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Thread: Naruto 319

  1. #21
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegechan
    It doesn't matter. I'ts horrible logic anyways. See, it doesn't instantly equal 1000 days, even if the 1000 clones took a full day of training.

    Let me see if I can explain more clearly...

    Let's say Naruto is given a book. He uses Mass Clones to each read one chapter. He then dispurses the clones and then he has read a full book in only minutes.

    That's not the case here. All the clones are on equal ground, so they are in essence reading chapter 1. He'll just understand Chapter 1 really well by the end of it.
    Your correct it is not exactly 1000X learning but you did not read what I was talking about. I was stating that he did not spend 24 hours training for the first part with 1000 clones and thus using the equivilant of 3 years worth of time. My statement was to show that his actual training time was completely differn't from the time elapsed because he kept passing out and sleeping from mental fatigue. 4 hours is simply the equvilant of 6 months worth of time and as Kakashi states the training took HOURS and not a day much closer to the amount of actual training time.

    Also its very likely those 1000 clones are all trying slightly differn't methods of training so its not exactly like reading chapter 1 over and over but rather the equivalent of a much longer time span of trial and error. When he made a noteable breakthrough with one of the clones Kakashi had him stop training and in turn pass out from mental fatique for what seemed like a good amount of time every time it happened. Your example is not wrong but far to overly simplified for what took place.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    macomb twp
    i think you guys are missing the point, he'll be super strong! who cares about what or how he gets the move, just that he gets it, lol.

  3. #23
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    I think some people are reading waaay too much into it. The bottom line is that all his clones are learning at the same time, so he learns more quickly. Simple!

    I wonder if Kishi's making Asuma's death obvious on purpose, with the plan of pulling a massive twist on us, having him obliterate the two of them solo. Nah.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  4. #24
    Even though this wasnt an exciteing chapter a good deal was done in the process. Makes next weeks chapter look like its gonna be a good one. Asuma is gonna die soon also watch lol it's like all sighns are pointing towards that.

    A none important character getting alot of developement lately with him being a relative to the hokage. Being one of the 20 guards. The fact he is about to fight an akatsuki,and the fact they are showing this chick worrying about him. Also him giving advice for naruto to control his wind element. I bet he gonna die and they gonna give naruto the knucle blades for his wind ability.

    note: I'm just blowing this out my ass to see if i get anything right when the story advances lol.

  5. #25
    bxgreatone87, you are correct at said that those 1000 clones may try the same thing so they may try the same idea thus cancel out much of the effective of Mass Shadow Clone. However, this trainning doesn't require thinking (which may make a thousand of Naruto clones think of the same thing), but it require him to control his charka. is that correct? is it better for him to control his charka if he only have to control a little bit of it instead of a big junk of it? Like when you cook beef, if you cut a big chunk of beef to many many tiny and thin pieces, then cook, the cooking time will be rapidly reduce to minimum, and all parts are well done, isn't it? If you took a whole big chunk of beef and cook like that, you need to turn the fire to low setting otherwide the out side of the beef may be done but the inside doesn't, and it takes a long time too. Same theory if you think about it.

  6. #26
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    It seems like the art is slowly getting better again. For a while, the quality of Kishimoto's drawings was really starting to suffer. Not that he's ever been the absolute greatest, but the night scenes he put in this chapter gave him the excuse to show off his skill with shadows and backlighting.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  7. #27
    asumas not gonna die because kishi doesnt have the balls

  8. #28
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven
    I think some people are reading waaay too much into it. The bottom line is that all his clones are learning at the same time, so he learns more quickly. Simple!

    I wonder if Kishi's making Asuma's death obvious on purpose, with the plan of pulling a massive twist on us, having him obliterate the two of them solo. Nah.
    That actually would either be really funny to see, really stupid and a waste of time, or possibly the greatest twist since Sherlocke Holmes defeated he ninja zombie pirates at Pearl Harbor for control of the Liberty Bell....

    Best part of the chapter: Kakashi not really sleeping when Naruto started his training again.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  9. #29
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Don't you guys get sick of droning on about trivial details for several weeks straight? Geez, how many times do people have to discuss the philosophy behind the kage bunshin training technique?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #30
    Probably until everone is satisfied that everyone else agrees with their opinion, or until some new thing comes along that we can read too much into. Besides, what else is there to talk about? Nothing happened in this chapter except Naruto managed to cut the waterfall with a lot of clones.

  11. #31
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    How about asuma and kurenai for example?

    For some reason, it felt like forced fanservice to fabricate a relationship between asuma and kurenai. As if one scene involving the two of them together back when itachi came to town sparked a huge obsession with asuma x kurenai fanfics and as a result kishimoto felt obligated to endulge the fans with this chapter.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #32
    I liked the fact, that Kakashi undenyably said, that chidori is lighning manipulation.
    He should do such things more often, it will save one so much bull to siff through in online discussion
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
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  13. #33
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    damn, I just can't take it.. as Ass said, Kishi takes stuff that only happened in the fans minds and pushes them into the story... like Chidori being a lighttning jutsu.
    I have the time now to go over all the points that make me think that way.

    first time we see the chidori is in chapter 30, other than the name, it doesn't even remind electricity, not in form nor in it's effect on Haku's body.
    next time, is in chapte 113, it's described as a stabbing jutsu, again, when we see the moment of impact, it doesn't have the slightest similiarity to lightnning. They practicly say that your hand becomes a blade, they don't even mention the word lighttning.
    Again, at chapter 128, guess what, a cutting skill, not elemental.
    chapter 146? no lighttning.
    176? do you see any electricity currents in the water? becuase i sure don't... if it was a lightnning skill, then he probably would have electrified the water, right?
    226? 227? 228? 232? Naruto eats a chidori to his chest there, and he doesn't seem shocked about it.

    80 chapters later, in 308, Sasuke farts out the chidori shield, out of nothing, but it was never explained what actually does the damage. he just makes the air more "stabby"?
    and actually, the chidori sword is almost normal, unless you think about the fact that it was later that you use wind elements to increase the cutting power, but heck, who cares. HxH did it much better anyway.

    that was the last time we saw the chidori in action, so unless we count the chidori thing in 308, the jutsu never had the slightest resmblence to lighttning.

    well, but my thoughts aside, Kishi decided that it's electricity based, so who am I to argue? I could as much argue about that Kakashi said that to merge two elements you need both hands (diffrent chackra from each hand) and said that Haku used Ice/WInd combo, even though he did single handed jutsus...

  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Booze I don't think that quite follows my point. The emphasis of chidori being a lightning jutsu was not an obligatory fanservice kishimoto provides to his target audience. It's an excuse for the newer implementations of an older jutsu.

    Suffice to say, a chidori is still a piercing weapon, plain and simple. If we see any side effects from a simple chidori that has not been shown before, then I'd have reasons to question kishimoto's consistency. But from what I gathered, chidori is meant for a rapid burst of concentrated power capable of piercing the target's body. To presume that kakashi could only perform 6 of these in a day (while we see yamato creating waterfalls and canyons with his elements), I would be inclined to suspect that the chidori is one of the most powerful forms of the lightning element. Afterall, lightning for the most part is an instantaneous current of electricity, and increasing its power does not so much increase its quantity, but rather its concentration (which brings us to the assassination-style chidori that takes a very high concentrated form AND lasts long enough for the user to run up to the enemy).

    Anyway, how does that paragraph apply to you, booze? Well I'm just saying that the effects of the chidori is far greater than a mere electrocution, but rather a clear incineration through the target. There's no convulsions because the part of the body that touches the chidori no longer exists, and the user's hand will have completely penetrated the target's body too. However, going back to kakashi's use against haku, we still see arcs of electricity shoot between the flying blood particles.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #35
    One could also say, that jutsus are always explained on the level of detail that naruto understands.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
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  16. #36
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    I wonder why Kurenai's clothing differs so much from the rest of the jounins'...

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    I wonder why Kurenai's clothing differs so much from the rest of the jounins'...
    I remember in the anime way back that said she was one of the newer jounins than everyone else...
    Maybe shes still waiting for her own standard jounin clothing... after 3 years...

  18. #38
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I'll try to clear this up to the best of my knowledge.

    Chidori = 千鳥 (thousand birds)
    Raikiri = 雷切 (Lighting slice)

    And we all know that when Kakashi first used Chidori, Kishi named it Raikiri. It was later explained that the name of the move (created by Kakashi) was Chidori, and that Raikiri was a nickname for the move. So, it's not hard for us to relate to Chidori as a lightning elemental move.
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  19. #39
    im pretty sure theyre somewhat different though because i think raikiri is listed as a S-rank technique and chidori is listed as an A-rank

  20. #40
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Quote Originally Posted by anime892
    im pretty sure theyre somewhat different though because i think raikiri is listed as a S-rank technique and chidori is listed as an A-rank
    That might be because Sasuke uses what we all know as the Chidori, and when Kakashi uses it he calls it the Raikiri, so the listing displays that Kakashi's version is stronger? Just a theory...

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