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Thread: Anime: The Lazymans Animation

  1. #1

    Anime: The Lazymans Animation

    I know anime is a style but it's such a lazy animation method. They draw a couple of frames then parallax them. Whoa!

    Storylines are usually more adult than the american equivalent but this isn't my gripe.

    Admittedly there are some kickass anime movies, maybe even a series or two that i've missed -- where the animators have bothered to draw more than two frames every minute -- but the likes of Pokémon and Dragonball Z... so many other voltron wannabe cacks are all lazy animation.

    Their nature is lazy. They draw the hero in a pose and parallax the background round them while they tremble in a strangely fake Dr. Katz way.

    I don't believe for a second that this type of animation -- as done so predominately in many Animes -- is because of an artistic vision. It's Anime: The lazy-man's animation.

  2. #2
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    So do you like anime or not?

  3. #3
    I'm not arguing anything you're saying, but basing your info on shitty shows like Pokemon and old ass shows like DBZ? Give me a break. If you're going to argue something, at least use some of the most recent animes out there. Try arguing using shows like Speed Grapher, Kurau Phantom Memory, Eureka seveN, Ghost in the Shell...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    Hey boy, you wanna get ahead
    You gotta give some head
    So are you a chick or a gay anime nerd?

    The Storylines are better yet the anime is just lazy as shit. Maybe if they came over to America and picked up some of Disneys real artists then they could get some better shows on to real networks like ABC and FOX.

  5. #5
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    For Budweineken, Bleach and Naruto are horrible these days, and those came out like what Wensday?

    Edit: I am just saying he has a point on some of the recent anime.

  6. #6
    As I said, I wasn't arguing what he was presenting... I was just mentioning that he should use better examples in his argument.

    Edit above: I'm just saying that I have no way of guessing where he's arguing from. Cause if he's basing all that post on a shitty series like Pokemon, then I don't have any reason to give him any credit on what he's arguing. And him mentioning that only a series or two surpass his argument, makes me doubt everything he's arguing. So, better and more recent examples are needed.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sat, 08-12-2006 at 11:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Srg.Pepper
    So are you a chick or a gay anime nerd?
    I'm a Turbonegro fan.

    My turn. Are you playing tough in some kind of attempt to piss off "gay anime nerds" or are you just plain dumb?

  8. #8
    Well, its not like anime has changed ever. Its still the same old dried out ideas just replayed with a new twist. Whats that Mecha? No shit. Maybe if they branched out from Ninjas and other over used ideas in Anime. They are almost as bad as American reality shows.

  9. #9
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Srg.Pepper
    Quote Originally Posted by Srg.Pepper
    Its still the same old dried out ideas just replayed with a new twist.

  10. #10
    Well, you're not arguing about plot, so I don't know why you're bringing that up. You're arguing about animation, and animation has improved.

    So, sorry Srg. Pepper, but you've failed to construct a convincing argument.

  11. #11
    To Terracosmo:
    Please stop formating your text to super large.

    To Budweineken:

    Both the Animation and rehashed ideas are the downfall of anime today. The good moves i listed and the more serious plots are good. But they still need to branch out more. There are how many animes about ninjas? How many about Samurai?

    Also have you seen the lighting in Blood+? It's bad. I am sure Woofcat knows what i mean?

  12. #12
    Lazy animation you say? But based on things like Naruto, they only have a week to spit out a episode, just to meet deadlines, storylines have suffered or animation has suffered. Disney makes good animation, but that's when they do MOVIES, their cartoon shows are dramatically lower quality and runs at the same smoothness as many everyday cartoons, although now it's really just re-run after re-run.

    Besides, animation has generally improved alot over the years even with the limited time they have to work with. In movies, you can definetly see the increase in quality, even the pokemon movies don't spam the garbage you usually see in it's series.

    The everyday cartoons nowadays are honestly just more colorful, while the smoothness is pretty much the same.

    And about the Samurais and Ninja's being spammed all over the place...
    I'm thinking it's because it's part of their culture? And Ninja's and Samurai are really cool? XD

    Look at america now, how many comic book super heroes must we whore till we invent some more? Huh?! HUH!? Don't get me wrong, I love the superheroes, but it seems more like a trend then anything meaningful, super hero games, movies, cartoons, trading cards, you name it, all men-in-tights spam, and that's all our side of the globe seems to be good for. They spam, we spam, everyone spams, don't single them out like their a bad guy.
    Last edited by Tekkaman Vigorot; Sat, 08-12-2006 at 11:20 PM.

  13. #13
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Srg.Pepper
    To Terracosmo:
    Please stop formating your text to super large.
    If you stop trolling my forums, maybe we have a deal.

  14. #14
    Even with less time they are working in an area with more people and less workers rights. They should have the ability to crank out higher quality episodes. If you ever go to Japan please confirm what i have heard, that most people work 12 hours a day.

    Do you not think that if you had lets say 700 men for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week to make 30 minutes of animation? The story is made by the manga, besides the filler (and really what type of time do they spend writing that?) they write nothing.

    Compared to Disney who has to deal with min wage, union's, and tons of other problems like vaction time.

    I expect Anime to be of higher quality.

    "If you stop trolling my forums, maybe we have a deal."

    If you give me head we have a deal. ok hun?

    Blatant flaming. If this keeps up you'll be out of here just as fast as you came. No pun intended related to the earlier request about head. Consider this a warning.
    Last edited by Terracosmo; Sat, 08-12-2006 at 11:34 PM.

  15. #15
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    11,053 this an argument about how anime is flawed in the sense that it's a low-budget production process that consistently yields high profits from a worldwide consumer base?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure this an argument about how anime is flawed in the sense that it's a low-budget production process that consistently yields high profits from a worldwide consumer base?

    Yes, but if it earns to much, why must it be so low budget? Anime isn't produced by small companys, plus they get even more money when they hit the states and people like VIZ buy them.

    You would think that with all that American coin they are making they could produce a little less shotty anime. Also with all the cash VIZ and others rake in maybe they could hire better Voice Acters. Jesus Christ they use the same voices for diffrent animes then run the one right after the other.

  17. #17
    There is also voice over work. Manga and Anime tend to be REALLY different BECAUSE of these time constraints and then they have to write a new script to fit the changes made to accomadate deadlines. 700 people? Show me 700 people in the credits and maybe you have an arguement. You can just look at people that ink comic pages, there aren't that many people in a room and this is just to finish a single book with much more than a weeks time.

    It also takes time to edit the work to make it work in their ad spam and crappy stuff like that, there is no magical little elf that says "Animation is: Draw, film, go!" More like "Write, edit, plan scene, edit, draw scenes, edit, color scenes, edit, draw characters, edit etc etc etc etc."

  18. #18
    Wow i guess you are right. episodes like.

    "192 Ino Screams! Chubby Paradise"
    "187 Open for Business!! Konoha House Moving Center"

    must have really followed the "Write, edit, plan scene, edit, draw scenes, edit, color scenes, edit, draw characters, edit etc etc etc etc."

    in truth anime is not that hard to produce. They just lack the ability to do it correctly.

    Look at "Avatar: The Last Airbender" that is anime produced in the USA. It has good quality all around, even the voice acting. Even with the USA market not having near the demand of the Japan market for anime they still pulled off a decent show.

  19. #19
    To be honest, Avatar: The Last Airbender has just as minimal frames as many animations today and it's quality is similar, if not the same, with the animes you are deeming "crap".

    Also, voice actor quality is not something you can tell since when most people say " The voice actor was CRAP!" is because it is in comparison with the japanese voice actors. You are being introduced to the characters with their original voices, your brain affiliates the character to said personality/voice whatever. Like example of Naruto's "Believe It" phrase.

    Many of us cringe at the words. But you know why? You actually understand the words coming out of his mouth. In japanese, a good half of us have no idea what he's saying, relying soley on tone of voice to interpret his "subbed" words. But what did Naruto say to have the "Believe IT!" phrase there so many times? Dattebayo, a phrase spammed practically after every breath, sometimes more than once on the same sentence. He says it so many times, Believe it suddenly doesn't seem that much of a bother. What's worse? Dattebayo doesn't even mean anything! It means even less than adding the word "yo" at the end of every sentence....yo.

    Anyway...enough with voice actors. To the "high quality" animation you demand like it's a right. Let's not even assume the half hour of animation (it's not half an hour anyhow, don't forget the ads) Lets just assume...20 minutes. Now lets use the standard FPS for everyday animation, 12 FPS. Now, 12FPS x 60 seconds = 720 frames per minute. Now, 720 frames x 20 min = 14,400 frames an episode. They have to get 14,400 frames done in a week and lets not include the coloring and scene planning and lets not even think about the silly sound effects that add that punch to every frame. And then lets not even think about voice actors.

    Now, how many editors? For Bleach, we count a whopping 1, oh excuse me, lets include the incredible 2 video editors. Some members of said crew have multiple jobs. Gee wiz, just why is that? And I always considered Bleach the better among the likes of popular anime.

  20. #20
    Sure its a lot of work, but they rake in the cash, so why not hire 50 editors. As AssertnFailure so kindly summed up they rake in cash and spend nothing. Well low budget. So whats wrong with making less money and making something that is more decent then a bunch of "Death gods" running aorund, Also did you see the Rukia rescue? She looked like she was 3 feet tall then in the next scene a nice 5"4'. You call that good? Jesus Christ i hope you are blind and reading this with that annoying Mircorsoft robot voice.

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