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Thread: D.Gray-Man

  1. #81
    I think I recall hearing from somewhere that the manga isn't doing that well in Japan either.

  2. #82
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    The manga series has become one of the best-sellers of Shueisha. During its second release week, the volume fifteen of the manga ranked as the second best seller comic in Japan. Most reviewers compared it to a typical shonen manga but praised that at some moments it became more original as well some of the characters have solid personalities.

  3. #83
    That's weird, coulda sworn I read from a few responses on animesuki that it wasn't doing well. Oh well, guess second hand information usually isn't the best.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire
    Where'd BoC write that?

    I stopped watching D.gray man right after the fillers, mainly because I wanted to marathon it later. I was as pissed as BoC at the Inuyasha ending. "She gets new shoes? WHAT THE FUCK? Where are half of the side characters and all those loose plotlines?" I then searched all over the Internet for word of a sequel. I got many hopeful replies that there would be one. That was four years ago, and still no word. I guess we can safely say that ship has sailed.

    Both D.gray Man and Inuyasha are incredibly long series with unpopular fillers. And they couldn't be arsed making a fillerish ending (like Claymore), perhaps to leave the fans hoping that there might be a continuation maybe? Or encourage them to move to the manga. I've regained hope that Inuyasha MIGHT start back up, but only because the manga has officially ended, but my hope has risen from %0.0 to %0.2. That said, I'm dissapointed that the D.gray Man series ended rapidly, but not surprised.

    Level 4 demons are pwnzor and more powerful than the Noah clan.
    Lenalee gets new shoes.
    Allen Walker is the "14th," whoever the hell that is.
    Tyki Mykk is alive and doing well.
    Road Camelot is alive and doing well.
    We still don't know who the Heart is.


  5. #85
    Wait what? Both Lenalee and Kagome got new shoes? lol???

    I am very tempted to watch the rest of D.Gray Man now... I can't help it. I HAVE to see this train wreck!

    "Level 4 demons are pwnzor and more powerful than the Noah clan." - I am not sure I will be able to handle not seeing this in the anime though!

    "We still don't know who the Heart is." Would we have ever found out anyway? Seems like one of those mysteries that aren't really sprung at you until 500 episodes later, and usually highly anticlimactic anyway.

    According to my aznv I stopped watching at 73. Better start downloading.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Wed, 10-15-2008 at 06:26 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire
    Wait what? Both Lenalee and Kagome got new shoes? lol???
    I thought you were talking about Lenalee's shoes...

  7. #87
    LOL, no, Kagome. Don't you remember the Inu finale? Not that there was one.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  8. #88
    I remember the team walking towards the horizon together. I don't remember Kagome's shoes.

  9. #89
    I probably only remember because it gave me rage. Instead of saying, "and we lived happily ever after," or "there were still many challenges ahead of us," Kagome was like "I got new shoes!" and they sprinted off somewhere. XD
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  10. #90
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Well I have watched all the episodes and the season ended already at episode 103. I think its a bad ass anime. Have not read the manga but I will since I gotta wait for another season.
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    -Mazer Rackham

  11. #91
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I think i'll wait a while untill i start reading the manga. Who knows, maybe the anime will come back...

    "hopes for a miracle"

  12. #92
    That makes two of us Archangel...that was a really good show and I am sad that it got dropped like that.

  13. #93

    More D.Gray-Man anime coming our way. Seems like it'll be a continuation, yet it'll have a new cast and what not, so not sure how that will work.

    D.Gray-man manga creator Katsura Hoshino posted about the new anime adaptation of the manga on her Instagram account on Sunday. Part of the Instagram post reads:

    Thanks to everyone who went to the D.Gray-man stage today. As was said in the announcement, a new series has been green-lit. Because the staff will be completely different, the story will be a continuation, but I think it will become a completely new D.Gray-man anime. Thank you for everyone who's supported me until now.
    The official website of the upcoming TV anime series has not revealed whether the anime will be a sequel to the 103-episode series that aired in 2006-2008, or whether it will be a reboot.

    The new anime, which will premiere in 2016, will feature a different cast. Ayumu Murase (Haikyu!!'s Shōyō Hinata, The irregular at magic high school's Shinkurō Kichōji) will play Allen Walker and Shinnosuke Tachibana (Kamisama Kiss' Tomoe, Overlord's Peroroncino) will play Howard Link.

    I was a big fan of the manga for a time, then completely forgot about it. This at the very least has me jonesing to get back a it. I don't recall watching the anime though, or at least much of it, but it may something I'll give a shot once again. Kinda miss the series overall since I recall really enjoying it... but then forgotten.

    Anyways, for anyone who cares... look forward for more D.Gray-Man, hopefully with less fillers.

    Not sure how much will be animated since really, not many chapters have been released after the end of the original run.

  14. #94
    Any opinions on the new series yet? And is it confirmed that the series is a sequel to the previous one?

  15. #95
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Sequel. All I remember about the first one is that I don't remember anything.
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  16. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Sequel. All I remember about the first one is that I don't remember anything.
    I'm on the same boat, though I stopped watching the first series early on, but I was a manga reader anyways. I'm working my way through the first series as we speak, but I'm being slow about it.

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