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Thread: Manga: Mx0

  1. #21
    Upto chapter 20 has now been released by Ossu, you can get it all from MangaTraders.

    Chapter Talk
    Well, they've passed the test, even with the teacher interfering as 3 of them have come out. Hiiragi must've meet up with her mother, as that would most likely be her most happy time. Unless each door is a little different. I like how they came up with a test that you didn't actually need magic for, to not make him use anymore points from his card, although it seems he might use some if Hiiragi is in any kind of trouble.

  2. #22
    AonE Staff lambchopsil's Avatar
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    Well chapter 21 is out.

    Quite an interesting chapter with a new exam~

  3. #23
    Upto chapter 32 has now been released.
    Anyone still reading this?

  4. #24
    Yea, but not much really happens and it's just not as good as I thought it would turn out when I started reading.

  5. #25
    AonE Staff lambchopsil's Avatar
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    I just proofread 33-34 today. (Hopefully release will be within the week...) Anyways, quite some interesting chapters with a Class Match and you-know-who being the expected top of the crowd. He's also starting to get on with that new girl~ (And dang, that plant fairy girl is getting good)

  6. #26
    You're such a tease lambchopsil!

    But thanks for the heads up.

  7. #27
    umm i'm assuming by the number of views there probably are a lot of people visiting this thread to see if the new chapters are out, so i thought i might just let you's know that 33 and 34 are out and can be downloaded from mangatraders.

    btw since your here you might aswell post some praise to this series and say how awesome it is ^^
    it is always the darkest before the dawn...

  8. #28
    AonE Staff lambchopsil's Avatar
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    Well, we released up to ch37 now~ It's getting good with that inter-class game of theirs. (And ch39 ends the first match)

  9. #29
    um lambchops, just curious where do i go to get those chapters? i checked mangatraders n mangaupdates but they're not really there?

    ooo the class matches start soon? oo i can't wait to see how he's gonna pull this one he's been pretty lucky so far, everything seems to just fall in his favor lol
    it is always the darkest before the dawn...

  10. #30
    Get it from their irc channel. If you don't know how to use IRC, you should learn. It's one of the best places to get stuff, when there isn't a readily available DDL or torrent.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by reminisc
    um lambchops, just curious where do i go to get those chapters? i checked mangatraders n mangaupdates but they're not really there?

    ^Go thither, it will supply your direct downloading needs, up to a point.


  12. #32
    ooo thanks for pointing me in the right direction guys =)
    it is always the darkest before the dawn...

  13. #33
    AonE Staff lambchopsil's Avatar
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    Well, up to chapter 39 has been released now. The rest is...not ready...yet...

    And thanks to you guys for helping reminisc out.

  14. #34
    Just wondering if anyone is still reading this, it's upto chapter 51 now.

    Chapter Talk
    The group matches have just concluded, I also liked the way that the matches were won. Kazumi has got good tactics, and we already know his stamina and fighting sense.

  15. #35
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    I plan on picking this up after I catch up on berserk. Im hoping this has some decent humor and or action, otherwise I probably wont follow it. The art looks nice though, thats always a plus.

    Sig made by Lucifus

  16. #36
    I glad that they've toned down the H stuff and made Ise more of a secondary character.

    Ossu seems to be working overtime recently, they've released a ton of chapters in the past week.

  17. #37
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Bah I've only read up through the first mach >< ... time to catch up
    EDIT: Wow I really like The way the main character avoids using his MO so much. Were those caltrops he threw??? not the leaves-- the time before that.
    Last edited by Hikyuu; Wed, 08-15-2007 at 03:23 PM.

  18. #38
    53 and 54 just released by Ossu. I hope they translate more of this arc soon, it seems to be pretty funny.

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I see he's already screwed up their plan (at least a little) on his own.

  20. #40
    did i interpret it right? is Hirigi and the principal going to get taiga some magic powers?

    hrmm about that time travel thing, won't that like mess up how he and aika met? like didn't they become friendly as a result of her feeling bad about him not passing the entrance exam cause she laughed? hrmm guess we'll have to wait and see.

    lol he got turned into a basketball -_-''
    it is always the darkest before the dawn...

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