Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
Does anyone know of a free mp3/wave/midi to adp converter. i need something to create custom ringtones, and my blackberry only suports adp format. I heard of a program called Okiadpcmplayer which can convert wave to adp but i can't seem to find it anywhere.
Stolen from another site, people said it worked.

1. Download and install the mp3towave program available at: http://www.vitaminic.com/download/mp32wav.zip
2. Convert your MP3 file to WAV using the mp32wave software
3. Open the wave file in "Record Sound" (available in "Accessories Menu" at Windows)
4. Click on "File Menu" -> Save As and change the format to "16000Hz, 8Bits, Mono"
5. Download the "Okiadpcmplayer" at: http://ukinglli.cnzn.com/lg7100/soft/adpmakesoft.rar
6. In the Okiadpcmplayer program, click on the first button, choose the wave file and click
on the "DUMP" button (this will create a file with the same name but with .ADP extension)
7. Transfer the file to your mobile phone! (With LG7100, you can
use the "LG Contents Bank" program,
available at: http://gb.lgservice.com/jsp/common/d...e&FILE_GUBUN=B )