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Thread: Anime: The Lazymans Animation

  1. #41
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Important fact: While American television is aired in seasons, Japanese television runs year long. What does this mean to us, kiddies?

    Our industry can afford to put twice as much time into the making each episode.

    If you can't argue my points any more, then I don't see a reason for this thread to still be open.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #42
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Ok I kinda dropped in on this thread and wow Srg your really asking to get you butt plugged by all of us. But digress, animation is a very complex progress that takes time so they might skip and step or two where they can. But you should also know that some sereis have specific styles like ONE PIECE which gets its source materal form a MANGA so they will stick to that style of drawing ot keep the original feel of the comic. So Im done here hope this helps.

  3. #43
    so let me get this straight, according to srg, anime requires less effort to draw than other cartoon types. wow, than those animators are hella fucking smart because they found a method of working less while producing better looking animation, IMO. i find that animes have a certain aesthetic quality that other animation types lack. maybe its their faces, maybe its the giant boobs bouncing everywhere, either way, i like it. in conclusion, it all looks good.
    Last edited by kippykinkel; Sun, 08-13-2006 at 03:19 AM.

  4. #44
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    wtf was this thread all about?

    OK. Facts of life time.

    (1) The production values of Japanese anime are at least on par with American animation of comparable purpose. Movies get movie budgets, loads of time and effort, and generally end up pretty well-done. TV gets a much lower budget, not so much time and effort, and often has spotty quality. What was the last american-made cartoon that you watched? Taken a gander at Spongebob? Or the miscellaneous random crap that the Disney channel and Nickelodeon air on a daily basis?
    (2) Nearly everything on the internet is a business, and has a business model. If it's got a broad userbase, they're just waiting to figure out how to either mine out the data and sell it, or load it up with ads, or exploit the community to get a portion of them to sign up for a pay service, or they're fishing for donations in the hope that something the owners like will pay for itself. (Incidentally, this includes Gotwoot, which is basically a failed business ... we tried the donations thing for a while, but it didn't work out too well for us ... and if anyone remembers the uda experiment ... ).
    (3) Businesses, ALL businesses, are about profit. Some of them don't immediately appear to be ... digg, youtube for example. However, just because there's no apparent business model doesn't mean there's no opportunity for business, and building that opportunity has a LOT of value too.
    (4) It is the sworn duty of every corporation to attempt to best serve the interests of its shareholders. The best interests of its shareholders mean both short-term profitability and long-term sustainable growth. In the case of anime, if it saves 10% on the bottom line to do a 10% cheaper job, and it doesn't lose viewers by doing so, then the interests of the show are best served by animating as cheaply as possible. Hence using the cheapest techniques possible for any given TV show, and hence the bad habits of sequence recycling in a lot of shows.
    (5) Anime production is generally contracted for a set amount of episodes in advance. The result of this, and of trying to stretch and compress various plot arcs from an already-written story into 13 or 26 22-minute chunks ends up badly pacing a lot of shows at some point. You can find this in a LOT of places -- shows end up being well-suited for 30 episodes and contracted for 24, and the last 5 or 6 feel really rushed, or end up being well-suited for 20 episodes and have to stretch to 26, so the mid-teens will slow down and drag for a while. This is unfortunate, but it's the nature of the beast. This is also present in a lot of the more gimmicky US TV dramas -- a prime example would be the TV show 24. The first season of 24 would have felt complete if it were about 12 episodes long, but then at the end of that first arc it felt like they suddenly realized "oh yeah, there's another 12 episodes to do, well ... let's make some other shit up".
    (6) Bad writing abounds EVERYWHERE. No matter where you look. Look at anime, look at American TV, look at literature. There's a freaking LOT of bad writing out there.
    (7) Everything is just something else rehashed. Every romance is just a twist on the first romance. Every action series is just a twist on real action, which is just a variation on earlier themes. It's distinctly possible that there's no such thing as an original idea, just a new arrangement of already-existing concepts. So complaining that a shounen action series is like every other shounen action series is like complaining that a romance novel is about every other romance novel, or that today's Wall Street Journal is just like yesterday's Wall Street Journal. Just because it's not totally original doesn't mean there's no value in it to the people who enjoy that sort of thing.
    (8) Err, terra's an admin. It's stupid to pick fights with admins.

    Eight is enough .

  5. #45
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Yea!!! All hail KitKat for taking charge and owning the trollerz! Way to go!
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  6. #46
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    Yea!!! All hail KitKat for taking charge and owning the trollerz! Way to go!
    And so broke the image I had of KitKat as the most benevolent and amiable of moderators... (I'm sure there are admins/mods who do absolutely no moderating, but that doesn't count one way or the other.) Well, on the other hand I guess it's fitting KitKat is saying have a couple of days break...

    This thread is so miserable to begin with that I don't think there's much to add here. Honestly complich8 invested too much thought and time in this thing by writing such a good post.

  7. #47
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Damn, Kit was first. I hope that the vacation those two fuckups received was long enough. If possible I'd like them to not come back at all.

    Pepper, you are so incredibly stupid. Nobody here has anything against a good discussion. But if you cannot see that your posts constantly contain offensive stuff, then... yeah. If you want to discuss things, why not do it in a more proper way?

    Furthermore, double posts and even admitting that you are shitposting...

    Why do I put up with this?¨

    Fuck this topic and fuck people in general.

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