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Thread: Your Fav 5!

  1. #21
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    strange enough, i didn't find any thread that was more than just "favorite current anime"... (that wasn't 2+ years old...) so i suppose this topic stays.
    Yup thanks. I just wanted to know some good anime's recently and what they think about it. We haven't had a thread like this for a while. And no point sticky-ing it. Because it will change from time to time.

    Top 5 Anime for me (No particular Order)
    1)One Piece
    3)Hajime No Ippo
    4)Hoshi No Koe (though doesn't quite count as a series)
    5)Azumanga Diaoh

    I've dropped Naruto from my top 5 every since the fillers started. Bastards

    Top 3 currently watchin.
    1) One Piece (as always)
    2) Utewaremono
    3) Honey and Clover 2.

  2. #22
    Top Five All-Time Series: (Not in any type of order)

    Rurouni Kenshin (didn’t really enjoy the anime until I saw it uncut)
    Outlaw Star (Classic and I still re-watch it when there is nothing else out)
    Shuffle! (I wasn’t into anime like this until this show came along)
    Tenjou Tenge (even though it was a rush job, I still enjoyed the show)
    Yu Yu Hakusho (got a little DBZ-ish towards the end but still a good series)

    Top 5 Watching: (Not in any type of order)

    Ergo Proxy
    Welcome to the NHK!
    Ouran High School Host Club

    Top 5 Manga: (Reading or other wise)

    Megatokyo (yep)
    Trigun Maximum
    Blade of Heaven

    "If you don't shut up.... I'll introduce your mouth to my fist." - Zetsubou Sensei

  3. #23
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    Top 5 anime:

    Yu Yu Hakusho
    One Piece
    Hunter x Hunter
    Elfen Lied

    Honorable Mentions: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Naruto, Samurai X, Samurai Champloo
    Top 5 Current:

    Ergo Proxy
    Air Gear
    Avatar: The Last Airbender
    Black Lagoon

    Oh, and rep to Bud, Dark Dragon, And DragonRage for recommending me a few of the best anime of all time! Woot!

    Well, in the last 2 and a half days I just caught up with School Rumble. Must be put into my top 5! Great series..... Adding Elfen Lied to Honorable mentions and SR to my fav.

    Top 5 anime:

    Yu Yu Hakusho
    One Piece
    Hunter x Hunter
    School Rumble

    Honorable Mentions: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Naruto, Samurai X, Samurai Champloo, Elfen Lied, Fate Stay/Night
    Top 5 Current:

    Ergo Proxy
    Air Gear
    Avatar: The Last Airbender
    Black Lagoon
    Last edited by Lucifus; Sun, 09-10-2006 at 04:19 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  4. #24
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Top 5 of all time:

    Elfen Lied
    Cowboy Bebop
    Golden Boy
    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

    as i dont usually watch all that much anime a the same time ive been watching Utawarerumo and the generic Naruto and Bleach....

    I'm official.

  5. #25
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    ... In no particular order...

    Gundam SEED
    Full Metal Alchemist
    Hellsing Ultimate
    ( already, yes! )

    Hellsing Ultimate
    Ergo Proxy
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  6. #26
    In no particular order:

    Top 5 Anime

    Legend of the 4 Kings
    Hunter X Hunter
    Rurouni Kenshin 1st OVA
    Hajime No Ippo

    Top 5 Anime Movies

    Grave of the Fireflies
    Ninja Scroll
    Street Fighter 2 Animated Movie
    Fist of the North Star
    Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust

    Honourable Mentions:

    Monster, Full Metal Alchemist, Gungrave, Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, Rurouni Kenshin Series, Akira

  7. #27
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Top 5 fave anime:

    Prince of Tennis
    Samurai Deeper Kyo

  8. #28
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Top 5 favorite anime:
    1. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
    2. Cowboy Bebop
    2. Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid
    4. Honey & Clover
    5. Planetes
    (Cowboy Bebop and FMP: TSR are tied for me)

    Top 4 current anime:
    1. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan
    2. Hayate no Gotoku!
    3. Lucky Star
    4. Seirei no Moribito
    (It would be 5, but I'm only watching these 4 at the moment. I'll be checking out Higurashi 2 and Sky Girls soon enough)

  9. #29
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Well, since the threads been revived.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    Top 5 anime:

    Great Teacher Onizuka
    School Rumble
    One Piece
    Fate Stay/Night
    Code Geass

    Top 5 Current:

    Darker Than Black
    Nodame Cantabile
    Herioc Age

    Honorable Mentions:

    Black Lagoon, TMHS, Samurai X, VDS, Samurai Champloo, BTC, Mushishi, KPM, EP
    Updated Above.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Mon, 07-09-2007 at 07:04 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  10. #30
    Now that this is revived, I'm obligated to post again...

    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command

    Top 5 all-time: (no particular order)

    Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
    Elfen Lied
    Death Note
    Welcome to the NHK

    Top 5 ongoing:

    Code Geass
    Darker Than Black
    Combat Butler Hayate
    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

  11. #31
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Top 5 all time :

    One Piece
    Hunter X Hunter

    (Elfen Lied, GTO, and Ippo right behind)

    Top 5 current animes :

    Darker Than Black
    Code Geass
    Seirei no Moribito
    Last edited by Zati; Mon, 07-09-2007 at 07:33 PM.

  12. #32
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    Top 5!
    I'll go with my all time favourite anime. no order though..

    FMP (<3 tessa)
    Azumanga Daioh (Osaka!)
    Code Geass
    School Rumble (I can't wait for season 3!)
    Gensoumaden Saiyuki (IMO, only the first season is watchable.)

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  13. #33
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Top 5 all time
    1.One Piece
    3.Great Teacher Onizuka

    Currently airing top 5
    1.One Piece
    4.Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
    5. Darker than Black

    Honorable mention:
    Fullmetal Alchamist, Hikaru No Go, Trigun, Cowboy Beebop, Ruroni Kenshin, Hunter x Hunter, Yuu Yuu Hakashu, Samurai Champloo and others I forget
    Last edited by Foomanchew24; Mon, 07-09-2007 at 08:33 PM.

  14. #34
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Top 5 anime:
    1. Hikaru no Go
    2. Rurouni Kenshin: Reminiscence (Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal)
    3. Twelve Kingdoms
    4. Honey & Clover
    5. Kimi Ga Nozumu Eien

    Currently: only watching Claymore

  15. #35
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    My top 10 in no particular order:

    1. Deathnote
    2. Elfen Lied
    3. Ghost in the Shell
    4. Gunslinger Girl
    5. G Gundam
    6. Basilisk
    7. Gundam Seed
    8. Monster
    9. Shurato
    10. The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi


    1. Claymore

    Downloading Bleach and Naruto but not watching anymore. Keeping Darker than Black till the series ends.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  16. #36
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    Top Five:
    -Cowboy Bebop
    -Onegai Teacher

    Top 3 (current):
    -Kaze no Stigma
    -Black Lagoon


  17. #37
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    I'm going to digress here a little bit.

    This sort of thread is a bit odd. You look at it, you read the title, maybe the first post or two, and the post right before your own, but however many there are in between, have you read them all? Do you care?

    I mean ... it's a good concept and all, but in practice, with a prompt like "list your favorites", there's no real discussion to be had. Just "oh, I like these" "oh, I like these" over and over again.

    So instead, I'm going to toss out a couple of my favorites with reasons why they're my favorites. Maybe we can turn this shambling corpse of a thread into something that's not a collection of soliloquies before an otherwise-empty theater.

    I loved The Melancholy of Suzimiya Haruhi because it was an incredibly hard narrative style to pull off and they did a great job of it, managing to tell something of a "school"/"romance" genre story while simultaneously embracing and shattering the cliches of school/romance as genres. It was insane, it was consistently funny and intriguing, and the art and animation were top notch.

    I also have to say, Read or Die (the OVA in particular) has to be one of my favorites. Excellent animation, amazing art, an ambitious fast-paced story and absolutely incredible music made it one of the most enjoyable pieces of animation I can think of. It's also notable for its extensive and very direct use of a lot of the literary influences that other stories try to mask.

    Ghost in the Shell isn't getting a whole lot of love around here. I enjoyed both movies and Stand Alone Complex (at least, the 17 eps of Stand Alone Complex I helped sub and got around to watching ... I should really get back to that show). The first movie was great for being jam-packed with fast-paced eye-popping action, from the very first scene all the way to the museum battle with the tank, and still managed to get in a healthy dose of metaphysics, talking about the blurring borders between humanity and machinery and dancing on the ethical implications of that. The series, while slower-paced, manages to be more nuanced in its treatment of philosophical themes, while consistently producing episodes that are interesting on their own and that often advance a larger story. The series' treatments of those themes offers a lot of food for thought, without necessarily doing all the thinking for the audience -- something that other shows dealing with deeper themes often do. GitS is, if anything, an invitation to ruminate and to examine your own ideas in a new light. And it's also got a lot of sexy cyberpunk cyborg-on-cyborg hawtness. And tanks.

    So why do you love your favorites?

  18. #38
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    I love Gungrave because it had an amazing plot, even with it telling you the outcome in the very begining the way they told the story throughout the remaining 23 episodes kept me coming back for more. In very few animes do I come to care about the characters at all but I was really, really sad when they got to the very end of Gungrave and played out the deaths of everyone.

    I really like FLCL because it will bring me out of my darkest moods, i'm not sure why. When I first started watching it I was having a less then stellar summer, but could watch that show and forget about it. It's just a lot of fun, and I love the music.

    There's not a single bad thing I can say about FMP, I like the plot, art, music, and characters. Everything in that anime added to the whole experience and it was entertaining from start to finish. I usually skip through bits of the animes I watch, when they're just going over stuff that I already know, but I didn't touch my mouse at all watching this show. Cowboy Bebop was the same way, although I liked the music in this show a lot more.

    Onegai Teacher was the first romantic-comedy I watched and my gateway into that genre. The art was good, and it had some really funny parts while dealing with a "serious" problem. It was fun to watch the characters, namely Kei, Mizuho, and Hyosuke for me, work out their problems and watch them progress as people.

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Explanations are always better.

    Aria and Aria -the Natural: It's hard to describe why I love this series so much. Nothing really ever happens. You really can't get any more slice of life than this. But, over time, each of the girls get a quick boost in character development, all while learning to love their work and the city they live in more and more. The music meshes so perfectly with the atmosphere of the series and I've even read that the female characters' names all start with the letter 'A' because it gives it a more gentle feeling. As a result, that's exactly how the series feels, it's like a gentle breeze flowing over the water, relieving all your stress. It would be really boring to some, but I've never seen another series come even close to the effect this one accomplishes.

    Slayers [the entire franchise]: Even more disturbing than the lack of GiTS overall in this thread, is the lack of Slayers. This is the franchise I will never tire of watching for the rest of my life. Yes, the art is lackluster in the movies, and pretty terrible in the series, but it's from 1996. However, so few series give a great blend of action and comedy. Slayers has a little bit of everything. The series have all the action and drama you could want, mixed in with a very liberal dose of comedy. The films take the comedy a step further, forcing Lina Inverse into even more stupid situations that others take dead serious. It's not quite a children's show, since a good portion of the humor tends to be more mature. What it is a great franchise to watch with your family, your girlfriend newer to anime, you little cousins, or your own children. Light enough for everyone to enjoy, but has just enough depth to keep everyone else watching. When I first started watching anime, I found myself watching a lot of depressing anime (because I heard they were some of the best) and Slayers was the perfect panacea.

    Voices of a Distant Star: Consider first for a moment, that this entire film (about 30 minutes) was done by a single person. When that wow factor wears off, you still have a really emotional film about the separation of two lovers and the connection that still exists between them across enormous distances. I still consider this Makoto Shinkai's greatest work (I haven't seen 5cm yet), as it says everything it needs to in a short time, all with excellent animation and a true mastery of the animation of light and lighting effects. I really felt everything you feel when you're separated from someone you truly love. The desperation to meet once more, the desire to communicate, and the hope that one day, you will be reunited. It is his first major work, but it is both an excellent display of his skill at writing and directing while still being a more complete story than several 12 episode series (and the occasional 52 eps series).

    Compy couldn't have talked about Ghost in the Shell better. Hawtness, and tanks. ...And the philosophical ruminations left to the audience. The two series and two other movies are no different.

    I could elaborate more on Cowboy Bebop, but it's generally the same reason I love Aria, the flawless executed atmosphere of the series.

    Instead, I'll explain my love/hate relationship with Onegai Teacher. What I really can't stand about it is the constant reuse of one or two lines. (Not Mizuho's "Sai yu-sen jikou"). Several of the side characters are flat-out unbearably stupid. But that aside, for some reason, I can't help but watch the series once a year or so. The (now classic) premise of a student marrying his teacher due to a misunderstanding. But it goes beyond that and how nice Mizuho looks in a swimsuit. It goes through the emotions of a husband and wife forced together in an arranged marriage, something more commonplace in Japan. It not only goes through the emotions of those two, but everyone close to them as they slowly learn to love each other. It's an old saying that love grows with time, and the idea is illustrated pretty well here. It has comedy, it's got all the drama you could ever ask for, and it's ecchi (at times). It never asks a lot of it's audience (other than patience to endure repeated lines and annoying characters), but the harder you look at it, the deeper a series it becomes. Every time I swear I'll never watch it again, around a year, I get the urge to watch it once more.

  20. #40
    Top 5 anime (no order)

    Neon Genesis Evangelion (my first anime)
    Samurai X
    Gundam Seed

    Top 3 current (no order)

    Elfen Lied (finally started it)

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