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Thread: D.Gray-Man

  1. #61
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Guess this show isn't getting much of a following.
    this anime adaptation is very mediocre if you ask me. the manga is awesome, and something just seems to have gotten lost in the transition. this has made the entire D.Gray-Man anime experience downright disappointing for me, and if manga-readers aren't bumping and promoting the show, you can't expect it to gain any sort of popularity on a forum.

    i can't tell if the shame is that the creators didn't do a good job adapting it for anime or if it's just the kind of story and cast of characters that you're better off leaving in purely written format... i think it's the former.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  2. #62
    I always just thought the manga was only passable atleast. It didn't warrant watching the anime for me.

  3. #63
    Missing Nin
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    The manga for this was pretty good the main issue was it got licensed and that made finding the new chapters near impossible for a very long time killing any fanbase it had.

    As for the anime all of the filler is REALLY getting painful. I've always hated Lenalee's brother and all of the episodes with him running around screaming her name are getting physically painful. 18 can be skipped without question but atleast the next arc is manga based.

  4. #64
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I found the manga was fairly good. The anime sucks a lot though, since it doesnt really translate the action well enough.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  5. #65
    I browsed some of the episodes and after they get the vampire everything seems like filler, up to episode 38 at least. Series seems to be 52 episode long, so unless they are planning to extend it or do a sequel, there's no chance on doing the manga material.

  6. #66
    Yeah, pretty much everything has been filler since the Vampire guy, except for maybe 4 or 5 episodes.

    I haven't touched the manga, but the series seems really slow and nothing has happened for a long time. I don't see how they can possibly end it without killing off one of the bad guys every episode.

  7. #67

    Well If that post is True it makes the filler at least have a bit of purpose...
    to leave more manga for the second season.

    The Fillers are aggravating tho, seems to be the new reigning trend in anime....

    I wish they would just pause the series when it gets too close to the manga. Why so many anime with filler lately? The only real reason I can think of is just how different Japanese TV is from US TV in its scheduling. Japanese TV has no re-runs, or fixed seasons (at least fixed seasons that I can find), so in order to keep their time slots, production houses just have to keep churning out sub par crap.

    US TV has a standard structure: Fall new episodes, Sweeps weeks in February, May, July and November. Nielson Ratings sweeps define our television seasons.... which is good (gives shows a projected Break point) and bad (Big money corps' causing even the local and national news shows to sensationalize in order to compete). Maybe Japanese TV just needs some sort of justified break from a mechanic like Sweeps....but who knows. One thing is certain tho, Naruto, Bleach , D.Gray-man, and many others , would have been a lot better without the random 'cram it in' fillers.

    Hopefully December (which is when D.Gray-man's second season is SUPPOSEDLY beginning) is a long enough time to let the manga get to the point that every episode could come from it; or in the very least they could at least follow it a bit closer without catching up before the season is done.

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  8. #68
    BlackOrder Fansubs - - released
    Episodes 46,47,48 today (they caught back up)

    Torrent Links:

    D.Gray-man 46 - mp4 (171MiB)
    D.Gray-man 46 - avi (171MiB)

    D.Gray-man 47 - mp4 (171MiB)

    D.Gray-man 47 - avi (175MiB)

    D.Gray-man 48 - mp4 (171MiB)
    D.Gray-man 48 - avi (175MiB)

    I have been trying to figure out what exactly they are trying to do with D.Gray-Man after diverging from the manga so much....

    I though tit was to leave more room for the second season.... but after watching this episode I think I finally figured it out!

    The production company..... the animators... the writers for the show...they are all sick of their have decided to destroy what little fan base the show has left to make it so they do not have to create a second season!

    BRAVO! a few more episodes like that and they will probably achieve their goal!

    I think I am gonna go back to just sticking to the manga...
    Last edited by AbstractTheorem; Fri, 09-07-2007 at 09:32 PM.

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  9. #69
    Series is now licenced by Funimation:

    Shinsen has stopped subbing already and I'm just wondering if anyone has an opinion on the other groups doing this series as I always waited for Shinsens releases.

  10. #70
    Order was the best until they stopped subbing at ep 60, now there's Yakuza-Onibaku, Yuuriisan, and Your-Mom.

    I never trust Your-Mom, and I remember having a pretty lame experience with Yuurisan so I've been watching YakuOni. I haven't felt particularly bad about my choice.

  11. #71
    Cool thanks, I checked out Yakuza-Onibaku's latest episode, it seemed fine except for the crazy small/pink font hope they change it :P

  12. #72
    Shinsen will continue releasing the series as only episodes 1-51 were licensed.

  13. #73
    Thread revival!

    Anyway, D.Gray-Man just ended abruptly at episode 103. Absolutely nothing was concluded. It ended just like how Inuyasha ended, for those who had the immense willpower to sit through all 167 episodes. The ending was terrible. It basically says, "Okay folks, enough anime. Go read the manga now."

  14. #74
    Well from what I hear they are going to resume this eventually. Better than filler for god knows how many months.

  15. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    this anime adaptation is very mediocre if you ask me. the manga is awesome, and something just seems to have gotten lost in the transition. this has made the entire D.Gray-Man anime experience downright disappointing for me, and if manga-readers aren't bumping and promoting the show, you can't expect it to gain any sort of popularity on a forum.

    i can't tell if the shame is that the creators didn't do a good job adapting it for anime or if it's just the kind of story and cast of characters that you're better off leaving in purely written format... i think it's the former.
    i agree. the anime seems to lack the touch of its counterpart manga. The pace was sort of slowed down in the anime version of DGM. Especially during the parts where they battled the Noah Clan in the ark and the Generals' battle with Lulubell. In the manga, you'll go "wow" after reading those chapters and you'll feel the adrenaline rush after it. Whereas in the anime, it's not really there. And this was when i read the manga AFTER the episodes were out.

    Secondly, i think the background music of DGM has a part to play in it's expression of it's manga counterpart. If you compare it to Bleach, i think the background music in the anime version of DGM fails pretty badly and it didn't bring as much impact as it did with bleach. (watch Diamond Dust Rebellion for instance, bgms were good)

  16. #76
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Holy crap but i just started watching this

    Will this be like HxH and continue under an OVA later on?

  17. #77
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Holy crap but i just started watching this

    Will this be like HxH and continue under an OVA later on?
    More the likely it will get either OVA's or another TV series. They are simply out of manga at this point and short of filler for at least a year there is no way to get ahead. The manga is only on chapter 174 and the anime covers upto around 160. They blow past a couple events as well with the epilogue they gave so it might be farther then that.

    Honestly considering it made it to 103 episodes and the filler/bad episodes are all in the first 51 I can't imagine they don't want to continue this series as soon as they have enough material to do so. They certainly didn't have enough manga left for another 50+ episode season so I'm just assuming they decided to pull it until they do.

  18. #78
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I hope so.

    For what i can tell this anime is fucking awesome.

  19. #79
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    K sorry for the double post but i need to figure out a couple of things

    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    More the likely it will get either OVA's or another TV series. They are simply out of manga at this point and short of filler for at least a year there is no way to get ahead. The manga is only on chapter 174 and the anime covers upto around 160. They blow past a couple events as well with the epilogue they gave so it might be farther then that.

    Honestly considering it made it to 103 episodes and the filler/bad episodes are all in the first 51 I can't imagine they don't want to continue this series as soon as they have enough material to do so. They certainly didn't have enough manga left for another 50+ episode season so I'm just assuming they decided to pull it until they do.
    Is there any indication they will do this or are you just assuming they will? I'm asking because the "Fin" in the end of episode 103 is freaking me out. Does it mean that the anime is over for good? Or is there still a chance they'll be back as an OVA or maybe another season?

    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command

    Anyway, D.Gray-Man just ended abruptly at episode 103. Absolutely nothing was concluded. It ended just like how Inuyasha ended, for those who had the immense willpower to sit through all 167 episodes. The ending was terrible. It basically says, "Okay folks, enough anime. Go read the manga now."
    That freaks me out too. What if this is exactly like Inuyasha? I never really got it why they didn't end that anime, i mean the manga just recently ended isn't that right? Wasn't that show popular?

    Btw i disagree, the ending was the best they could do at that point and if they really are going to keep the anime going then this last episode sure left loads of question marks that are sure to keep the fans drooling until they release them.

    It pisses me off that i only noticed this anime about a week after it ended, seriously why have i been loosing my time with bleach and naruto fillers??

  20. #80
    Where'd BoC write that?

    I stopped watching D.gray man right after the fillers, mainly because I wanted to marathon it later. I was as pissed as BoC at the Inuyasha ending. "She gets new shoes? WHAT THE FUCK? Where are half of the side characters and all those loose plotlines?" I then searched all over the Internet for word of a sequel. I got many hopeful replies that there would be one. That was four years ago, and still no word. I guess we can safely say that ship has sailed.

    Both D.gray Man and Inuyasha are incredibly long series with unpopular fillers. And they couldn't be arsed making a fillerish ending (like Claymore), perhaps to leave the fans hoping that there might be a continuation maybe? Or encourage them to move to the manga. I've regained hope that Inuyasha MIGHT start back up, but only because the manga has officially ended, but my hope has risen from %0.0 to %0.2. That said, I'm dissapointed that the D.gray Man series ended rapidly, but not surprised.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Wed, 10-15-2008 at 04:08 PM.
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