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Thread: Manga: Until Death Do Us Part

  1. #1

    Manga: Until Death Do Us Part

    This is a manga that started in 2005, and it has recently begun to be scanlated. Only 3 chapters are out at the moment, and I must say that I've enjoyed it quite a bit. The art is pretty good, but what I like most about it is the main character. A blind man, who has kickass sword skills and is going around kicking ass. So far the story has been about him protecting some special girl from some big corporation. I suspect the story to get much more interesting when the blind guy's past starts catching up to him.

    You can download it from if you want to give it a try

  2. #2
    Just read those chapters, and this seems interesting, will be waiting for these releases.

    A kickass blind guy, as the main character, that's cool.

  3. #3
    Chapter 4 is out, it should have lots of fights:

  4. #4
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    I started reading this manga with very low hopes. I mean what a blind person can do. Right. I was so wrong.

    The blind guy (Hijikata Mamoru) kicked some major asses and he looked good in those shades. He is protecting a girl who is a procog ( whatever that mean ). It seems that she can predict/sense things before they happen. Also, Mamoru and his friend are just testing out their new tech gadgets and the real assignment hasn’t even begun.

    Mamooru is one slick blind guy. I want those shades so badly.

    Bring forth chapter 5.

  5. #5
    Precog is short for precognitive and means basicly what you concluded; someone who has knowlegde of something in advance.

  6. #6
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Just started reading this a few weeks ago and its great and who doesn't love the kickass blind guy too badass. Anyways Chapter 5 and 6 are out by bakafish and its posted on mangatraders too.

  7. #7
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Chapter 7 just out by Bakafish :


    Here are Chapter 5 and 6 DDL links for anyone that wants from before :

    Chapter 5 sendspace
    Chapter 6 sendspace
    Last edited by Zati; Mon, 12-04-2006 at 02:03 AM.

  8. #8
    Just read Chapters 5-7, and it's kicking ass like normal.

    So much cool ass kicking is going on in this series, it's a pity that it isn't really known at this time, but it will. The art, characters and weapons are good, and it's nice to see the story is also good at this point, I don't think there will be much disappointment here.

  9. #9
    Just caught up...

    It really looks like we'll be dealing with a lot of corruption in the police and government. Though I think the major villians are involved in the "vigilante" network they belong to.

  10. #10
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    The name of the manga itself caught my eye as being somewhat strange for a decidedly non-shoujo title. I'm glad I've downloaded what's been scanlated so far.

    All in all, the only person I trust thus far is Blind Dude and that might be stretching the definition of trust. But really how can you not love a blind dude with a kick ass sword and some pretty neat sunglasses to boot?

  11. #11
    just started reading it and its really good......blind dude look like ichigo a little

  12. #12

  13. #13
    Nice setup chapter for the next release, and the scanlators said some big action in the next volume, should be good.

  14. #14
    Chapter 9, hopefully it'll be good:

  15. #15
    Does anybody have any idea what's the status of this project with Bakafish? Manga-updates indicates no website, forum, or irc and it's been more than four months since their last release. It's not licensed yet, or anything either.

  16. #16
    Status is temporarily on hold.

    I'm going to translate as fast as I can up to the currently released chapter as soon as I finish Blaster Knuckle (1 more volume of translations) and a volume of one shots. I have time this summer so hopefully that won't take too long.

  17. #17
    That's good to hear, been dying to read more of this. Might pick up Blaster Knuckle too cause I hear it's like a Black Gutts set in South America's civil war era or something.

  18. #18
    Any chance any of you guys still reading this? I had stopped reading at chapter 10 or so, and finally decided to catch up. Scanlations are currently up to chapter 55, and recently there have been a ton of releases.

    This manga kicks major ass. There's a ton of action, the main chracter is awesome, and the art is good. Some cool characters and chicks to boot.

    So, any of you still reading?

  19. #19
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm still reading, mainly for the awesome cute loli Haruka. I'm surprised that detective had such major skills in kendo. Still, it is absolutely absurd to fight toe to toe with a person with similar skill level and holding a real sword (a metal cutting one at that) while using a bokuto. If Mamory wished, he could have chopped up that bokuto with ease.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I'm still reading, mainly for the awesome cute loli Haruka. I'm surprised that detective had such major skills in kendo. Still, it is absolutely absurd to fight toe to toe with a person with similar skill level and holding a real sword (a metal cutting one at that) while using a bokuto. If Mamory wished, he could have chopped up that bokuto with ease.
    The detective made mention that Mamoru wasn't fighting really serious... so in a sense you can make the case that he simply wanted to spar with a skillful swordsman, and by cutting the sword he wouldn't be able to spar with him.

    But yeah, the detective is very kickass.

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