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Thread: New person says: permission to use Naruto jutsu?

  1. #1
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    MD, USA

    New person says: permission to use Naruto jutsu?

    Hello, well, first I'm going to introduce myself. I've been watching Naruto subbed eps all over the web right now, and figure Youtube is the best right now. Actually right now, I've got ep 156 open when I saw the reference to this site at the end of the opening. So I paused and came here, because there's something I really want to do.

    In this game called Neverwinter Nights (A multiplayer-capable PC RPG), I'm making my own module (world) that includes an Alternate Advancement (AA) system. Basically the player can level up 1-40 is the regular NWN system, then also 1-40 in my own leveling system, which gives unique abilities to improve the character's fighting abilities. The leveling system of the AA also has some bonus classes and class-related abilities, which a beginner in AA picks (either one of the bonus classes, or their own class ability set. Ex. a Sorcerer character can either learn Sorcerer abilities or trade the ability to learn those to pick a bonus class like Zombie or Lich and attain special abilities instead. Sorry if that's confusing, but it's not the main point anyway). Well, my main point is that I want to make a Ninja bonus class using some of the jutsu techniques from the Naruto anime, but I'm pretty sure there would be a copyright on it or something. Therefore, in conclusion, my question is this: Who do I contact to obtain permission to use Naruto jutsu in my module? You guys? Or someone else?
    Naruto fan...ep 166 now.

  2. #2
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Can you speak japanese?

    I'm official.

  3. #3
    Sounds like a good idea, but it's not like because GW hosts Naruto torrents we have power over such things....

  4. #4
    My hypothesis is that you aren't planning on making money from it. If that is the case, I doubt anything will come of it from the legal standpoint.

  5. #5
    Lol. Yes, Gotwoot has complete licensing rights of Naruto TM and all other Anime listed on this fan-run forum.


  6. #6
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Out of the system

  7. #7
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Wtf is that suppose to represent?

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #8
    WOW bad ass dood please let me know if you get it done. i'd love to play a naruto MMO

  9. #9
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    One of my gaming groups has been playing a Naruto themed D&D campaign on and off for a while now. All of the characters are gestahlt ninja/sorcerers or ninja/monks mostly. It's a pretty fun time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    Wtf is that suppose to represent?
    Some sorta sentient sofa that craps icecream for anthropomorphic chairs.

  10. #10
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    i dont think you really need to get the rights to naruto to use it in your mod. iv seen and used various mods for games that use other properties and i dont think any of them ever got into any trouble. as long as you aren't making a profit of off it you shouldnt have any problems

  11. #11
    Even though Dugaru claims to be a fellow Maryland NWN player, I refuse to believe that anyone capable of using the Aurora toolset could be this retarded. However I'll play along, just in case.

    Naruto is a Japanese TV show, it is not produced soley to be put on YouTube and other web based video sites. It comes on in Japan just like whatever passes for Saturday morning cartoons nowadays comes on here. As to permission for using stuff from the show, you would need to talk to (EDIT Viz , they hold the license for distributing Naruto in the US, and just to be clear you won't get permission. On the bright side you also are unlikely to be sued as they don't give a shit about NWN mods, they'd be much more likely to attack a group like AnimeOne or Dattebayo that distributes whole episodes.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 08-27-2006 at 12:06 PM.

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    As to permission for using stuff from the show, you would need to talk to FUNimation, they hold the license for distributing Naruto in the US, and just to be clear you won't get permission.
    Just to clarify, VIZ Media holds the U.S. distribution rights to Naruto, not FUNimation.

    But yeah, it doesn't matter 'cause he doesn't really need permission anyway.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    MD, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Narasho
    Lol. Yes, Gotwoot has complete licensing rights of Naruto TM and all other Anime listed on this fan-run forum.

    I didn't think so, but if you look at my post again, you'll see that I also asked to whom I would speak if that is the case.

    Quote Originally Posted by creation
    WOW bad ass dood please let me know if you get it done. i'd love to play a naruto MMO
    Thanks for the support! And it will definitely be done if I'm legally allowed to do it. Otherwise I'll make my own techniques and names, but Ninja class will be there, Naruto techniques or not. Umm, but you realize that you would need Neverwinter Nights to play it, right? NWN Diamond Edition sells for about $20 US, which includes the original game, both expansions, and 3 premium modules for about 100 hours of single-player gameplay plus free multiplayer access, hosting, etc. Their website is

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Even though Dugaru claims to be a fellow Maryland NWN player, I refuse to believe that anyone capable of using the Aurora toolset could be this retarded. However I'll play along, just in case.

    Naruto is a Japanese TV show, it is not produced soley to be put on YouTube and other web based video sites. It comes on in Japan just like whatever passes for Saturday morning cartoons nowadays comes on here. As to permission for using stuff from the show, you would need to talk to FUNimation, they hold the license for distributing Naruto in the US, and just to be clear you won't get permission. On the bright side you also are unlikely to be sued as they don't give a shit about NWN mods, they'd be much more likely to attack a group like AnimeOne or Dattebayo that distributes whole episodes.
    Hold on, retarded? Haha, I think this AA thing is a pretty ingenius idea, and bonus classes even more appealing. And yes, I am an NWN player from MD. My Bioware/Gamespy login username is also Dugaru327.

    And yes, you're probably right about the NWN mod vs. AnimeOne thing, but I was wondering because I was going to set up some kind of paypal thing where people who make donations receive AA Credits depending on how much was donated, which gives them 10 AA points per credit to spend on AA abilities. (If you're curious, it would be about 1 credit per 50 cents if the donation was small [<$1 to $10], but 1 per 20-30 cents if the donation was large [$30 to $50] and 1 per 10 cents if the donation is gargantuan, to use an NWN creature size XD [$51+]) However, this money would probably just go toward forum hosting, server hosting, and getting a better server to host the mod. So would that count as illegal, then?

    And also I will mention...this mod has nothing to do with Naruto except the Ninja class. The rest of it will be completely original.

    Edit: Erm, it seems I have some reputation thingies in my profile now...two greens and two reds? But they don't make a lot of sense. ex. red, comment: Pay us 1 million per jutsu and you may use them
    Last edited by Dugaru327; Fri, 08-25-2006 at 06:07 PM.
    Naruto fan...ep 166 now.

  14. #14
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    What exactly are you trying to get permission for? Using the words, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu"?

    Nobody owns those words. It's not like a trademark or anything, it merely means Shadow Replication Technique in japanese, and I don't believe anyone can sue you for that.

    As for the names, I don't think you can get in trouble for that either. Maybe if you used the name Naruto, then idk. But if you used names like Sasuke or Lee, then it would be fine.

    Most things in Naruto are just unregistered japanese words, and I think everybody is free to use them as they please.

  15. #15
    I just re read your post and realized that my post was completely unfounded....sorry. Mizuchi is correct, the names of the techniques are not trademarked by anyone, it's the charachters and story that you would have to worry about. Things like Kamehameha and Hadoken have been used for years by fans, and I've never heard of any legal action taken.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    What exactly are you trying to get permission for? Using the words, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu"?

    Nobody owns those words. It's not like a trademark or anything, it merely means Shadow Replication Technique in japanese, and I don't believe anyone can sue you for that.

    As for the names, I don't think you can get in trouble for that either. Maybe if you used the name Naruto, then idk. But if you used names like Sasuke or Lee, then it would be fine.

    Most things in Naruto are just unregistered japanese words, and I think everybody is free to use them as they please.
    Well pretty much. Except "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" and a bunch of clones pop up that can deal damage but poof when hit-not just the words.
    Naruto fan...ep 166 now.

  17. #17
    only thing i can see that can be ilegal is if you name and make ure characters look like th ones in naruto other wise there is no problem. The moves are pretty much exactly what they are named. like kage bunshin means shadow clone. so if you make a move that makes shadow clones its name will be kage bunshin ie: shadow clones.

  18. #18
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    Yeah, if you are including PayPal, as long as you don't directly steal anything from Naruto, you're fine. If you don't include PayPal/anything to do with money then you could take as much as you want (in this situation, and as long as you aren't claiming to own any material that you use from Naruto).

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    OK! Thanks...erm, are we done here? I guess so.

    Oh, sorry mate, ignored your post:
    Quote Originally Posted by Zinobi
    Can you speak japanese?
    Not any besides what I've learned from watching and listening. Which is more than I expected I would. However, I found a site ( which has a list of all the jutsu, so I wouldn't have trouble with jap-eng translations or jap spelling.
    Last edited by Dugaru327; Tue, 08-29-2006 at 05:02 PM.
    Naruto fan...ep 166 now.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the batcave
    another idiot making an idiotic "thread".

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