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Thread: Back to School!....unfortunately

  1. #1

    Post Back to School!....unfortunately

    So its that time of the year again. Most of GW's population is in highskool/college and they're probably getting ready to go back, if they haven't started already.

    I start tomorrow morning (sept 7th), and im not really looking forward to it. This year it seems like im really unprepared for back to skool. It mite have somethign to do with the fact that i just looked at my timetable today and have yet to organize books and what not. Not to mention the fact that i haven't yet found a place to live, so i have to commute to skool for a week or so.

    Anyway, share your thoughts, first day stories, memorable experiences and all that stuff. Are you a freshman? ask here and we'll tell you what to expect. How knows, we may even tell you something helpful.

  2. #2
    I started August 21st. I graduated from High School on June 19th. So basically I had the shortest summer... ever.

    So far it isn't terrible. I dreaded going the first week but now it's just a part of daily life. My classes are also relatively decent.

    Regardless, school still sucks.

  3. #3
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    a freashman i am. nothin really has happened at school yet, tomorrow is the third day. however if you are in the IRC channel youll know that i am currently writing an english paper. its only a page long one so its ok.

    I'm official.

  4. #4
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    been back for... well, since i took summer classes, and classes in italy didn't end until the end of June (last exam on the 24th), I guess I never really went away...

    but i've loaded up a meaty plate for myself. 20 credits (does include 1 credit of BS phys ed class), and working 15-20 hours at my job too...

    at least the girls are looking pretty good this year. that's really a thing to be thankful up here... at least until the winter comes and they have to get all wrapped up (they also let themselves go then, figuring there's little use maintaining if they can't flaunt it constantly)

    well, at least i only have one more year of school left.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #5
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    istarted on sept 5th and im so un prepared. i still dont have a pencil for class

    ty psj for this sig

  6. #6
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    I start sep 18. Got all my books adn read a few of them already. I get to learn how to use film cmaeras. My dreams come true. Weeeeeeeeeh.

  7. #7
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    What do you mean, starting to get ready to go back? I starte a little over a month ago. And then they say we're lazy...

    Anyway, so far I'm liking this semester. I have a lot of neat courses, all related to art and to literature, with the exception of lingüstics, which is interesting but pretty dense, and English 105, which could be nice but instead the teacher treats us as if we were grade shcool kids unable to write a paragraph in the language. Damn it woman, I've written tacky romance novels in english before! I can do more than a paragrpah on my room!!

    Ooops, class starts in 30 minutes. Gotta fly.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  8. #8
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Meh.. last semester of College ever. Gotta say it feels really good. Just a few months away from makin teh munnyz.

  9. #9
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I'm in the unique position of being back at school but not IN school. I got a job working as a research assistant for one of my professors for a year. So I get to hang around campus, work a 9-5 job, chill with all my friends still here, and the school pays me instead of vice versa. It's like all the fun parts of university without any of the pain of being in engineering. No homework, papers, tests, or exams. Having my weekends free is a luxury I've never had before either. It's going to be a great year. I moved right back to the same house I lived in last year too. I have a feeling I'm going to be the most distracting housemate ever. They'll be trying to study, and I'll be like, "Let's watch a movie! Let's play Guild Wars! Let's watch anime! Let's bake cookies!"

  10. #10
    Starting my 5th year in college, and still living in Freshmen Dorms. That sums up my experience.

  11. #11
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Ive got one more year plus a half credit left after this year, since my campus decided to continue to screw me yet again and offer two different courses i need during the same time as other courses iam taking. Unless i cancel one half course thats easy and take this pain in the ass other course instead, but iam not too sure yet. I'll probably wait till I get ahold of the course work load to see if i want to bother myself into taking it. Basically i have little to no options.

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

  12. #12
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Well, I've been in school since March and continuing untill march 07. I may stay longer I'm still not sure.

    However I'm still the use too the waking up at 6 AM thing yet.I fear I never will
    image fail!

  13. #13
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    i started school Tuesday, for some strange reason, i only got Math and French class (no english ), and it is only in the morning (from 8am to 12pm~)

  14. #14
    I started on the 21st, as a freshman. So far college isn't that bad.

    I was accepted really late, and registered for classes really late too. I still don't have any financial aid, and just when I thought they were processing it, they send me an email and need me to provide verification for all the info I put on my FAFSA, so, it's going to be 10-15 buisness days untill the IRS can get me a transcript of my tax return, then once the school has that, several mor eweeks before anything can be done with finincial aid...

    What a pain in the ass, but at least my classes aren't bad.

    I'm taking the history of China, Japan and Korea, Intro Psychology, Intro to Music, and some environmental conservation class with a Belgali instructer that I have to really concentrate to understand what he says.

  15. #15
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    cabe, your early college experience sounds alot like mine.

    you just have to keep hounding those administrative dickweeds until they get all of that paperwork done correctly. how large is your university? i know that at mine for example, which has so many bureaucratic divisions, it's really hard for anyone to get all their shit straight, especially aid and money...

    and yeah, the TA/prof with the difficult accent: welcome to college dude. i've had to change sections to get a TA I can understand...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  16. #16
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I miss school.. I'll gladly do highschool all over rather than stay in the army...

    School was really nice, it made life seem so simple, you were given the subjects of the exam beforehand, you knew the dates of the exam, it made me feel as if there's a positive way to "win"...

    sure, it was hard, but I always knew when class will be over, when will I go home, and when the summer break starts and when there are holydays..

  17. #17
    I am in Cegep since last week. This will be my first year. Many of my old classmates from high school are going there and I always see them everywhere.

    Unfortunatly, there are only one or two of my old classmates that are in my science classes. It is really different from high school. I dont wear a uniform and it is hard to decide what to wear in the morning .Also, I have the worst schedule ever. -_- Either I have to run to my next class, or I have a 4 hour break ......

    What I like about here is that its near the water and its a really pretty there!!! (For the canadians that saw the Bon Cop Bad Cop movie, you know when the car explode, they shot that movie at this Cegep)

  18. #18
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    I'm wrapping up the third week of the semester already. Y'all can suck it "just getting back to school" ... bunch of bullshit ... *mutter*

    This semester's loaded with dense and challenging stuff. I'm a part-time student, working nearly full-time (same setup as always). Schedule is MWF a single 11:30 class, T-Th a single 3:00-4:15 class.

    The MWF is a 400-level computer science class: CS 483 - Introduction to the Theory of Computation. It's hardcore. Very, very hardcore. The course is built on the assumption that we all already familiar with loads of more general theory, especially theory from compilers and algorithms in general.

    The other class is also fairly hardcore. It's only a 200-level class, but about 90% of psych classes in undergrad are 200-level. This one is "Fundamental Psychobiology" ... I've spent 3 weeks learning about structures of the brain, neuron structures and signalling, and neurotransmitters. First exam is tuesday next week, which is going to severely curtail my disgaea time this weekend. LOTS of material to deal with for just 3 weeks of class.

    It's strange though ... the material is dense, the psych material is slightly dull and depressing (sort of wrecks the neuron as a magical black box, when you know exactly how it works to the level of ion flows), the CS material is deep in theory-land, but I'm somehow managing to enjoy it quite a bit. I think it's probably the most interested I've been in my classwork in 5 or 6 years, since macroeconomics or linear circuit analysis...

  19. #19
    Starting systems design engineering at Waterloo on Monday. Still orientation week right now.

  20. #20
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Just finished up my first week of school, we started right after Labor Day. This semester, I'm taking Public Speaking (dammit...), Medical Anthropology, Physics 2 w/ Calc, Intro to Computer Programming, and the dreaded Organic Chemistry 1. Right now, I'm most afraid of the horrors of organic chem and public speaking (I'm really not the kind of guy who likes to talk in front of groups). Its only my first week but I've been studying my ass off already for organic. Medical anthropology is alot of reading. ALOT. I'm also doing lab research here at my college, and working on-campus as my job. I only work one day a week since my schedule this semester is hardcore and right after classes and dinner I find myself reading. Although, I am happy to say that Physics 2 is MUCH easier than Physics 1. I'm actually understanding whats going on in these physics problems, unlike last semester where I was clueless as hell until it came to the final (spent about the entire weekend studying non-stop for it).

    But its good to be back here on campus, I missed being out on my own. For any incoming freshman here at GW, your going to enjoy college.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

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