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Thread: Anime: The Lazymans Animation

  1. #21
    That would be perspective, and yes, I do know about the strange height differences from frame to frame. I did mention earlier that time constraints causes either or both story and animation to suffer, this includes the overall quality. That money is probably spent on spreading the anime like a plague around the globe or even as simple as spreading little toys to local shops. It's a business as well, so "duh" they want to make money. If they don't have to spend more money to make a working cartoon with acceptable quality, why should they? You think american cartoons are better? Cartoons evolved on making shortcuts through out history, why? to save cash! Moolah! Dinero! Currency of respective country! And then there is giving money to companies for all the publishing nonsense.

    Heck America is so lazy, we'll just dub an anime sort of popular from another country and then dumb it down for an audience younger than targeted. Lets NOT spend the money to get even a DECENT writer! Lets not even look at the voice actors, lets look at the people airing the stuff, Kid's WB, Jet-ex, Fox Box or whatever satanic gibberish they have now. Even Canada does a better job then we do, wtf is that about? Lets look at a prime example, Megaman Battle Network, we won't even show you half the episodes, cause not only are we lazy, we seem to be retarded too.

  2. #22
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Srg.Pepper
    Well low budget. So whats wrong with making less money and making something that is more decent then a bunch of "Death gods" running aorund,
    Well theres something that you havent noticed about the human race most of us are greedy and want to keep as much money for ourselves as possible. This goes especially for the people behind such anime. Chances are they're in it for the cash and could give a shit about what they are putting out. That's my opinion though.

    Also stop being a bitch Srg. Pepper...

    I'm official.

  3. #23
    Well folks, I would love to stay and chat, but i have gotten bored, not beaten here tonight. It was a fun argument, and if you claim wanting to argue as trolling then yeah i trolled. Anyways it was fun and i am out of here. mods admins who ever runs this joint lock this up. Thanks for the fun. Later.


    Terracosmo is a Homosexual

  4. #24
    I think I'll take his chair position of "ass" and say the last words.

    I want Srg. Pepper to come back but after that bold statement in red, I don't think he'll exist anymore...which saddens and yet delights me...

  5. #25
    Hrmmm, there's discussions and then there's throwing a match onto a pile of kindling soaked in gasoline.

    90 -95% of the people who watch anime accept it as is, and certainly don't run around wishing it was like anything Disney put out. Disney makes movies, no more than 2-3 a year and each one gets seen bye huge numbers of people all of whom have to pay to watch it just one time. This amounts to millions and millions of dollars in revenue for the company. Anime on the other hand is public TV generally. When I compare the quality of the Simpsons or Familiy Guy to more modern shows like Ghost in the Shell or Ergo Proxy (neither of which have a plot I find unoriginal) I don't see why anyone would complain.

    EDIT: That fucker gave up while I was typing!! Oh well, he was entertaining for a while.

  6. #26
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Srg.Pepper
    Yes, but if it earns to much, why must it be so low budget? Anime isn't produced by small companys, plus they get even more money when they hit the states and people like VIZ buy them.
    So you're asking why they don't spend more money than what is needed to turn a profit?
    Japanese are all about efficiency, unlike the effort you've wasted thus far to support your "not-enough-money-was-put-into-this-to-fulfill-my-daily-ADD-stimulation-of-western-visual-quality" strain of logic.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Tekkaman Vigorot
    I want Srg. Pepper to come back
    Hello my loving Fan Tekkaman Vigorot.

    True Japan is all about saving and scrimping but they do have Plasma tv's out the ass. So just export those and take your savings and make decent anime. You know what anime is awesome. Buy standers of lighting and story. Both Plot and action. One Peace. That is one kick ass anime.

    Also If you call you get srg.Pepper.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    EDIT: That fucker gave up while I was typing!! Oh well, he was entertaining for a while.
    Fuck you i did. No bitch, get back to typing.

  9. #29
    As much as I enjoy One Piece, I still have to say it's quality is still similar to quality of many other anime, not only that, One Piece still features quite a bit of the spam you seem to hate so very much. Plot can be considered incredibly cliche, as matter of fact, it IS! The minor subtlties and excecution is what has me seeing past the cliches, but for what it is, One Piece is not free of the stuff you blab on about...

    Japan is all about saving and scrimping? That would be businesses in general. What business is formed to NOT make money?

  10. #30
    The internet. ICANN..

    Also, I don't watch One peace or w/e to me it is as i said shitty. But i was hoping for a fan boy to jump in so i could flame his ass.

    Many places break even, you tube. makes not alot of money. They could easly add a gold user feature that allows for something more and then they would have the American Coin!/.

  11. #31
    The internet is not a business... Government is not a business, ICANN is not a business, Gotwoot where close to a business, youtube is not a business either.

    I think you're losing your head if you think the internet is a business...

    Something I forgot, mentioning something in hopes of alluring someone else to flame is clear trolling.

  12. #32
    So, who sinks the $1.5 Million into youtube everymonth for its bandwidth costs alone

    Digg has 15 workers. CEO's etc. It is a business. Guess what its free and they just break even.

    Also, they don't work 12 hour days. And if anime studios made anime close to as good as these folks make websites then we would all be sitting in our shit an piss from excitement.

  13. #33
    Youtube is a service provided by their partners, they do not provide "commodities", nor do they provide products and nor do they make any form of cash from users on their site. has workers, of course they do, otherwise there is no site. They themselves are not a business either, it is yet another service provided by an actual business, they are merely a service which doesn't make money. A business is formed to make money, not to become a charity.

  14. #34
    You tube and Digg both make money just not much as they make there money at the end when they sell the site. Digg is Valued at $60 Million and Youtube as MultiBillion. Does that mean that the "free" service is worth Millions if not Billions. Of course they are businesses. Stop talking out your ass.

  15. #35
    Alright, I'll concede to the argument that Youtube and are businesses. But you only proved that businesses are for making money. You attempted to answer my question with businesses made to not make profit. Good job.

    Btw, what in the world were you thinking when you said internet? o.O

  16. #36
    The vaste bases of knowledge and trolls. Like Wikipedia, other places. Ahh fuck it, i really don't care. Hmm we need a new topic of discussion.

    This video

    I think that is some cool shit and we should look more into it. I would love to be a Re-animated head on a shelf. Of couse it would never happen because there are too many fucking pussys bitching about abortions and pot.

  17. #37
    To mods and admins. I'll try not to spew shit all over your fourms, just in this thread if possible. Thank you very much for keeping it open for so so long.

    Hmm, to shit post or not to shit post.

  18. #38
    Terracosmo dont make such a big fuss.

    Srg.Pepper has a good point. The anime producers could spend a little more time and money in the shit they feed us. My balls smell, Im going to take a hot bath.


  19. #39
    Maybe if you stopped rubbing loation on them they wouldn't smell.

  20. #40
    Go fuck yourself.

    That's enough. You can both take a couple days vacation. We don't appreciate people who sign up just to troll the forums.
    Last edited by KitKat; Sun, 08-13-2006 at 02:12 AM.

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