Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
strange enough, i didn't find any thread that was more than just "favorite current anime"... (that wasn't 2+ years old...) so i suppose this topic stays.
Yup thanks. I just wanted to know some good anime's recently and what they think about it. We haven't had a thread like this for a while. And no point sticky-ing it. Because it will change from time to time.

Top 5 Anime for me (No particular Order)
1)One Piece
3)Hajime No Ippo
4)Hoshi No Koe (though doesn't quite count as a series)
5)Azumanga Diaoh

I've dropped Naruto from my top 5 every since the fillers started. Bastards

Top 3 currently watchin.
1) One Piece (as always)
2) Utewaremono
3) Honey and Clover 2.