Quote Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles View Post
Other than some romantic comedy or another, I've never seen a person confessing his/her love to another person going well. The handful of times I've heard my friends talk about it, they said it seemed kind of pathetic, or that the guy was all "sooooooo adorable xD, but...naw..." Adorable...that's about the best you can hope to come across as, unless she's batshit madly in love with you too.

Normally, I don't care whether a girl has a boyfriend or not. If I'm interested, I do the usual probes to see if she's interested, and ask her out or not based on that. If you can come across as playful and flirty, yet unassuming, then you minimize the risk of prolonged awkwardness between the two of you should you be met with rejection. There's still a risk of course, because whether or not you appear as I described, depends both on your performance and on her perception, the latter of which you don't have much control over. Since this is your job, AND you're madly in love with her, I'd seriously consider NOT trying this. If you do, you really, REALLY, need to be skilled at this. If you're not...she's not the one to practice on.
I wouldn't say "in love"... that comes off too strong. I don't know her well enough to say that and I have my own reservations about love without jumping into it again. She is just the first person I have met in a long time I have even had the urge to ask out, and I feel if she rejects me it will be a long time after that before I'm drawn to someone else. Most everything about people turns me off and makes it hard for me to even keep friends (though I most assuredly always pick the wrong ones), much less maintain a relationship with someone. That's why I don't want to "confess" per se... it's unnecessary and over the top, and exposes all my vulnerabilities. I would just like to take her out and see how things go, but if I try she's just going to say "I have a boyfriend, remember? Don't you listen?" Presumptions always keep me from taking action.

So I'm going to do what is most likely the best advice from you guys and wait, see how things develop. It is too much to pile on all at once before I see where things are going. A screw up now could ruin it for me down the line if she is available.