There are plenty that are free, but they just arent any good at all. Get some virus protection, and get Nero, and stop trying to find a way around it, because there isn't. Anyway, most torrents with Nero don't have any viruses, you just need to pick out the obvious fakes that have viruses.

Originally posted by: xDarkMaster
I was wondering what program I can get to edit videos. Just simple stuff, all I really need to do is cut out some parts.

Sony Vegas comes to mind, but Nero also has one with it's NeroVision extention.

Originally posted by: xDarkMaster
I also was wondering how to capture a screen of a video. When I am watching a video and press the print screen key and paste it into photoshop it doesn't turn our right. Does anyone know how to fix this?
You cant do it that way. What you need is a player that has media capture installed. Windows Media Player has it, so you won't have to look far. Just play the video, pause the scene that you want, and hit CTRL + I and save it.