View Poll Results: How do you archive your anime?

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  • DVDs

    33 50.00%
  • Removable hard drive

    7 10.61%
  • Both

    15 22.73%
  • Other

    7 10.61%
  • i got a 5 terrabyte hardrive i dont need to archive MWUHAHA! OMGWTFBBQ! my hard drive crashed noo!

    4 6.06%
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Thread: How do you archive your anime?

  1. #21
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    I just recently started archiving by both Dvd's and HDD, I use to depend on my HDDs. I have

    1 x 160gb,

    1 x 300 gb, (external)

    1 x 30 gb (external case)

    1 x 80 gb.(external case)

    I had another 160 gb but that one died recently sad to say, it didn't see that much use, infact it was a newer one.And was not used for anything, only because i didn't have an external case for it. But when i finally got one for it. The freaking thing died, my first hdd ever to die. But it did teach me how important it is to have Dvd back ups. So I burn all completed series and the ones that are incomplete or i watch often i keep, but i back up them. I hope you all learn the importance of backing up too.
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  2. #22
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Back when I was even more lifeless than I am now and watched anime in the same sick amounts as you guys, I used to burn on 700 mb CDs. I have 2 big black cases shockfull of anime of which I haven't even watched half.

    Now I have a total of around 300 gigs of space divided on 3 harddrives, and they will never fill up because I only watch Naruto now. Other than Naruto I store a lot of Gundam and other shorter series I like too much to delete (Berserk, Basilisk and more) so the anime still amount to 100+ gigs but hey.

    Also, lmao at the last poll alternative. That is soooo Budweineken.

  3. #23
    Well, my anime and manga usually stay on the HDD, two HDDs with 200GB of space, until that is close to full and then I burn it to DVD.

  4. #24
    When I originally started archiving anime there were no DVD Burners around at affordable prices so all my anime were on CDs. When I did finally get a DVD Burner I compiled most my older series along with the new stuff on to DVDs. Now I've also got a 320GB External HD where I temporarily keep ongoing series until there is enough episodes to burn to DVD along with extra back up copies of all my favourite series' because when I lend out my anime to friends more times than not the discs come back damaged.

  5. #25
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    250GB internal drive
    300GB external
    The both of them are to their limits, but I do not have only anime...
    Wedding is there, uncompressed shots.
    Some TV shows

    And I'll have to motivate myself to change my internal drive, as it is becoming weak... I fear the failure that will erase most of it... almost happened once...

    I have many empty DVDRs, but I do not use them... not motivated.

    I think I'll also have to erase some anime series I didn't even watch the first ep till the end (gungrave, and some other ultraviolent series that really are not my type)

    c u

  6. #26
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    YaGaMi, you should totally get your name changed to Necromancer. Seriously, how many dead threads have you revived so far?
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  7. #27
    200GB internal, 1TB external. Got an exchange site to buy it for me with gold

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    YaGaMi, you should totally get your name changed to Necromancer. Seriously, how many dead threads have you revived so far?
    I've been browsing through the forums reading old threads. Alot of these threads I've never replied in the past because I was too lazy to log in. Anyways all the threads on the first few pages are just topics on anime series. So I'm making conversation. There may be more topics coming up soon that people are are interested in.

  9. #29
    DVD it is, at least the ones i deem worthy of keeping

  10. #30
    I save them on HDD's because I'm too lazy to burn them on DVD.

    I got 2x160gb internal but they reached their limits last week, so i bought a 500gb external HDD.

  11. #31
    AonE Staff Bread-sama's Avatar
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    I don't archive anything, except the DBZ DVD version I get from a non-english group

  12. #32
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    I delete the files and buy the actual DVD releases.

  13. #33
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I'd burn them to DVDs, keep them some where and never see them again.
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  14. #34
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I watch it, then I delete it. I'll just download it again if I ever would get the urge to rewatch a show. Which is very unlikely.

  15. #35
    Currently have around 500gb of hard drive storage, recently added 300 more so guess i'll be fine for a little while atleast.
    Some series gets deleted instantly after i've watched them and i just leave some to be dealt with later. I always had to start deleting something when i wanted to download something new and now in the end only the ones i didnt want to delete remains... so i had to buy a new HD.
    But many series also gets archived on DVD's, many because of my lazy friends that rather burn them from me than download it themselves.

  16. #36
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I dont archive. I just leave it there, and when my HD gets full, just delete some of it. I never rewatch anime anyway, and if my friends actually want to see it, I just download it again. It would also be quite inconvenient to archive everything Ive watched, since I cant keep count of it anymore, and its just too much of a pain remembering the good ones.
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