Stolen from another site, people said it worked.Originally Posted by Assassin
1. Download and install the mp3towave program available at:
2. Convert your MP3 file to WAV using the mp32wave software
3. Open the wave file in "Record Sound" (available in "Accessories Menu" at Windows)
4. Click on "File Menu" -> Save As and change the format to "16000Hz, 8Bits, Mono"
5. Download the "Okiadpcmplayer" at:
6. In the Okiadpcmplayer program, click on the first button, choose the wave file and click
on the "DUMP" button (this will create a file with the same name but with .ADP extension)
7. Transfer the file to your mobile phone! (With LG7100, you can
use the "LG Contents Bank" program,
available at: )