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Thread: Naruto 319

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    80 chapters later, in 308, Sasuke farts out the chidori shield, out of nothing, but it was never explained what actually does the damage. he just makes the air more "stabby"?
    and actually, the chidori sword is almost normal, unless you think about the fact that it was later that you use wind elements to increase the cutting power, but heck, who cares. HxH did it much better anyway.
    you forget that he paralysed yamato with the sword charged with the chidori.

  2. #42
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Well, I give up. (not as if this was ever a vailed argument, since i was arguing against the manga).
    I can't proove that Chidori can't be a lighttning based jutsu, which isn't that bad afterall..
    Though, it doesn't change what i think, and this arguement was never meant to change someone's thoughs. I don't like the way Naruto plays out, and I was trying to back up my dislike by showing the story was messed up through the facts themselves.

    that's all that I'm about to argue about the chidori... we still have the bunshin deal to argue about...

  3. #43
    manga, and comics in general have a habit of changing facts when it suites them (x-men and jean grey anybody?) they mentioned jutsu elements in the past, but never the natural chakra type thing is new, i will give you that much. it just gives kishi a new element to play around with. take it as it is and move on... thats how i deal with jean grey (stop dying, bitch)

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by RasenDori
    manga, and comics in general have a habit of changing facts when it suites them (x-men and jean grey anybody?) they mentioned jutsu elements in the past, but never the natural chakra type thing is new, i will give you that much. it just gives kishi a new element to play around with. take it as it is and move on... thats how i deal with jean grey (stop dying, bitch)
    Stan: OH MY GOD! They killed Jean Grey!

    You can also substitute Jean Grey with Captain America, Peter Parker's parents, Superman, etc.

  5. #45
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    The elemental system, really isn't that much of a new thing. Many of the characters shout out the type of their move before its actual name, and by itself already tells the readers what type of move it is.

    Eg. Katon = fire, Suiton = water, Douton = earth, etc. It's not really the elemental system explained by Kakashi recently, but we all know the moves are related to elements from way back.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  6. #46
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    macomb twp
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Don't you guys get sick of droning on about trivial details for several weeks straight? Geez, how many times do people have to discuss the philosophy behind the kage bunshin training technique?

    mans got a point people, listen to him

  7. #47
    The problem is that for a month this fking training is the only thing we are shown! 50 pages of naruto screaming and kakashi explaining things to him.

    I too think that going too deep into this situation is bad for your mental health ( He was able to do this training since chapter 1 and he is told in 316, there is a plot to make naruto weak).

    But there isnt much more to talk about lately, asuma and kurenai are an incognite, it seems like a fan service. Maybe when asumas dead comes closer we will get to see some flashbacks with the couple.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    macomb twp
    the main issuei have is just the idea that kishi draws everything out, like in 319 a bit.But who cares we got to read it and get on with it.

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