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Thread: Manga: Mx0

  1. #1

    Manga: Mx0

    Well, Bud happened to come on this, so I gave it a read and enjoyed it. I like the concept of the story thus far. It gets you laughing, and the character designs and magic is cool also.

    The story starts off with a flashback, Kuzumi Taiga is asked at his school entrance interview what he would do if he could use magic. "Take over the world" is his reply, followed by an outburst of laughter from a very cute girl. Not much remains in his memory after those events, but he does remember the girl and she is somehow involved in him failing to enter the school of his choice. Wandering around outside of aforementioned school the next day, he gets mistaken for a student ditching class by one of the teachers; and get's pulled into the school through a magic barrier he did not notice. He is in fact a student with no magical ability at all, and it just so happens this is a magic school.

    It's only recent with 18 chapters out, and 7 scanlated.
    Now available to download at

  2. #2
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    I just read the first chapter. This could be the setup for a really cool series.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  3. #3
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Seems to be lots of new 'Harry-Potter' type theme manga's coming out recently

    Downloading now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hahahah!! Brilliant series. Funny as hell. Non-stop laughing from beginning to the end. I wonder if this series would eventually go somewhere and become more serious, it has potential to be a good proper series imo. :P
    Last edited by Stoopider; Sun, 09-17-2006 at 06:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    I finished reading all the available chapters, and I'm damn impressed. The story is funny as hell, the character dynamics are setting up some great jokes, and everything's set up for a great, long-running series.

    Kai, this was a great find. Thanks for the link. Can't wait for the next chapter.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  5. #5
    Chapter 8 is available at

    Chapter talk:
    Nice chapter, he looked crazy insane then, looks good!
    Now it seems these guys are in for a serious beating.

  6. #6
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Woo yeah. Thanks

  7. #7
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Thanks Kai; Great chapter.

    That voodoo girl can be alittle bit creepy, no?
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  8. #8
    Chapter 9 available from MangaTraders.

    Chapter Talk
    Nice chapter, these guys are getting the shit kicked out of them without the use of magic. So now people will actually think twice about stealing his plate (maybe). He's going to jump down there and find his plate, he doesn't not want to stay at this school.

  9. #9
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    I'm getting far too impatient. Iove this series, but Ossu hasn't come out with any releases in a month. Yeah, I know it's inconsiderate to piss and moan about having to wait. The translators have done a great job. I wish I could read more, but the raws are incomprehensible.

    Is anyone else translating?
    Last edited by samsonlonghair; Sat, 11-04-2006 at 03:59 PM.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  10. #10
    AonE Staff lambchopsil's Avatar
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    You want the simple answer?


    You're going to have to wait just like everyone else. Anyways, I just did the ch10 QC today, so that should be out soon...hopefully...

  11. #11
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Yes new chapter 10 just out by Ossu!

    I uploaded on to mangatraders and did the DDL link below for people that are lazy :

    sendspace download

  12. #12
    Student Ikepuska's Avatar
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    I don't know about anyone else, but for me the premise of this series was really pretty misleading. I was kinda thinking it'd be more light-hearted? Childish I guess. Which is why I didn't download it for a while.

    Instead it's really actually pretty action oriented with a nice dose of fighting, which is a plus. And the badass/dumbass combination of the main character manages not to get on my nerves the way that combination usually would. The mangaka manages to make him seem like a dumbass without him being a total idiot. It's nice to see a main character that conforms to the statement "Ignorance can be fixed, stupidity is for life." He's ignorant, not stupid. He's also actually being given some pretty interesting dimensions, like finding Hiiragi refreshing.

    The art style is also quite unexpected, I was thinking something cleaner(if that's the right word), but the style's reminding me of AirGear, which is nice, cuz I like the fightscenes.

    All in all I'm glad I tried the series despite the description feeling more like a drama than an action/fighting series.
    "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Donald Knuth

  13. #13
    Chapter 11 out by Ossu.
    Get it from their IRC channel.

  14. #14
    just read most of the chapters and its good and funny

  15. #15
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Nice a fast release, Chapter 12 just out by Ossu! Get from IRC.

    Edit : Wow Chapter 13 is out too!

    Edit 2 : Heh another one Chapter 14 just released! Ossu releasing fast!
    Last edited by Zati; Thu, 01-04-2007 at 01:49 PM.

  16. #16
    AonE Staff lambchopsil's Avatar
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    Fast only for now...

  17. #17
    The branch chief has some wierd magic going on, especially with the bandana.

    I like how they think that he has magic powers and they want to see what he's capable of but haven't been able to because he doesn't (can't) use magic.

    Ossu did a good job with releasing those chapters, thanks.

  18. #18
    AonE Staff lambchopsil's Avatar
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    Then you'll be happy to know that ch15 was just released.

  19. #19
    Last couple of chapters have been pretty good, there's been plenty of action.

  20. #20
    Chapter 16 and Omake are out by Ossu!

    Get it at your usual places.

    About chapter 16:

    It was an OK chapter, but I'm getting tired of the usual dialogues that happen in these types of manga. "Please don't use your powers, I'm sure that when you started using it you were a nice boy and liked to do charity work, let's all be friends", and dumb shit like that.

    Anyways, I hope chapter 17 comes out soon because I think it'll be pretty kickass, maybe our main character will finally use some magic?
    Last edited by Munsu; Sat, 02-10-2007 at 09:18 AM.

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