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Thread: Forum Rules on Spoilers

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
    I'm not saying that, don't put words in my mouth. I'm not complaining either. I'm simply trying to point out what I see wrong with the rule and the reason why, which none of you seem to even try and understand.
    No need to be hostile. I wasn't putting words in your mouth, i was just asking a question. Like Bud, i dont see what it is that you're disagreeing with. I was simply asking if you were suggesting we let people point out a spoiler rather then report it. Obviously thats not the case, so please tell us what it is you're trying to say.

  2. #2
    Bud - That is one huge assumption.

    Assassin - I'm not being hostile, just brusque.

    Ok, I guess the point that I have been trying to drive at the entire time is this. Without speculation, without what ifs. I say spoiler and it's removed proves it was a spoiler. Mod removes b/c it was a spoiler proves its a spoiler. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? Are you going to warn yourselves every time you prove something was a spoiler? I'm not saying it's better to post it's a spoiler rather than PM, I'm saying how can you punish someone that wasn't spoiling and trying to stop spoiling?

    That said, let's let this go. It was already plainly stated this conversation can't go anywhere b/c the rule isn't going to change. At this point, I am just wasting my time and yours by going through this.

    You mods can stop arguing with me and trying to convince me otherwise, I have already relented. Now it's your turn to get on with life.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by xDarkMaster

    I say spoiler and it's removed proves it was a spoiler. Mod removes b/c it was a spoiler proves its a spoiler. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? Are you going to warn yourselves every time you prove something was a spoiler? I'm not saying it's better to post it's a spoiler rather than PM, I'm saying how can you punish someone that wasn't spoiling and trying to stop spoiling?
    Ok i see what you're getting at. But heres the thing,

    1. If someone posts a spoiler, we can't just leave it there obviously. It has to be removed. Someone will undoubtedly see it and that can't really be helped. The difference is, if you post in that thread saying "Thats a spoiler, please remove it", all that does is confirm it for those who might not have known. Whats worse is that it doesn't really help to solve the problem. Theres no gurantee that the person who posted the spoiler will see it rite away, and the same goes for the mods. If you PM a mod, we'll know about it a lot faster, instead of just randomly stumbling upon it. The spoiler will be removed in both cases, but with reporting its removed alot faster, and thus the number of people that could be spoiled is far less. Now the reason that we punish those who post instead of PMing is because they're really just wasting time by not reporting and hence helping to spoil more people.

    2. I dont know about all the mods, but i for one dont remove something unless its an intentional spoiler. If someones speculation heppens to be correct, its still a speculation as far as the anime-only viewers are concerned. Even if that person intentionally posted a spoiler disguised as a speculation, the anime-only members are none the wiser. So by posting "thats a spoiler" you're the one spoiling technically. If you instead PM a mod we can quietly remove the spoiler, and in most cases the general public wont even know what part was removed. They'll know that the post contained a spoiler, but 99% wont remember what the spoiler actually was. We can even delete the entire post if need be, so no one except the user who posted it will know it was ever there. And in rare cases, if we see that the "speculation" poses no real threat we mite just leave it there. The options available to us are far greater then those available you the average user, so its just easier to inform the mods secretly rather then yeling it out.

  4. #4
    Ok, now I might start to get a bit hostile. I honestly don't know if you guys are reading past the first few sentences of my posts.

    1) I know your arguments already, explaining them to me for the 5th time only with more words and buff isn't going to help you at all. I already acknowledged that PMing a mod is probably faster.

    2) One of your arguments is by not telling the mods we are "helping spoil." Why not just go and ban all of GW that doesn't report it?

    3) Of course you wouldn't stop speculation. The entire point of the forum is to discuss the episodes and speculate about what is going to happen. I wasn't suggesting you do anything of the sort.

    4) Honestly, if you had paid attention to my posts you would have known I'm not talking about speculation. At all. NO SPECULATION. I'm talking about deliberate spoiling, w/ or w/o malicious intent.

    5) Seriously, let's stop this argument. I understand you. You might understand me. We can stay here another year and nothing would change. I have heard and understand the reasoning of all your arguments, once again, why you feel the need to reword them into longer arguments is beyond me.

  5. #5
    If I could change my name
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    The main point here is that saying "stop spoiling" and/or the mod removing spoiler both proves it’s a spoiler and the rule that we are placing in is saying "stop spoiling" proves it’s a spoiler. It's a little hypocritical that our own action would show that in-fact we are covering it up, which in turn shows to the public that something about that post they just saw is amiss.

    Now I understand that speculation and spoiling may not be done with malicious intent. However it wouldn't happen right away but at some point people would know not to say things like that but at the time we make these rules official it seems that we would be for lack of a better word overbearing.

    We aren't trying to be here, so with us changing the way people post is not because we feel that it should be, it's also for the sake of the forum in general. GW is a really small community right now, and honestly it really is the noobs would spoil regularly. We would like it so that everyone would be on the same page somewhat as those that are new.

    So in all honesty everyone will see that posting something like that should not be done. If that becomes true in most peoples minds then the actions on which we are having this discussion about would not happen.
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