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Thread: Naruto 201

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Necromas
    Hinata should have held his hand to guide the attack.

    And really, if Naruto can manipulate his clones well enough that they can perform jutsu and stuff, why cant they make enough chakra to stand on a slanted nose?

    The whole using Gatsuuga to block all the kunai was pretty dumb too.

    Why couldn't Tenten have just waited till it was within range? I refuse to believe that the super ultimate 100% accuracy tenten couldnt have somehow just hit the stupid bird with a ranged attack.

    There were just so many other things they could have ended it with besides rasengan too.... Just about any of the shinobi there could have stopped it easy if they tried.
    Why couldn't she just use her technique of depleting her entire scroll and chucking everything everywhere so she can't possibly miss?

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee
    Why couldn't she just use her technique of depleting her entire scroll and chucking everything everywhere so she can't possibly miss?
    Because that'd defeat the bad guy, and everyone knows filler-Naruto is the only one who can defeat the bad guys. :I

  3. #23
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    Really... bad... filler... :-(

  4. #24
    Neji did something...

    Uh, he was the one that removed the exploding tag on top of the mountain and replaced it with a fake one. :P

  5. #25
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Not much in this episode for me to defend, except having almost all of the genins use their techniques to help was cool. I especially liked Sakura's "chuck a large ass rock" technique that lead to the equally terrible "change direction and float upwards" technique that Naruto uses to tag the bird. Those were a great follow-up to Tenten's storm of inaccurate kunai and throwing stars, plus her super-special 5-arrow bow that can't hit the broad side of a barn.

    I really didn't like how they made the old man a goodguy in the end. Aren't there any really evil ninja left in the world? Why couldn't he just be some scumbag like we originally were led to believe, who wanted to go out with a bang? Now he's just a dead old prankster who everyone forgives. It sucks.

    I wonder how accurate DB's translation of the preview was. Can anyone who speaks Japanese confirm that they actually said "so we should get all our viewers back just like that", or was this a DB smart alecky translation of what was said?

  6. #26
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    It's probably real considering it's not an actual preview of an episode, so they want to keep whoever it is secret.

  7. #27
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    It's probably real considering it's not an actual preview of an episode, so they want to keep whoever it is secret.
    That part about the special guest sounds ok, but would the studio actually admit they've lost lots of viewers because of their subpar work for the last year or more? That's pretty much "losing face" in the asian world, and very shameful to admit. So did they really admit to it, or did DB take some liberties with the translation?

  8. #28
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Tenten needs to use the arrow move more often. It was pretty sick. I have nothing else to say about the ep.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  9. #29
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    that lead to the equally terrible "change direction and float upwards" technique that Naruto uses to tag the bird.
    You know what really pisses me off is Naruto actually CAN do that. He did it when fighting Gaara by using one of his clones as a stepping stone.

    Why they hell couldn't they have just had him do that again?

  10. #30
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    You know what really pisses me off is Naruto actually CAN do that. He did it when fighting Gaara by using one of his clones as a stepping stone.

    Why they hell couldn't they have just had him do that again?
    I guess the cost or time to animate another Naruto clone would have put them over budget . I would have preferred they made a daisy chain of stacked clones to reach the bird, like they did in another episode. Or I'd prefer the super accurate Tenten not miss with all of the 3000 arrows, kunai, or throwing stars she launched at the bird. Or Chouji could have swatted that bird with his giant hands.

    Could Shikamaru have used shadow-bind on the bird's shadow?

  11. #31
    they probably could have done all of that, but i guess it's another one of kishimoto and studio pierrot's "evil plot" to keep us waiting more better non-filler epi and make us suffer thru either poorly scripted filler or poorly animated/drawn filler episodes...


    yet, another week goes by of lame filler.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    I guess the cost or time to animate another Naruto clone would have put them over budget . I would have preferred they made a daisy chain of stacked clones to reach the bird, like they did in another episode. Or I'd prefer the super accurate Tenten not miss with all of the 3000 arrows, kunai, or throwing stars she launched at the bird. Or Chouji could have swatted that bird with his giant hands.

    Could Shikamaru have used shadow-bind on the bird's shadow?
    Shikamaru couldn't use his shadow technique, as it travels along the ground.

    However a simple solution would've just to have Chouji raise his hand and push Naruto up. It obviously wasn't out of his reach because he caught Naruto afterwards.

  13. #33
    yea...i was wondering about that. like why chouji didnt use his like bubun baika no jutsu, grow super big, and smack that bird...

    instead, we have to see naruto "magically" fly straight like superman and rasengan the bird away (which as a matter of fact, they animated it poorly and made rasengan look kinda weak...rasengan is supposed to be a super high level jutsu)

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian
    Really... bad... filler... :-(
    Gonna have to quote myself on this, again. The end to this filler, the very end of it, really really sucked. The story-line... terribly flawed in far too many ways. Just lookin' forward to another good filler, and possibly the end of the fillers that might be coming up in a few short weeks.

  15. #35
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimbap629
    they probably could have done all of that, but i guess it's another one of kishimoto and studio pierrot's "evil plot" to keep us waiting more better non-filler epi and make us suffer thru either poorly scripted filler or poorly animated/drawn filler episodes...
    I seriously doubt Kishimoto has anything to do with these fillers. Sadly, once you sign away the animation rights to your work, you lose all creative control of that work. I'd expect it's a little different in Japan, where they'd honor the work's creator by giving him some input, but not where the almighty dollar is concerned. Business is business after all.

    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee
    Shikamaru couldn't use his shadow technique, as it travels along the ground.

    However a simple solution would've just to have Chouji raise his hand and push Naruto up. It obviously wasn't out of his reach because he caught Naruto afterwards.
    Yeah but does his shadow technique trap the target's shadow or the target's body? Because if it traps the target's shadow, then he'd just have to wait for the bird's shadow to appear on the ground, then he could trap it with his shadow technique.

  16. #36
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I dunno about the neck version, but his normal shadow control only seems to have to make contact with his targets shadow to work.

  17. #37
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    I can't wait to see the neck bind version choke someone out. Too bad it's a kids' show, so we'll never see that.

    I think you're right about the shadow to shadow binding, but I've only ever seen him use it on a target that's linked to their shadow on the ground. I wonder if that person jumped, would the bind hold if it connected with their shadow, but they were airborne?

  18. #38
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    I can't wait to see the neck bind version choke someone out. Too bad it's a kids' show, so we'll never see that.

    I think you're right about the shadow to shadow binding, but I've only ever seen him use it on a target that's linked to their shadow on the ground. I wonder if that person jumped, would the bind hold if it connected with their shadow, but they were airborne?

    It has been ues to choke people, Shikamaru's father used it when they were pushing back the enemies that invaded the village, Shikamaru himself used it when he was fighting the sound journin when the group set out to bring back saske.

    His technique was originally designed for escaping on recon missions. But it was turned into an attack technique and the name was changed.

    A shadow is cast depending on the angel of the object to the sun/source of light and as the bird is in the air the angel of the sun constantly changes also the distance and the position of the bird's shadow changes as well.. His ability to stretch his shadow is limited, also he doesn't have alot of stamina to begin with so he runs out of chakra pretty fast.

    I haven't seen this episode nor am i concerned about watching it. I think the fillers are actually decreasing everyone's intelligence since this is the level of discussion involved.

    Anyways the talk about them getting back all their fans just like that is an interesting and hopeful one at that. I will be paying attention what they actually do to "get back" their fans and all of your reactions to them.

    Last edited by dragonrage; Sun, 09-24-2006 at 12:41 PM.
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  19. #39
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Dude, when I say "choke out", I mean gurgling and passing out, if not outright strangulation with the shadow neck bind technique. Not sure if that happened when Shikamaru or his father used it in the past. Would be fun to see. Only slightly more fun than Hinata burying someone alive!

  20. #40
    When Shika's father uses it... you clearly hear the unfortunate victims grasp for air then pass out (or die)


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