Out by DB
Finally able to make one of these
Konoha 11 eh...
Out by DB
Finally able to make one of these
Konoha 11 eh...
Oh hell, I almost forgot it's thursday. *downloads*
Will be interesting to see the entire Konoha 11 in the same episode, at least..
nice one dude
Originally Posted by NinjaMic
He beat us all! >< nuuuuuuu!
Is it me, or the quality is getting slightly better ... could it be the end is near?! (yea, im aware of all the "The end is near for filler" thread/comments .. just re-stating ^_^)
If the disclaimer at the beginning of the episode is to be believed, then yes, perhaps.Originally Posted by Kensee
And they said that nobody watches the opening/ending sequences ... but I always do :[
(...and I even sing along sometimes) :0
Yeah watched it almost 19k people in torrent atm, very cool to see.
My perverted Sannin showed up when I saw that thing from that thing and that thing.
And I live and die for all new opening and closing fwiw DB!
I thought it was a pretty interesting episode. From watching the intro/outro i'm not really looking forward to the movie though, the only thing that caught my eye were the costume changes.
There are no bad people who like Ichiraku Ramen!
Hehe.. funny how before people were like "OMG IT'S FRIDAY WHErE'S MY NARUTO!?"..
And now people are like, pfft. It's out -again-? I thought I just watched some filler =P
Higher quality eh? *downloads*
naruto was an idiot for saying this. if he thinks ramen is so good, everyone would like it. it tastes the same weither your ideals are percieved as evil or not.There are no bad people who like Ichiraku Ramen!
the movie... is just higher budget filler.