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Thread: Manga: Claymore

  1. #341
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I didn't expect them to be the third kind. Maybe these demons are failed Claymore experiments that were sealed a long time ago but released? Because they weren't there before.

    I think Easley is holding back..well..pretty sure of it anyway. Still good to see Hellen kick some proper ass.

  2. #342
    I think Easley is protecting the town from "demons" otherwise he would have transformed already and wiped the duo out as his attacks are way too precise to be serious.

    I think Demons are Claymore's prototypes.

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  3. #343
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I wouldn't mind seeing Easley temporarily team up with Helen and Deneve to drive off the Demons. It's not like Clare hasn't been given the offer from Riful before. Abyssal Ones must certainly know more about the truth of the grand experiment than they let on, and so long as a warrior isn't completely loyal to the Organization, they shouldn't be averted from taking on an ally or two.

    Easley did seem weaker though. We've seen him take on Luciela, and while Priscilla may have done most of the ass kicking Luciela received, Easley is no slouch. I'm surprised Helen did as much damage as she did. Perhaps like Priscilla he hasn't been eating? He didn't shrink as she did, but he's weaker for sure.

  4. #344
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    zombies? what, since when?

    maybe it's the product of riful's experiment at claymore-patchups? or maybe the work of the anti-claymore-organization from the continent?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  5. #345
    Easley/Isley seems way too weak even in his unreleased state.

  6. #346
    I don't really know how he seems weak while the whole time she's chopping him up, Helen thinks she's losing hardcore.

    I think it at least goes a little ways in showing how strong the 7 from the North have become over the years.

  7. #347
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    True. Rather than Isley being weak, it just shows that Helen has gotten much stronger than before. Strong enough in fact, to require Isley to exert some effort to kill her.
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  8. #348
    I think his facial expressions depict that he's struggling in his current state and also surprised by how well Helen is fighting him.

  9. #349
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    True. Rather than Isley being weak, it just shows that Helen has gotten much stronger than before. Strong enough in fact, to require Isley to exert some effort to kill her.

    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    I think his facial expressions depict that he's struggling in his current state and also surprised by how well Helen is fighting him.
    I think that's it.
    For some reason Isley doesn't want to go all out if not necessary, thus tries to adjust to the minimum yoki he needs to get results. But he was tricked by Helen and her yoki hiding and surprised she in fact was a lot stronger than the adjustment he made.

    I guess that for some reason, he also wanted to remain invisible, and his enconter with Helen may reveal his position, his plans may go to dump thanks to that.

    As for Demons, they really look like failed claymore experiments. I don't know why they needed sewing though.

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  10. #350
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Chapter 88


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  11. #351
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    but really? they got a pretty clear weakness, and it's not as if they started out as anything other than average strength. how can they be so powerful?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  12. #352
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z

    but really? they got a pretty clear weakness, and it's not as if they started out as anything other than average strength. how can they be so powerful?

    In fact their power balance is severly skewed. They have no power except regenerating and body morphing (weapons) and eating their target. That ability comes from the abyssal flesh they have, even if they don't have lots of power, they still have some.
    You could compare them to soldier ants in a way.
    Although each ant is almost powerless, they are strong as a group.
    The only problem is that there are only 11 of them if I read well, which isn't a lot for someone like easley.

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  13. #353
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    no, but I guess it's a good thing to send out, if you want to tire Isealy before having Alice and Beth moving in for the kill.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  14. #354
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I doubt they will send out Beth and Alice after this. I mean these Abyss Feeders feed on Abyssal Ones or basically anything that has a strong Yoki. Beth and Alice will have one of them turn into an Awakened. Since they are number 1 and 2 they would be closest to a Abyssal one. So I'm pretty sure those things will go and devour them. I'm sure Easley would survive if he aimed for the heads all the time.

    I was always wondering what would happen if you craft the flesh of a awakened one into a human instead of a normal Yoma. Somehow I thought that would be an extremely strong warrior. Not something like this. Still good they showed it.

    Does anybody know why Helen said she might not be able to regenerate her eye? It's because she isn't a defensive type?

  15. #355
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yeah, Helen is Offensive, but it doesn't help that her eye was pretty much smashed rather than severed cleanly like her arm was.

    The reason the Abyss Feeders are so powerful is like whatsherface said. They will avoid getting their heads smashed above all else. They can survive anything else (like when he empaled that one who later began to lick him..kinky), so they don't care as long as they protect their heads.

    Easley probably has a good chance to kill them, he's got excellent accuracy should he figure it out. The only reason he didn't annihilate Luceilia was she just ate whatever hit her. Riful wouldn't be bad either. Impale one to pin it down, slice apart its head, repeat.

  16. #356
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm actually surprised Easley has not figured it out yet. Destroying the head is hardly a secret method in killing Youma or beings that come from them. If the enemy comes back to life, then it is best to simply hit the one part everyone knows cannot regenerate.

    Well, I doubt Easley is going to get done in by a bunch of zombie rip-offs. He is probably going to get rid of some of them by next chapter.
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  17. #357
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Ugh, if Easley really gets done in by these creatures, it's an ignominious way to go =T I like his character a lot so I'm hoping that he pulls through somehow.

  18. #358
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hey guys. I'm thinking of picking this up from where the anime left off, so what chapter should I start at? (or before it, if anything significant happened when it diverged.)

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  19. #359
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    It's been a while, but I think the first significant difference occurs at the end of chapter 54. Volume 10 is chapter 52-57 and the War in the North / Pieta arc starts on chapter 50, so you could start from 50 or 52 too.

  20. #360
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I'm actually surprised Easley has not figured it out yet. Destroying the head is hardly a secret method in killing Youma or beings that come from them. If the enemy comes back to life, then it is best to simply hit the one part everyone knows cannot regenerate.

    Well, I doubt Easley is going to get done in by a bunch of zombie rip-offs. He is probably going to get rid of some of them by next chapter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    Ugh, if Easley really gets done in by these creatures, it's an ignominious way to go =T I like his character a lot so I'm hoping that he pulls through somehow.
    As I said, Abyss feeders aren't enough in number to kill Easley. At least I think so. But maybe that's because I stick to my ant analogy.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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