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Thread: Sky Girls

  1. #41
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Does anyone else get annoyed at the OP karaoke? The lyrics though in Engrish, say "Rising for Siege" but it's been saying Raising for Siege since like episode 1. =|
    Ayako changed their karaoke in light of the album's release. Proving once and for all there's absolutely no point in saying whether any of MELL's lyrics are one thing or another until you get the lyrics. Apparently, the correct words are "Rising crazy." God her English is terrible. Even some of the Japanese is hard to guess correctly at, with the correct supertitles. This is why Shinsen never bothered doing karaoke for Black Lagoon.

    This episode was nice, a little development for Karen, and a lot of subtle stuff for Elize. Elize sympathized with Karen a lot, considering her entire family is probably dead. We also get a little bit of Eika-Elize big sister-little sister parallels. I was kind of expecting a confrontation with Elize having a fit about losing her family and they Otoha countering with having not seen her twin since they were very young. It was better this way.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Ayako changed their karaoke in light of the album's release. Proving once and for all there's absolutely no point in saying whether any of MELL's lyrics are one thing or another until you get the lyrics. Apparently, the correct words are "Rising crazy." God her English is terrible. Even some of the Japanese is hard to guess correctly at, with the correct supertitles. This is why Shinsen never bothered doing karaoke for Black Lagoon.

    This episode was nice, a little development for Karen, and a lot of subtle stuff for Elize. Elize sympathized with Karen a lot, considering her entire family is probably dead. We also get a little bit of Eika-Elize big sister-little sister parallels. I was kind of expecting a confrontation with Elize having a fit about losing her family and they Otoha countering with having not seen her twin since they were very young. It was better this way.
    Oh wow, her english is terrible. I always listen to the first couple seconds of the OP and honestly after all the times that I hear it, those 2 words were definetely not what I thought they were.

  3. #43
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Elize sympathized with Karen a lot, considering her entire family is probably dead. We also get a little bit of Eika-Elize big sister-little sister parallels. I was kind of expecting a confrontation with Elize having a fit about losing her family and they Otoha countering with having not seen her twin since they were very young. It was better this way.
    Yeah, it was good this way. She has quite an integrity in any case, to cope so well with what she lost. Though it's not all too clear how long she has had to come to terms with it (or was it said at some explicitly when the West Europe base was demolished?). However, with her little revenge premonition there I wonder if she will get overly eager during her first fight or something and screw up. Her emotional burden is quite heavy and quite contrary to some others in the team who weren't thrilled to become combat pilots.

    I also keep noticing Elize's uniform. I guess she's still a part of the European military and just happens to be stationed in Japan for the time being in the name of military cooperation because there are no active sonic divers (yet) elsewhere in the world. Although who cares as long as she keeps wearing the nekomimi...

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The defenders of humanity and lolity:

    Episode 13 - Ayako
    Episode 13 Mesoproterozoic format - Ayako

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Edit: Somehow I think the single best moment of this episode was when the worm approached the ship with its giant mouth open and then the ship coolly shot a single artillery shell point-blank straight into that gaping mouth, sending the monster back into the sea. It looked so much more funny than the usual fare the girls used to subdue the thing.

    The next ep preview, though, looked really ominous. I was hoping all the time Elize wouldn't be used as an excuse to create situation where somebody screws up stupidly and then is rescued. And all the more I was hoping Elize wouldn't do it because she's obviously the most eager of them all to kill worms and thus might overdo it, resulting in failures. But I guess it has to go like its written in the textbooks...
    Last edited by Kraco; Thu, 10-11-2007 at 06:14 AM.

  5. #45
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The advantage of using loli pilots is to have low mass increase of the unit as well as minimal effect on aerodynamics.

    Episode 14 - Ayako
    Episode 14 Phoenician format - Ayako

    - - - - - - - -

    Edit: Well, all in all I'm pretty satisfied with this. Elize's recklessness was actually played out even better than I expected. I didn't foresee they would bring the deathwish in as a factor but now that it was there, it was all the better. Also, it's nice she actually is quite a kickass pilot when she can keep her head cool and follow the protocol. The end and no apologies showed she still has some arrogance issues, though...

    It looks like the next episode will shift the plot away from Elize. I have no idea whether this series has any deeper plot or not in how they will put an end to the Worm affair once and for all, but somehow I doubt we will be seeing any such development yet even if it exist.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 10-21-2007 at 08:25 AM.

  6. #46
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Sun Tzu said: The good lolis of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of
    defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.

    Episode 15 - Ayako
    Episode 15 geezer format - Ayako

  7. #47
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, just when I think that Elise and Eika are getting all the character development, we get another Eika/Elise episode. They've really been stealing the spotlight from the other two, and so far, they've been more interesting anyway. They've become quite close. It almost seems like Eika and Elise are like sisters who fight all the time.

    And just when I think that, the episode ends with a mysterious figure I believe we're supposed to assume as Otoha's lost twin brother. Very strange. Is it related to the light that appeared when Zero and Otoha first synced, or is it related to the WORMs?

    Though, truth be told, I don't really care. The primary motivation to continue watching has been to find out who Eika's helmeted rival is. There's several possibilities (from logical to far-fetched).

  8. #48
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I got bad Eva vibes when the figure emerged from the sea... I hope that feeling is totally unfounded, even if this series won't ever be and never tried to be any fountain of originality. Well, I suppose I'll just wait and see.

    What you said about the character development and the spotlight still remaining on Elise is indeed what I was thinking as well. Though Otoha and Karen aren't exactly anymore characters whose personalities could be develop that much further with historical material. Karen still hasn't met her brother, but that's starting get old nonetheless. Of course they could always develop those character forward, though, so lets hope they get more screen time in the future.

    One thing I especially liked is how they referred to Elise having had no parents for a number of times yet it didn't feel underlined nor did she especially try to use that tragedy to gain any extra points. She just simply mentioned it with some melancholic feelings. It's good her tantrums are centered around her own weaknesses and strengths, not anything external.

  9. #49
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Sun Tzu said: The loli of war is of vital importance to the State.

    Episode 16 - Ayako
    Episode 16 paleontologic format - Ayako

    - - - - - - - -

    Edit: Hmm... A pretty inconsequential episode and the plot was cliche to boot. I don't really feel like this even deepened Sanae's character that much, and t be totally honest I don't think her character even needs any development (even if she's the only more curvaceous girl around).

    The next episode looks witless. I wonder if this series is ever going to get serious...
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 10-28-2007 at 04:26 PM.

  10. #50
    I just found out about this show and caught up and i'm amazed. I started watching this thinking it would be a completely stupid mecha show but its much more clever than most.

    there may or may not be a bigger story (I think there is with the ghost guy and the way WORMS act like Celestial Beings) but the characters are so well fleshed out its neat. I like the way the technology is shown. Sonic Divers are simply thought as toys while the Vic Vipers are much more powerful (although unable to destroy worms). its not an unrealistic situation altogether.

    all in all, although not the same quality, i get vibes of FMP. actually to think of it, it IS the same feeling i got from season 1 of FMP, with vivid characters and stories revolving around them rather than the mechas (although in the case the mechas do get more importance)

    very good show!

    EDIT: Ep 17 came out

    about that ep. well i guess it proves that the Sonic Divers are autonomous once and for all. the question is, why the hell didn't they just send one to scout the area and find the Kouryuu? energy didn't seem to be a problem. Next ep should be more about Otoha and the other guy...
    Last edited by Darknodin; Sun, 11-04-2007 at 11:08 AM.

  11. #51
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 17 is also available in a format other than the relic one:

    Episode 17 - Ayako

    Edit: And moreover, Eika was flying, albeit not sitting in the cockpit, her mecha. Even if it entails slow speed flying, it would still have allowed them to get far enough from the island to be able to use the radio. It wasn't a very logical episode at all, but I guess it was nice enough otherwise. They even gave Elise one more chance to demonstrate how she is younger and more immature than the others.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 11-04-2007 at 02:07 PM.

  12. #52
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Sun Tzu said: The art of pedo recognizes nine varieties of loli: (1) Dispersive loli;
    (2) facile loli; (3) contentious loli; (4) open loli; (5) loli of intersecting
    highways; (6) serious loli; (7) difficult loli; (8) hemmed-in loli; (9) desperate

    Episode 18 - Ayako
    Episode 18 forgotten format - Ayako

  13. #53
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Some sort of a DVD special. Seem to have a small file size.

    DVD Special 1 - Ayako
    DVD Special 1 xvicious - Ayako

    - - - - - -

    Edit: Well, it was certainly... umm... Something else. I was expecting some fanservice but all I got was Fishing Idiot Eika-san.... Oh, well.
    Last edited by Kraco; Wed, 11-14-2007 at 11:09 AM.

  14. #54
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's starting to feel like I'm only talking to myself here. Oh, well, at least I know the discussion is appreciated by the sole listener...

    Episode 19 - Ayako
    Episode 19 carbon dated format - Ayako

  15. #55
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    It's starting to feel like I'm only talking to myself here. Oh, well, at least I know the discussion is appreciated by the sole listener...

    Episode 19 - Ayako
    Episode 19 carbon dated format - Ayako
    Aye, here I am

    I was wondering wether fansubers for this show were all retired (loli lovers are old, it's a given fact ) And my favorite tracker site is having server pbs...

    Well thanks a lot dude

    Edit: I think it's possible to know what the end of the show may be. But so far the story is not that bad, which explains why I watch it eventhough it's mecha/loli...
    Last edited by David75; Wed, 11-21-2007 at 01:50 AM.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #56
    woot... we found out more about the WORMs (I also think its the first time it was officially explained what WORM meant) in one ep than the whole series so far...

    i also liked the "We didn't even get this much praise from defeating the WORMs"... it ranks on Maslow's hierarchy of needs! Food is more important than security!

  17. #57
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This kind of origin for the WORMs was better than some extraterrestial. Yet still it kind of eludes me why the girl was said to be the origin of WORMs. She was the first test subject, sure, but what happened after that? Now we only know the scientist escaped to the mountains with his daughter and then put her in cryostasis, but we don't know why massive amounts of nanomachines ended up in the ecosystem and began to replicate. Was it an accident or was it intentional?

    Well, maybe it's somehow related to Otoha's missing brother. I guess he has to have some significance, though I'm unsure of the timeline. Her brother can't be that old, can he? Whatever he did should have happened after the first WORM war, I figure.

  18. #58
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    This kind of origin for the WORMs was better than some extraterrestial. Yet still it kind of eludes me why the girl was said to be the origin of WORMs. She was the first test subject, sure, but what happened after that? Now we only know the scientist escaped to the mountains with his daughter and then put her in cryostasis, but we don't know why massive amounts of nanomachines ended up in the ecosystem and began to replicate. Was it an accident or was it intentional?

    Well, maybe it's somehow related to Otoha's missing brother. I guess he has to have some significance, though I'm unsure of the timeline. Her brother can't be that old, can he? Whatever he did should have happened after the first WORM war, I figure.
    There was a phrase implying Otoha was part of the thing if I'm correct.
    Plus there's her natural sync to Reijin at a very high level from the start...

    Can't wait for more, but have to.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  19. #59
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Sun Tzu said: We may distinguish six kinds of loli, to wit: (1) Accessible loli; (2)
    entangling loli; (3) temporizing loli; (4) narrow loli; (5) precipitous loli; (6)
    loli at a great distance from the enemy.

    Episode 20 - Ayako
    Episode 20 centennial format - Ayako

  20. #60
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot for your brain integrated loli tracker

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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