To the brave people who are still following Bleach, here is another installment.
Bleach - 92 Dattebayo
To the brave people who are still following Bleach, here is another installment.
Bleach - 92 Dattebayo
brave ppl? :P It freakin pwn naruto fillers
err.............Its still a "filler".Originally Posted by Nyberg
Surprisingly little happened in this episode. In fact, almost nothing at all happened. But the next episode looks more promising.
Oh. Almost forgot; Rukia in her shinigami garb. That alone made the episode a little better for me...
Edit: Ichigo and Rukia make such a nice couple that they should marry asap.
Hmm... The red strap Ichigo uses to keep Zangetsu hanging on his back makes him look somehow higher rank than Rukia.
Last edited by Kraco; Wed, 08-09-2006 at 10:59 AM.
Well...he is like 50 times stronger than her so...he can wear whatever the hell he wants.
Episode was way boring.
I didn't mind this episode much at all, and yeah it was nice to see Rukia back in shinigami garb. When it got to that scene I didnt notice at first and when it hit me I was like oh sweet! As nyberg said Bleach filler is much better then Naruto filler. It always remains interesting at least instead of a group of episodes about "The Curry of Life" or something =\
Decent episode, not a lot happening, but lots of good "fleshing out" material. I especially liked the scenes with Ichigo and Rukia, and at Kuukaku's, and Kon's scenes.
I thought the fight scene between Cain and Omaeda was very poorly done. Daruku has the worst aim, firing 2000 pellets at someone with only 5 of them hitting its target. Is Omaeda (or any high-ranking shinigami) that much of a coward that he'd cry for help when facing a strong opponent?
Any ideas why there was no preview for next week?
Why don't the bounto just absorb all of SS?
One of the upsides with them being in SS now is some of the things people were complaining about with the fillers ruining the manga storyline, can be fixed now. Like if Rukia stays in SS at the end of this arc, then whatever happens with her in the manga can still happen.
I imagine Ishida is gonna lose these powers before the end of the arc as well.
I just noticed for the first time that Kukkaku has a prosthetic right arm. Did she have that before?
Yes, in the anime. Back when the SS arc was running I didn't even notice she doesn't have two normal arms, before somebody pointed it out. Apparently it's quite a difference for those who read the manga.
yeah .
14. No worthless or low content posts: For example, "hi", "lol", "hahah", "too long, didn't read" "owned", or anything that has no real contribution to the thread are not necessary. If you don't have anything significant to say or if you're not gonna follow the rules of the thread, don't post.
Read the rules please.
Last edited by NM; Mon, 08-14-2006 at 08:40 PM.
Originally Posted by redcat
Try to say somethiing more... meanfull next time than just a simple random yeah...14. No worthless or low content posts: For example, "hi", "lol", "hahah", "too long, didn't read" "owned", or anything that has no real contribution to the thread are not necessary. If you don't have anything significant to say or if you're not gonna follow the rules of the thread, don't post.
Edit: nvm, NM beated me to it = D
Originally Posted by Board of Command
yes she always did, infact if i recall correctly the first time she ever appeared there was a discussion and consolidation of this fact. But she is still wicked cool.
As for this episodes, as Kraco said not much really happened. And from the pace it is going at the uncomfirmed information that said it would end at 96 seems even less apparent. Grab your knives and pitch forks, let's tar and feather the person that gave us this false hope.
Who was it again?
xDM, it was you, ah ha, prepare your self.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
I'm not sure, but when we first saw Kuukaku in the anime, she was missing an arm wasn't she?
Episode 23 was her first appearence in the anime. And yes as i said before she was missing an arm, look for yourself.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.