Rigald killed all the strong Claymores, with the exception of Miria. You kind of had to figure that once they developed some of the other Claymores, that it would be their time to die. But the ones still left alive at this point to protect Miria are the ones who've partially awakened. Underestimation could be a huge factor in defeating him. Jean was also only stabbed through the torso, and for semi-awakened ones, that doesn't mean much. She is an offensive type, but Clare has been speared through several times. I don't believe Jean is completely out of the picture yet.
Priscilla and Riful aren't considered Awakened ones anymore, since they were stronger than anyone else when they awoke. That's why they separate them above as Abyssal Ones. I wouldn't be surprised if Priscilla and Riful's current appearance is more like what it was when they joined the organization. Riful was commented on being the youngest Claymore to reach rank 1, and also a member of the first generation of female warriors.
We also have the Organization training up the top 5 (excluding Ophelia, who they may or may not know awoke and was slain). They showed one of the men in black talking to the shadowed figure of Alicia, number 1, about doing more experiments on her to get her strong enough to take out Riful.
So we've got the Northern and Western Abyssal Ones beginning campaigns against each other, the Organization making their monstrously strong Claymores stronger in the East, and the semi-awakened group caught in the middle of everyone. Riful and Isley both want to recruit any awakened Claymores, even forcing them to do so. The Organization will probably kill any of the semi-awakened after they finish off the Abyssal Ones. And we still don't know what Miria knows about the Organization.
Can't wait for the next couple volumes.