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Thread: D.Gray-Man

  1. #1


    Coming from the manga, which is awesome and you should read, the anime coming soon.

    Plot Summary: Allen Walker is a young Exorcist who has a cursed eye that can see the suffering of the Akumas created by The Millenium Earl. He travels to England to the Headquarters of the Exorcists where his Master has sent him to meet with the other Exorcists. The battle with the Millenium Earl and the Noah Family vs. the Exorcists intensifies when some of the best Exorcists begin to get killed by hoards of Akuma. Japan takes center stage in this end of 19th Century plot in order to not let the entire human race be turned into Akumas and the Exorcists have the power of "Innocence" that was given to them by God on their side.,3....gray_man.html (manga)

    This is one I can't wait for, coming this year. Hopefully it's as good as the manga and keeps you wanting more.

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ho... The setting sounds excellent indeed based on that description. Let's hope it won't be a short 12/13 episodes series like the ill trend has lately been so forcefully.

  3. #3
    lol yeah, it's really unsatisfying to have like a series where you get attached to the characters and then realise it's only 12 eps..then ur like gARhhh...dies....

    but yah, the picture they have of it in anidb looks pretty nice...=)
    it is always the darkest before the dawn...

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well... That wasn't the most useful promo ever. Although I don't know how useful they are ever. All I can say is that graphics look pleasant, even if of totally traditional modern style.

  6. #6
    Well, the trailer had nothing at all.
    It's awesome that this is coming out next week!

  7. #7
    gosh i been following the manga ever since it came out
    and finally oct,3 next tuesday!!!!
    i hope it stays as true to the manga as possible

    any idea what group is going to sub this series?

  8. #8
    Here's the torrent to the first episode. D.Gray-Man 01 [RAW]

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Just watched it. So far it's a good representation of the manga. But at the pace it's going (which is a good pace, I think?), I feel like it'll catch up real fast.

    In any case, I have high hopes for this one. As long is it doesn't go to shit somewhere (which I doubt) I'll keep watching.

  11. #11
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    oh episode ones out I'll have to download it as I've been looking forward to this series for a while.

  12. #12
    From what I remember the first episode was very loyal to the manga. I hope it keeps it up. Fairly good episode, but I really didn't like the early portion of D.Gray-Man manga, and this episode was no exception. It wasn't until I was a couple volumes in that the series started to get really good.

  13. #13
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    Good first episode and it was quite loyal to the manga. It felt a bit rushed though. I want to say they cut a bit of it out but I haven't read those chapters in a very long time so its rather hard to say that and be anywhere near positive about it.

    I'll definatly be keeping up with this series although it would be nice if a better group picks it up. SD wasn't bad at all in the subs but it could be done in better quality hopefully they get the ending timed for episode two instead of just the opening.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by SD Website
    Hey guys! Just letting you know that D.Gray-man Episode 1 is out! Go grab it from the usual places!

    This version is pretty much just a barebones release - we got it out because so many people were waiting for it, we had to get it out on air date, so there's no fancy karaoke (or an ending translation), but for you purists we'll have an updated version out within the week, and all future releases for D.Gray-man will have them. Do take note of the fact, though, that this release is completely translated and edited.

    This was posted on their website, so they'll do another release for this one, and continue to do it throughout.

  15. #15
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It looked like a decent show. I haven't read the source material so I have no preconceptions, but if this continues like this, perhaps with a good plot, it'll be a nice series. And it's always a plus it seemed to ruthlessly kill people as the scenario certainly required such measures.

  16. #16
    Just finished watching and it seems to go well with the manga, a good first episode. Hopefully it will follow the manga closely and stop when they get to 26 episodes, I think that's all they could do with the amount of chapters that are out.

  17. #17
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I would've liked that they didn't cover people with stars as they got infected or whatever by the Akuma, that was the one thing that turned me off the manga instantly. I just really can't take it seriously when they do that. It reminds me too much of magical girl anime villians.

    The animation looks great though.

  18. #18
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I would've liked that they didn't cover people with stars as they got infected or whatever by the Akuma, that was the one thing that turned me off the manga instantly.
    If that's your only complaint then getting over that somewhat minor detail might be worth your while the storyline is excellent.

  19. #19
    Seems like TW is also working on D.Gray-Man... it's probably the group I'm going to archive, but I doubt they'll finish the series with their slowness and the series is going to be licensed before it airs completely.

  20. #20
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Watched ep 1, it was pretty cool. I hope it keeps up being this good, I'm serously lacking on shows now that I finished Flame of Recca, Air Gear and Zero no Tsukaima.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

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