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Thread: Movie: Miami Vice

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  1. #1

    Movie: Miami Vice

    OK so I just saw MV today at the cinema. I don't know if it was due to the fact that I paid double the ticket price I usually pay and found the cinema to be crap that I think that this movie wasn't all that.

    Now not that I remember anything from the 80's series apart from it's theme tune, but I think this film wasn't as entertaining as those episodes were. The plot seemed a bit dragged out at times and the characters didn't really grow on you. Most annoyingly of all this was compounded by meaningless scenes of sex which didn't really contribute to the story line.

    My overall verdict: There are generally a crap bunch of films at the cinema right now, and this one just happens to sit on the top of a weak pile. Worth a look if you can get a decent cinema ticket price.

  2. #2
    I haveto agree about the meaningless parts. The guy I saw this with commented that the entire section with Colin Farrel and the Asian chick going off to Havanna could have been skipped without affecting the overall story at all. In addition to the myriad plot holes and leaps of fantasy the excessive length made this movie seem unworthwhile, fortunately I didn't pay for my ticket so I don't feel wronged or cheated.

    The only consolation the movie offered me was the violence, which seemed somehow more grusome than some of the other recent films i've seen of this genre. My favorite moment however was definately the scene at the trailer park with the awesome chick who only spoke 10 lines the whole movie, delivering her longest and best stream of text. I'd swear she was channeling Revy's spirit in that moment, though I'm not sure Revy knows that much about anatomy.

  3. #3
    Agreed. The violence was a somewhat redeeming factor of the movie.

    Apparantly the movie suffers from plot holes due to the hurried nature of the editing. I think filming was affected by all the hurricanes last year, plus some other issues like having live shootings on set. So a large part of it was chopped out that some people are hoping would be added back in once the Director's Cut DVD is released.

  4. #4
    Yuck. As much as I liked Collateral and Heat, this movie was one of the worst that I've seen this year.

    I came to the conclusion that it was 70% talking (about a plot I wasn't even remotely interested in), 20% sex, and 10% violence.

    As it's already been said, the only redeeming part of the movie was the shooting and violent scenes. Still.... I felt a bit jipped, since I paid $9.00 for a ticket and expected a good movie. My hopes were shattered.

  5. #5
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    I have to agree with the majority of people in this thread and say that this was indeed a very bad movie. Its like genma said, they threw a little bit of everything in there and forgot to string a decent plot through it all. Although there was a lot of talk in the movie, the whole idea behind bringing down the drug dealing syndicate was pretty shallow and cliched. The violence was good but i felt that the gunbattle at the end of the movie was really stupid and ruined the whole thing instead of making it better, with Jamie fox running around with his shotgun shooting people at point blank rank in the middle of it all. Also, the ability of Colin Farrel and the Asian chick to dodge bullets while struggling with each other right in the centre of the whole skirmish is completely past me. I felt almost certain that someone should have died in that scene.
    Also, i disliked the use of Linkin Park's and JayZ's version of numb as the soundtrack. It just doesnt feel right when songs you have heard quite frequently feature as soundtracks for movies. It feels as even the producers were too cheap to actually hire someone to do a custom one just for the movie

  6. #6
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    The part that got me as an audience member and a film maker, most of the movie shot hand held. I though I was going ot get motion sickness. Plus the really lax lighting design made the movie look cheap. High Def my ass it looked like somthing I shot back in hihg school.

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