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Thread: Comedy animes

  1. #1

    Comedy animes

    Can anyone give me a nice list of current comedy animes? Something along the lines of Yakitate Japan or Ouran Host Club.. looking for a series that I can get hooked onto. thanks

  2. #2
    I haven't been watching too much anime recently, but maybe Zero no Tsukaima might interest you along with Welcome to the NHK!

  3. #3
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    School Rumble might also be another one you would enjoy.

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Chocotto Sister is a comedy, despite some of the material and content.
    Today in Class 5-2 is an OVA so it is released very slowly, but it is very funny.

    Recently ended:
    Magical Pokan - I really enjoyed this series and there is hardly a serious moment in the series. AniDB link
    High School Girls - raunchy version of Azumanga Diaoh (in a way). Good cast, and pretty funny. AniDB link

  5. #5
    I want to nominate Suzumiya Haruhi as a good funny...

    also... Magical Pokaan is weird... if you are drunk... as i was when watching it... its GREAT.

  6. #6
    Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi isn't pure comedy, but whatever comedy it has is top notch.

    School Rumble 2 is definitely the top comedy series at the moment.

    Welcome to the NHK is also very promising if you want to give it a try.

  7. #7
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Why has no one mentioned FLCL? It's short, but it's so damn great. FLCL is definitely one of my favourite anime.
    Furi Kuri!
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  8. #8
    Probably because he's asking for a list of current anime.

  9. #9
    yeah.. the older animes with the weird graphics really turn me off for some reason...

  10. #10
    Have you tried Fumoffu? Though it wouldn't be as great without watching the first season. I know it's not current, but it's still funny.

    Otherwise I'd suggest School Rumble. The Melancholy of S.H. though not fully a comedy anime, does it quite well.

  11. #11
    yep i watched fumoffu or however you spell it.. it was pretty good..

    based on the recommendations I'm going to try out

    Today in class 5-2 and School Rumble 2.. it should all be finished within 2 days or so..

    any other suggestions that would get me laughing out loud?

  12. #12
    alright guys, i've caught up to school rumble 2 and today in calss 5-2.. both pretty good animes.. anyone know where I can get my hands on school rumble 1? or any other animes? i really enjoyed these two.. thanks everyone for the suggestions!

  13. #13
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LowLifeEric
    alright guys, i've caught up to school rumble 2 and today in calss 5-2.. both pretty good animes.. anyone know where I can get my hands on school rumble 1? or any other animes? i really enjoyed these two.. thanks everyone for the suggestions!
    You can get the first season of School Rumble at the link above.

    Also, you can check out here for a list of anime download sites.

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