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Thread: Naruto 201

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Naruto 201

  2. #2
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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  3. #3

    Worthless Episode

    Lamest episode ever!

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Certainly the sugar content of this episode was far too high. But like has been said many times, it looks like the fillers have shifted the target audience of the show quite a bit downwards. This episode certainly was targeted at kids. Nevertheless this was one of the better filler arcs. No filler arc so far has begun fine and also ended fine, so in that sense this is no exception. But too bad they couldn't break that rule.

    At least the ending explained why the geezer used so much time to explain everything: If he intended nobody to die (except for himself), then those explanations wouldn't be wasted. Hmm... The death of the old man was one small redeeming factor of this episode.

  5. #5
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I actually thought this episode was pretty cool. Alot of things in it that just came off as "neat".

    The only real problem was that they decided to have Naruto use one of his really gayass Rasengans instead of one of his cool ones.(think Rasengan from the Race arc vs. Every rasengan that wasn't in a filler).

    The badguy was probablly one of the most fully fleshed out ninjas in the series. He had tools, traps, hand to hand, illusions, summons. They haven't had a ninja that versatile since Kakashi.

    Having each of the gennins(except for Neji for some odd reason) do something in the fight was really cool too.

    Seriously though, that guys kid is like, the 4th person in the series that looks like Naruto. Their world must have a really shallow gene pool. I mean, between the 4th, Tsunade's brother, and Orochimaru's new's getting rediculous.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Seriously though, that guys kid is like, the 4th person in the series that looks like Naruto. Their world must have a really shallow gene pool. I mean, between the 4th, Tsunade's brother, and Orochimaru's new's getting rediculous.
    Either Naruto's father was a straight out laides man who had a lot of children (all who look simmilar), or something's really screwd about the male phenotype of this society.

    Or they just remember their freinds/sons/lovers wrong =P

  7. #7
    I thought it was funny at the start of the preview when they said there's gonna be a "Thank you" special show.

    It's like, "Thank you for sitting through all these fillers for over a year with less than half-baked ideas and stories week after week after week."

    They claim to get all their viewers back with the showing of a "guest," which i thought was funny too for some reason.

    On the episode itself, it was neat how they all had teamwork and all but I don't get how Naruto missed the bird the first time and then all of a sudden float in the air a little bit higher and got its foot. I think it would have been neat to have the rock Sakura threw at the bird to head towards Naruto instead so he can maybe jump off of it to get an extra boost to catch the bird or something. At least that would better explain how Naruto got that extra mysterious altitude.

  8. #8
    I thought it was funny at the start of the preview when they said there's gonna be a "Thank you" special show.

    It's like, "Thank you for sitting through all these fillers for over a year with less than half-baked ideas and stories week after week after week."
    And the reward that comes with this thanks....

    is a filler special followed by a triple episode filler special.

    Grats us.

  9. #9
    That whole part with the bird and the rasenagn was just horrible. the way he stood floating in air and then moving up closer to the bird to not even hit it with rasengan yet make it blow away was retarded. When has byakugan been able to predict movements.... that is sharingan.

  10. #10
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
    When has byakugan been able to predict movements.... that is sharingan.

    yup, they messed that part.

    This whole filler arc was ok, but this episode was not really good...
    was it just me, or when Naruto tried to do the Rasengan, he should have normally fell to the ground when he missed the bird, and not fly back to it

    next week, 90min of filler, more filler after that?

  11. #11

    arc over, yes?

    man the d/l is slow today, just asking, this arc is over, yes?

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yes, this arc should be over.

  13. #13
    If they want to thank us and get all their viewers back they will have to go back to the manga. -_-

    I hope the next arc/special means a new ending credits, the lyrics to the current one makes me want to stab someone in the eye with a fork.

    as for this ep, it wasnt horrible. but of course they had to find some way to fuck it up. I guess a poorly done rasengan was the obvious way to do it.

  14. #14
    I didn't really watch this episode. I just skipped to the end to see what they were gonig to say.

    "Next time is the "Thank You" special show! We're even going to have that person who hasn't been on in awile as our guest, so we should get all our viewers back just like that!"

    I've always wondered if the Naruto producers (or whoever writes the fillers) truely knew how bad the fillers were and how much people hated them. I guess they do. Also, the preview for the next show doesn't look nonfillerish... darn.

  15. #15
    Hinata should have held his hand to guide the attack.

    And really, if Naruto can manipulate his clones well enough that they can perform jutsu and stuff, why cant they make enough chakra to stand on a slanted nose?

    The whole using Gatsuuga to block all the kunai was pretty dumb too.

    Why couldn't Tenten have just waited till it was within range? I refuse to believe that the super ultimate 100% accuracy tenten couldnt have somehow just hit the stupid bird with a ranged attack.

    There were just so many other things they could have ended it with besides rasengan too.... Just about any of the shinobi there could have stopped it easy if they tried.
    Last edited by Necromas; Thu, 09-21-2006 at 10:12 PM.

  16. #16
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    I just finished watching and it started out okay (for filler) but became increasingly lame and I noticed a steady degradation in the animation. It was so bad I seriously wanted to tear my face off.

  17. #17
    Wow, that definately felt like a Captain Planet episode or something. No matter what you do our teamwork will defeat you!!! And yes Naruto's Self-Telekenisis no Jutsu is totally in the manga...I can't believe they just brought it out like that. [/sarcasm]

    As to the preview, no charachter could be shown in a filler that would make people instantly love Naruto fillers...since they would have to ruin the charachter to keep it nice and fillerific. Unless they plan to run 90 minutes on the life and time of the Fourth Hokage, screenplay by Masashi Kishimoto they really should just shut up and accept their new downgraded timeslot.

    Speaking of which, I don't remember seeing Kakashi since the Naruto's Death episode.

  18. #18
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    They're probably talking about Sasuke.

  19. #19
    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing mage. They'll throw Sasuke in and be like, "WOO, RATINGS FROM SASUKE FANGIRLS ".

    As for this episode... wow. It was certainly better than the last one, because it wasn't so ridiculously stupid, but it still wasn't great. Naruto somehow flew upwards after missing the bird? Yeaaaah. Plus everyone seems to have a relative that looks like Naruto.

    They need to get back to the pure action fillers so I don't have to sit through 20 minutes of a storyline that could be written by a 6th grader.

  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'll take a storyline written by a 6th grader over a storyline written by a pack of monkies any day. At least here there was a storyline. Not just Naruto & two random genins travel to an arbitrary grocery country that has three villains lurking in its government. Naruto & co beat those three villains. The happy end.

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