, so it's safe to say that he's been involved with them for around sixteen years, maybe more.
Yet, he doesn't seem to be part of the government, so all he's doing is for his own sake.... which makes him interesting. I didn't really like him at first, now I'm actually growing fond of him.
I want to know who HRG is working for. It doesn't seem like everything he does is for his sake. If it was, Sylar would've died.
My guess is Linderman. Every one is connected to him somehow.
i agree. linderman is the only wild card left. he's connected to all the hero's, so it stands to reason that he has some connection with bennett as well.
Was I the only one who knew that Claire's father was Nathan since the preview of this episode? Who else wears a nice shirt with a fancy watch in every single episode?? It would either be a new character or someone we've already seen. They have already stretched themselves thin character-wise so it HAD to be someone we knew.
As for the Syler part: Syler hates Claire's dad b/c hes constantly hunting him and had him as a research experiment. In accordance with almost every movie/series known to man, they wont kill each other unless they really really have to. They'd rather torture them like crazy and the best way to do that to Claire's dad is to hurt his family.
If Claire's dad really does have a power, then no one would know b/c he always has the Nigerian around him (didn't anyone else think it weird that the detective didn't see him in the paper factory standing 20 feet away from him? I mean the detective and the radioactive-man both talked about finding the Nigerian and there he was standing in broad daylight.)
My guess for Linderman is that he is going to be a new character. Everyone knows about him and has some connection to him. Unless the writers want to make this akin to "The Usual Suspects" i doubt anyone we know is going to be Linderman.
I liked the episode and all, but didn't anyone else find Peter's acting to be lacking? He can't really do the whole "i'm angry at you" thing properly. As for his fight with Syler, Peter should win hands down once he gets control of his powers (he has Claire's and the invisible dudes ability). I doubt Syler has anything like those (the only reason he wants to kill Claire is to get her power). Not to mention that somehow Peter is going to obtain Hiro's time-stopping power which would make him literally invincible in a fight against anyone.
i saved a unicorn
Anyone but the power-negating Haitian guy. Unless he managed to get the power-negating bit to work too. Either way, I'd be interested in seeing it.Originally Posted by Danad_corps
Also interested in the real significance of that symbol.
The melodramatic intro guy is getting really annoying. I'd like the show a bit better if they didn't have him babbling over it trying to act like it's a movie trailer. I think I'm going to just start skipping the first minute or so of every ep from here on out.
The fact that the Haitian didn't wipe Claire's memories a few eps ago despite HRG's request/order raised the possibility that there are two factions interested in the power users. My guess would be that Linderman and co is one group, and the other is the one who carries that symbol around. I'm dying to know why it's popping up in weird places and why on earth Jessica/Niki is tattooed with it.
Hehe, well, I guess I'm dying to know a lot of things =P
The Haitian can't negate all powers. From what I remember he can only affect mental ones, like Matt's mind read and Eden's mind control. Maybe he can negate Peter though, since his power seems to be in his head.
Peter should already have Hiro's power. They met in the subway.
The tatoo only appears when Jessica is in the body.
Peter met with the Future Hiro in the Subway, but Peter was already having problems with absorbing powers (wasn't he?). He couldn't manage to fly at all when he jumped off the building in front of his brother. Not only that, but doesn't he need to use the power to attain it? Usually he unconsciously uses the power (i.e. predicting the future, flying, healing...)but in this case he didn't use the time-bending ability at all.
How was the invisible guy was captured? I think the Haitian had to be used (since we've only seen two people with powers allied with Claire's dad) in order to see him at all. And how can you differentiate between a mental power and a physical one? Is it based on how the power affects other people or what is used when the person uses his/her power? I don't see how absorbing powers or being able to make anything technological work fits into that dichotomous.
i saved a unicorn
Well he was able to absorb Isaac's power and draw that picture when he wasn't around him. He wasn't affected by Hiro's time stall, but maybe that was because Hiro had learned to target what should be stopped.
I didn't say that Haitian guy could stop Peter but maybe he could. What I wanted say was that he doesn't have any actual power negation.
Ya i dont think its power negation either. it seems more like a mind control type thing. that is, he can shiled his own and other peoples minds from being effected (like he does with bennett) and he can alter memories in a persons own mind. but he can't "stop" a power from being used.
Now that i think about it what Assassin and el_boss said makes complete sense. When that Compulsion girl met with Claire's dad (god i need to remember these peoples names) she used the power but it had no effect on him 'cause the Haitian dude was there. Thanks for clearing that up guys!
As for the time-stall thing with Hiro, I attributed it to the same reasoning - Hiro was able to target whoever and/or whatever he wanted to be affected by his power.
i saved a unicorn
I've just watched the first 2 episodes. It wasn't as good as I heard from some, but I'm still going to carry watching, because of "Super Hiro".
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Though I liked the first couple of episodes, I didn't find them too intriguing. But keep at it, t'll surely get better, and you'll like it.Originally Posted by Psyke
Yes, I have to say that I, too, watched the first few episodes just for Hiro, and for Claire, because there's just something funny in seeing a cheerleader get hurt and regenerate time and again.
Truth to be told, it doesn't get good (with italics and all) until around episode 10, or so. But keep watching!
Last edited by Winged Dancer; Sat, 02-10-2007 at 01:51 AM.
You have higher standards than I do. It took me about 4 to 5 eps before I really got into it.
took one or two eps for me, after seeing claire and her ability i was hooked.